Caution: Evaluating pocket surgical cases or
kits is very, very difficult because there is no absolute description of
the instruments that will be found in the leather container. The
contents vary greatly from maker to maker and within any given maker.
It's almost as if the makers produced them to order, but we have
evidence of specifications from the catalog lists and drawings seen
Presented here
is a list of instruments from the post-Civil War, c. 1880's, Tiemann & Co.
catalog to show the types of instruments one could expect to find in a given
leather pocket surgical case or kit. One should not infer that the
instruments in the catalog at this point are exactly like those used during
the Civil War, but is is likely many of the same designs were still in use
and represented the type if not the exact instruments.
Also, see drawings
of various types of
pocket surgical kits or cases from 1870's Tiemann and Snowden.

The only time you may
see all metal handled scalpels in a pre-sterilization
kit is in a post-mortem dissection kit or minor surgical set as they
were used for cutting cartilage .