Dr. Llewellyn T. Seavey, a representative of the United States public
health service and actively engaged in the practice of medicine and
surgery at Port Townsend, was born in San Francisco county, California,
November 27, 1856, a son of James and Julia A. (Carle) Seavey. The
parents were natives of Maine but in 1856 became residents of
California. After a short period there passed they removed to Port
Ludlow, Washington, in 1856 and the father there became bookkeeper for
the Ludlow Sawmill Company, with which he was connected for four years.
He next removed to Port Townsend, where he engaged in merchandising in
connection with L. B. Hastings and for four or five years was in
business at that point. Since then he has been county auditor for
eighteen or twenty years, has been postmaster and clerk of the third
judicial district court of the territory of Washington all at one time.
He made a most excellent record in office by the fidelity and capability
with which he discharged his duties and after his retirement he entered
the abstract business, in which he remained for five years. Since then
he has lived retired and has now reached the notable old age of
ninety-one years. His wife died in Port Townsend, May 31, 1902, at the
age of seventy-five years. In their family were three children: William
S.; Mrs. Lela R. Bartlett; and Dr. Seavey, who was the second. All are
residents of Port Townsend.
In his boyhood days
Dr. Seavey attended school in Port Townsend and in San Francisco and was
also a student in Bishop Scott's grammar school at Portland, Oregon. He
afterward studied medicine with Dr. G. V. Calhoun, of Seattle, for a
year and later entered the medical department of the University of
California, from which he was graduated in 1878. He began practice in
San Francisco, where he remained for four months in the capacity of
police surgeon, and for one year he was surgeon with the Pacific Mail
Steamship Company. He afterward returned to Port Townsend, where he has
since been in active practice. For the past sixteen years he has been
connected with the United States public health service in the quarantine
department. He is one of Washington's best known physicians and surgeons
and has a wide practice in his part of the state, his pronounced ability
and conscientious performance of his duty winning for him a liberal and
constantly growing patronage.
On the 24th of
November, 1894, in Port Townsend, Dr. Seavey was married to Miss
Marguritte Nolan and they have become parents of four children: Morris
C., the eldest, born in Port Townsend in 1895, spent one year in the
University of Washington and is now with the state militia at Calexico,
California ; Esther M., born in Port Townsend in 1896, is a graduate of
the preparatory department of the Washington State College; Grace C.,
born in 1898, is attending the Port Townsend high school, and Ruth M.,
born in 1904, is also in school.