This Tiemann set is not a part of this
collection, but was sent to me for evaluation in 2008 by the family owner,
whose great-great grandfather was a doctor in the Civil War and the set has
been in the family ever since. This makes it a good learning
experience because you know some dealer has not added parts or
substitutions. This is an excellent example of an early War set as
stipulated by the Union Army Medical or Hospital Department, but is not
marked for either department. However, there is no doubt it is
military in origin.

Tiemann 63 Chatham
address, Civil War years 61-63
Military sliding locks
Brass plate is not

Male only sounds and

Mixture of ivory and
ebony handles

Typical Tiemann Civil
War period capital saw

Above: Tiemann marked
field tourniquet

Above: Tiemann marked
petite tourniquet