American Civil War Medicine & Surgical Antiques

Surgical Set collection from 1860 to 1865 - Civilian and Military

Civil War:  Medicine, Surgeon Education & Medical Textbooks



Featuring the Collections and Museum of Medical Antiques

by Collector & Preserver:   Douglas Arbittier, MD, MBA


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 List of Drugs Carried in a Civil War Medical Wagon

The following list of drugs would have been carried in a Civil War medical wagon per the Medical Department regulations and Appendix A of the Supply list.

List of Drugs carried in a Civil War Medical Wagon

See the 1861 Revised Army Supply Table list of drugs for field and hospital, which is in Latin, as are the labels for the various containers.

acetate lead


alcoholic extract of belladonna


aromatic spirit of ammonia

aromatic sulphuric acid

bicarbonate potassa

bicarbonate soda

blistering cerate

blue mass



carbonate ammonia

castor oil

cerate of cantharides

chlorate of potassa

chlorate potassa

chlorinated solution of soda

citrate iron and quinia

citrine ointment


compound cathartic pills

compound extract of colocynth



croton oil

Dover's powder

extract of belladonna

fluid extract cinchona (aromatic)

fluid extract ginger

fluid extract ipecac

fluid extract of aconite root

fluid extract of cinchona, aromatic

fluid extract of colchicum seed

fluid extract of ginger

fluid extract of ipecac

fluid extract seneka

Fowler's solution,

fused nitrate silver


ground cayenne pepper

Hoffman's anodyne

iodide of iron

iodide of potassium

iodide polassium



mercurial ointment,

mercury with chalk


nitrate of silver (crystals)


oil of turpentine

olive oil


permanganate of potassa

pills of camphor   

pills of compound extract of colocynth

pills of opium

pills of sulphate of quinia

powdered compound extract colcoynth.

powdered gum Arabic

powdered ipecac

powdered opium

powdered Rochelle salt

powdered squill

powdered subsulphate iron

powdered tartaric acid

pure chloroform

pure glycerin

purified chloroform

resin cerate

Rochelle salt, 16 oz.

simple cerate

solution chloride zinc

solution of ammonia

solution of chloride of zinc

solution of chlorinate of soda

solution of persulphate of iron.

spirit of nitrous ether

strong alcohol

stronger ether (for anaesthesia)

stronger ether

subnitrate bismuth

sulphate cinchona

sulphate magnesia

sulphate of copper

sulphate of morphia

sulphate of quinine

sulphate zinc

sweet spirit of nitre

syrup of squill

tannic acid

tartar emetic

tincture chloride of iron

tincture of opium



(Note: In 1856 Edward Robinson Squibb founded a pharmaceutical company in Brooklyn, New York, dedicated to the production of consistently pure medicines. In 1895 Squibb passed most of the responsibility for managing the firm to his sons, Charles and Edward. The company became known as E.R. Squibb & Sons.  So, any Squibb products used in the Civil War will NOT have '& Sons' on the label.)

U. S. Army Hospital Department pannier label by Squibb

In a Civil War Squibb pannier various anesthetics were labeled:

Chloroform was labeled: CHLOROFORMUM PURIFICATUM. (chloroform) and packaged in twelve fluid ounces   

Ether was labeled: SPIRITUS AETHERIS COMPOSITUS. (compound spirits of ether) packaged in four fluid ounces) or as SPIRITUS FRUMENTI. (spirits of nitric ether) Twenty-four fluid ounces

Morphine was labeled: LIQUOR MORPHIAE SULPHATIS. (morphine sulphate solution) Sixteen grains to the fluid ounce, four fluid ounces)

Opium was labeled: PILLS OF CAMPHOR AND OPIUM. Twenty dozen; PILULAE OPII. (opium pills) Sixty dozen; PULVIS IPECAC: ET OPII. (powder of ipecac and opium) In five gram pills, thirty dozen; TINCTURA OPII. (tincture of opium; laudanum) Six fluid ounces




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Featuring the Collections and Museum of Medical Antiques

by Collector & Preserver:   Douglas Arbittier, MD, MBA


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Last update: Monday, July 22, 2024