of Venereal Disease during the Civil War
During the Civil War, as in all wars, venereal disease was a
major problem since it disabled the soldier and decreased
his effectiveness to fight or be moved from battle to
battle. Dr.
Freeman Bumstead was one of the leading authorities on
venereal disease during the Civil War and his treatment of
one of the most common diseases is outlined below. A copy
of his book on the topic of
Venereal Disease is a part of this collection.

Preface to the
second edition with comments about knowledge of venereal
disease during the Civil War
From the Medical
and Surgical History regarding the incidence of venereal
disease during the War:
diseases were associated with intemperance in the conditions
which favored their causation. Hence they were more frequent
at the beginning and the close of the war than during its
progress, and among troops stationed in the vicinity of
cities than among those on active service. Elevations of the
lines of prevalence during the continuance of the war
correspond with the accession of fresh levies or the return
of furloughed veterans. Among the white troops, 73,382 cases
of syphilis were reported, and 109,397 cases of gonorrhea
and gonorrheal orchitis, giving a total of 82 cases of
venereal disease annually per thousand men, as compared with
87.86 in our army before the war and 87.62 from the records
of the ten years immediately following the war period. Among
the colored troops syphilis had an annual rate of 33.8 cases
and gonorrheal affections 43.9 cases per thousand of
strength. The variations in the monthly rates are shown in
the diagram facing page 890. The lines of syphilis and
gonorrhœa run courses parallel to that of their
Edited from Dr. Freeman Bumstead's text-book on Venereal
Disease (in this collection)
The treatment of
gonorrhea must be adapted to the general condition of the
patient, and especially to the stage of his
disease. In the great
majority of oases met with in practice, acute inflammatory
symptoms have already set in at the time the patient first
applies to the surgeon; but in those exceptional cases which
are seen at an early period, and in those only, we
may often succeed in cutting short the
disease by means of the
treatment termed abortive.
Treatment of the. First Stage.—During the first few days
after exposure, varying in number from one to five in
different cases, before the symptoms have become acute, when
the discharge is but slight and chiefly mucus, and while as
yet there is no severe scalding in passing water, we may
resort to caustic injections with a view of
artificial inflammation, which will tend to subside in a few
days, and supplanting the existing morbid action, which is
liable to continue for an indefinite period and is exposed
to various complications. This is known as the "
substitutive," or more commonly as the " abortive treatment"
of gonorrhea. This method has been inordinately praised and
as violently attacked ; its true merit is probably to be
found between these two extremes. It is certainly liable to
be greatly abused, and, if so, is both unsuccessful and
capable of producing the most unpleasant consequences; but.
when limited to the early stage of gonorrhea and used with
proper caution, it is a highly valuable method of treatment,
unattended with danger, and undeserving the censure
sometimes cast upon it.
In employing the
abortive treatment, there are several points which it is
important to recollect:
1. The
disease, in the stage to
which this treatment is applicable, is limited to the
anterior portion of the urethra, known as the fossa
navicularis, or extends but a short distance beyond it; it
is not necessary, therefore, that the injection should reach
the deeper portions of the canal.
2. For the
treatment to be successful, the whole diseased surface
should receive a thorough application of the injection, for
if any portion remain untouched, it will secrete matter that
will again light up the disease.
3. When once a
sufficient degree of artificial inflammation is excited, the
caustic has accomplished all that can be expected of it and
should be suspended. Since a solution of nitrate of silver,
which is commonly used in the abortive treatment, is readily
decomposed by contact with metallic substances, metal
syringes should l>e avoided. Glass syringes, if well made,
answer every purpose; but, as found in the shops, they are
apt to be unequal in calibre in different parts of the
cylinder, the wadding of the piston contracts in drying and
a portion of the fluid fails to be thrown out, as is seen by
its overflow when the syringe is filled a second time. For
these reasons, I never advise a patient to purchase an
ordinary glass syringe, knowing that it will probably give
him much annoyance, and perhaps prevent his deriving benefit
from treatment. We have an excellent substitute in the
hard-rubber syringes, which can be obtained at the
"No. 1 "
(Fig. 1) is the one generally sold when no special
form is directed by the surgeon, but its nozzle is
objectionable; it is unnecessarily
long, its point is apt to irritate the internal wall
of the canal, and it is not well adapted to fully
distend the meatus.
" No. 1,
A " (Fig. 2), is preferable. The abrupt shoulder
near the point is well adapted to fill the meatus,
and the short and rounded end cannot abrade the
sensitive mucous membrane.
Fig. 3
represents another excellent form, and one which is
recommended by Prof. Sigmund, of Vienna. I find a
figure of the same in the work of Dr. H. A. Hacker,
Die Blcnnorrhden tier Genitnlien, Erlangen,
The "
urethral syringe with extra long pipe " (Fig. 4) is,
in fact a syringe united to a catheter, and is
adapted for injections of the deeper portions of the
canal. The catheter portion may lie bent to any
curve desired by first oiling it and heating it over
a spirit-lamp; its form is then retained by dipping
it in cold water.
solution of nitrate of silver, in the abortive
treatment of gonorrhea, may be of considerable
strength, when only one injection will be required;
or it may be weak, and in that case should be
repeated at short intervals until the effect
produced be deemed sufficient. I much prefer the
latter course, especially with patients who apply to
me for the first time, since it enables me to
graduate the effect according to the susceptibility
of the urethra, which varies in different persons.
Inject the weak form of silver nitrate and water:

Goodyear black hard-rubber and a glass syringe
patient should be made to pass his water
immediately before injecting, or, better still,
a quarter of an hour before. We wish to clear
the urethra of matter, and to have the bladder
empty, so that the injection may have some time
to act before it is washed away by another
passage of the urine, and yet a short interval
between the last act of micturition and
injection is advisable, in order that as much of
the urine as possible may have drained from the
canal and little be left to decompose the
nitrate of silver. The prepuce should now be
fully retracted, and the glans penis exposed.
The latter should be wiped dry, so as to afford
a firm hold to the thumb and forefinger of the
left hand, applied laterally, not from above
downwards, and firmly compressing it around
the point of the syringe. Call the patient's
attention to the fact that the opening of the
urethra is a vertical slit; that compressing the
glans from above downwards makes this opening
gajw while the compression from side to side
closes it; hence the importance of exercising
the compression in the latter way while taking
the injection. If the pressure be properly made,
not a drop of the solution will be lost, as the
piston of the syringe is slowly forced down by
the forefinger of the right hand holding the
instrument, and the whole contents will be
discharged into the canal. The syringe should
now be withdrawn, and th« fluid still retained
for a few seconds by continuing the compression
of the glans. When the injection is allowed to
escape, it will be found to be of a milky-white
color. This is due to the partial decomposition
of the contained salt by the remains of the
urine and the muco-pus in the canal. As this
de-coin posit ion has prevented the application
of the injection in its full strength to the
urethral walls, a second syringeful should be
thrown in, and retained for two or three
minutes. During this time a finger of the
disengaged hand should be run along the under
surface of the penis from behind forwards,
so as to distend the portion of the canal
occupied by the injection, and insure the
thorough application of the fluid to the whole
mucous surface.
description of the method of using the syringe
is, in the main, applicable to all the
injections which may be required in the course
of a gonorrhea; but we are now speaking of the
abortive treatment, by means of weak injections
of nitrate of silver. We will suppose that this
first injection has been administered by the
surgeon, who, at the same time, has explained
the various steps of the operation to the
patient. The directions with regard to diet,
etc., that will presently be mentioned in
speaking of the second stage, should now
given ; the patient should be ordered to
repeat the injection every three hours, and, for
the present, it is best that he should be seen
by the surgeon twice a day. It is also well at
this time to prescribe an active purge.
The first effect of the caustic injections
is manifested in a few hours; the discharge
becomes copious and purulent, and considerable
scalding is felt in passing water. In the
course of twenty-four to forty-eight hours,
however, the discharge grows thin and
watery, and, very likely, is tinged with
blood. It is now time to stop the injection
and omit all medication for a few days,
until we see how much good has been
accomplished. If the treatment meets with
success the discharge will gradually
diminish, and finally disappear in from
three to five days. Sometimes, however,
after growing less, it again increases,
showing a tendency to relapse. In this case,
I usually advise weak injections of acetate
of zinc, as recommended in the third stage
of the disease.
Some surgeons prefer to resume the
caustic injections in the same manner as at
first if, after a week has elapsed, any
traces of the discharge remain.
The chief objection to this modification of
the abortive treatment is, that it is
necessary to leave the administration of
most of the injections to the patient, who
may be prevented by ignorance, or the
requirements of his occupation, from using
them as thoroughly or as often as is
necessary. If we have reason to fear this,
we may resort to a stronger solution, and
inject it once for all, with our own hands,
but I have found the effect decidedly less
satisfactory. It was this method of
employing the alwrtive treatment that was
recommended by Debeney of France, and
Carmichael of England, by whom this
treatment was first introduced to the
profession. The same method is also still
employed and highly recommended by many
surgeons, and especially by M. Diday of
Lyons. The strong injection should not
contain less than ten grains (0.65) of the
nitrate of silver to the ounce (30.00) of
distilled water, and more than fifteen
grains are objectionable, unless with
patients who have been under treatment
before, and in whom the urethra has been
found to be quite insensible.
Citations from the Medical/Surgical
History--Part III, Volume I
Chapter XI.--On Certain Diseases Not
Heretofore Discussed.
V.--Venereal Diseases.
Venereal diseases were associated with
intemperance in the conditions which favored
their causation. Hence they were more
frequent at the beginning and the close of
the war than during its progress, and among
troops stationed in the vicinity of cities
than among those on active service.
Elevations of the lines of prevalence during
the continuance of the war correspond with
the accession of fresh levies or the return
of furloughed veterans. Among the white
troops, 73,382 cases of syphilis were
reported, and 109,397 cases of gonorrhœa and
gonorrhœal orchitis, giving a total of 82
cases of venereal disease annually per
thousand men, as compared with 87.86 in our
army before the war and 87.62 from the
records of the ten years immediately
following the war period.(*) Among the
colored troops syphilis had an annual rate
of 33.8 cases and gonorrhœal affections 43.9
cases per thousand of strength. The
variations in the monthly rates are shown in
the diagram facing page 890. The lines of
syphilis and gonorrhœa run courses parallel
to that of their consolidation.
The hospital records present 426 cases of
venereal disease,--53 of gonorrhœa and 373
of syphilis. Of the former 50 were simple
cases and 3 complicated with suppurating
bubo. Of the latter 194 developed no
constitutional symptoms,--among these,
gonorrheal complications were present in 41
and supurating bubo in 77. It is impossible
to determine, from the language of the
record, the character of the primary sores
in 179 cases which were followed by
secondary symptoms. The most notable point
connected with their history is the
frequency with which sore throat, cutaneous
eruptions and other manifestations of the
constitutional taint are reported as having
followed venereal sores associated with
suppuration of the inguinal glands: 19 such
cases are recorded.
Treatment as a rule was first restricted to
the local lesions, mercury or iodide of
potassium being withheld until the
development of secondary symptoms. No
reference is made to scorbutic complications
nor to untoward results in constitutions
undermined by the hardships of military
service. In fact, a similar series of cases
might easily have been gathered during the
same period in the wards of our civil
hospitals. A few reports on file indicate
individual views of the method of treating
these diseases:
Ass't Surgeon ROBERT F. STRATTON, 11th Ill.
Cav., June 30, 1862.--It was impossible to
cure gonorrhœa while the patients were
exposed to the rain and had to sleep on the
damp ground and live on a salt and
stimulating ration.
Surgeon WILLIAM R. BLAKESLEE, 115th Pa.,
Alexandria, Va., Oct. 20, 1862.--Gonorrhœa
was greatly modified and in most cases
completely subdued by injecting a solution
of chlorate of potash, one drachm in eight
ounces, every hour for twelve successive
hours, and then gradually ceasing its use
during the next two or three days by
prolonging the interval between each
injection. Dietetic rules were observed,
with rest and occasionally a saline
Surgeon A. F. PECK, 1st N. M. Cav., Los
Lunas, N. M., Sept., 1862.--Nearly one-third
of the cases this month consisted of
gonorrhœa, which readily yielded to
treatment. With much inflammatory action in
the first stage, I generally prescribed a
saline cathartic, rest, cooling lotions and
low diet. After this stage had passed I
found balsam of copaiba, powdered cubebs and
magnesia given as a bolus, four or five
times a day, to be very effectual. At the
same time I used an injection of chloride of
zinc, two to four grains to the ounce of
water, once or twice a day. When the system
is much reduced tonics are beneficial.
Surgeon ISAAC F. GALLOUPE, 17th Mass., Feb.
20, 1863.--Syphilis and gonorrhœa prevailed
extensively in the regiment during its stay
in Baltimore. Rapid and complete recovery
was secured in all cases treated as
follows:--Gonorrhœa: Injections of a weak
solution of sulphate of zinc, one grain to
one ounce of water, every hour or half hour;
light diet. By this treatment the disease
was always cut short, no discharge appearing
after the first use of the injection.
Syphilis: Cauterization of the chancre in
the first instance, followed by the
continuous application of black wash. All
cases thus treated recovered without
secondary disease.
Ass't Surgeon P. W. RANDALL, 1st Cal., Fort
Bragg, Cal., Jan. 1, 1863.--For gonorrhœa my
treatment, which is successful, consists of
a thorough cleansing of the alimentary
canal, rest, low diet, the balsam and cubebs
internally, with urethral injections of
nitrate of silver, sugar of lead or sulphate
of zinc. For syphilis I use mercurial and
saline purges, rest, low diet, iodide of
potassium and bichloride of mercury, with
caustic to chancres, warts or vegetations.
Surgeon J. G. BRADY, 26th Mass., New
Orleans, La., Jan. 1, 1863.--Of the various
forms of venereal disease chancre of the
non-indurated variety is the most prevalent.
It is accompanied in a majority of cases
with bubo. The sores yield readily to
cauterization with acid nitrate of mercury
and applications of black wash, the bowels
meanwhile being regulated and the patient
kept on low diet. But one case of indurated
chancre has been observed, and this was
unaccompanied by a bubo. It was treated with
mercurials internally and pernitrate of
mercury to the sore. Sufficient time has not
yet elapsed to determine whether secondary
symptoms will be developed, No case of non-indurated
chancre has been followed by constitutional
symptoms. Gonorrhœa is much less frequent
than chancre, and more obstinate under
treatment. My practice has been to use
injections of sulphate or chloride of zinc;
occasionally, when there is irritability of
the bladder, I employ diuretics. The cases
are prone to become chronic. I have no faith
in the empirical use of balsams and
diuretics, so long considered specifics in
this disease. I consider that, by their
tendency to over-stimulate the kidneys, they
do more harm than good.
Surgeon DAVID WOOSTER, 5th Cal., Sacramento,
Cal., Jan. 13, 1862.--I inoculate every case
of chancre. If the virus take, I treat
locally and hygienically alone; if it fail
to produce chancre after the third
inoculation, I use protiodide. The cures in
both series of cases are generally
reasonably prompt, occupying from fifteen to
rarely sixty days. I have not yet had
secondary developments in cases the primary
accidents of which have been treated at this
Surgeon ALLEN F. PECK, 1st N. M. Mounted
Vols., Fort Stanton, N. M., Dec. 31,
1862.--Primary: Cauterize with nitrate of
silver, after which apply black or yellow
wash until the sore is healed. Consecutive:
If there is no constitutional
contraindication I give mercurials,--the
protiodide yields better results than any
other preparation. If the patient improves I
continue the remedy until the sores are
healed and the induration dissipated, using
at the same time disinfecting mercurial and
astringent washes. If the system is
exhausted I give tonics.
Surgeon EZRA READ, 21st Ind., Baltimore,
Md., Sept. 5, 1861.--For many years I have
pursued the method of treatment by mercurial
fumigation, which deposits the mercury upon
the surface of the body when in a state of
perspiration induced by the heated vapor of
water surrounding the patient confined in a
close and air-tight bath. This treatment is
commended to our consideration because it
eradicates the disease in a shorter period
of time than is required by the internal use
of mercury; moreover, when thus applied the
constitutional effects of the mercury are
under satisfactory control. In primary
syphilis, after careful and thorough
cauterization of the chancre, I regard
fumigation as the best method of treating
the disease, and as the most reliable means
of preventing constitutional manifestations.
In the secondary form I think it the only
method by which a perfect cure can be