Examples of
Civil War Era Instruments
with Typical Prices
instrument parts list with prices
Instruments typically found in or associated with "Civil War era"
surgical sets
Prices below are 'median prices' derived from sales catalogs,
eBay, auctions, and private sales. Prices can vary up or down
greatly due to desirable or undesirable maker names and
condition. Some maker names are more valuable than others due
to rarity or when made. The prices are general 'averages' and
do not apply to post-Civil War instruments, which would be much
less valuable. Pre-Civil War instrument values vary greatly due
to collector interest or lack of interest. Not all makers are
desirable. Prices vary greatly with individual collector
'needs' for filling out a personal surgical set.
Prices updated as of 3-2010
Excellent (exc.) means
no rust, no cracked handles, no problems.
Good means about
average, but serviceable
Add 20% for real ivory
handles, not bone
'Marked' means maker
name on instrument
photos for enlarged view
knife: large, unplated, composite handle with cross
hatching: exc. $90-150; good $70 |
forceps: unplated olive tip forceps for holding and
tying off arteries: exc. $45; good $25 |
catlin: large, double sided blade, composite handle with
cross hatching: exc. $80-110; good $70 |
director: to direct knife blade: exc. $20; good $10 |
knives: unplated curve blade with blunt tip or curved
blade and sharp point: exc. $55; good $25, for ivory add
20% |
Bone hammer
and chisel: hammer: exc. $75; chisel $45 |
forceps: long shank, serrated tips, marked: exc.
$150-250; good $100 |
Chain saw:
both handles, unmarked, no rust on chain: exc. $250;
good $100 |
End cutting
bone forceps: marked: exc. $180-220; good $95
Gemrig, bow
style capital amputation saw: for large military sets,
marked: exc. $200-350; good $100 |
Gnawing bone
forceps: round tip, marked: exc. $125-150; good $60 |
amputation saw: military, marked: exc. $250-300; good
$150 |
Hey saw:
skull trepanning saw, marked: exc. $95-180; good $50 |
saw: for small bones, marked, gutta percha cross
hatched handle: exc. $120; good $55 |
retractor: unmarked: exc. $35; good $15 |
small, marked: plain wood handle,$35; crosshatched: $55;
trepanning (metal on both ends, crosshatched middle:
$55; ivory: $65 each |
forceps: for bone fragments, holding tissue, shallow
bullets; short shanked, marked: exc. $75; good $40 |
for artery traction during suturing, marked, gutta
percha cross hatched handle: exc. $70; good $35 |
forceps: to clamp off artery or holding tissue, unplated,
marked: exc. $40-60; good $20 |
Petit's brass screw frame, fabric strap, marked: exc.
$300; good $210 |
strap: belt type for field use : exc. $200; good $150 |
bone brush: to remove bone dust from trephine, unmarked:
exc. $65; good $35 |
bone file: for smoothing edge and elevating tissues of
skull, marked: exc. $55; good $25 |
trephine: for boring hole in skull, unmarked: exc. $150;
good $70 |
Trocar: for
draining fluids, unmarked: small: exc. $55; large: exc.
$55; good $20 |
staves or sounds: urethral dilators, common to military
sets, unplated: exc. $25 each, hollow catheters, $20
each |
Various instruments and how
they were used
