Military Surgery Set List of Instruments
These lists are just the military set lists featured in
Tiemann's 1889 catalog (from my personal original catalog). This is by
no means all the configurations of their various standard sets, but
represents the type of instruments found in military sets during and after the Civil
War. Most of these sets are modifications of the lists provided to
Tiemann during the War by the Medical or Hospital Department surgeons for
contract production sets, rather than custom sets for or by a given surgeon.
Below is a detailed list of set specifications by the Army Medical Department
during the War.
Click on the image for a large scan of the lists, which you can print-out.

Instrument sets specified by the
U.S. Army Medical Department during the Civil War
Source: "The Medical and Surgical
History of the War of the Rebellion. (1861-65.) Part III, Volume II,
Chapter XIV.--The Medical Staff and Materia Chirugica"
The Capital Operating Case
contained: 2 amputating knives
(one long, one medium), 2 catlings (one long, one medium), 4 scalpels, 1
cartilage knife, 1 capital saw (long, bow, two blades), 1 metacarpal
saw, 1 chain saw, 1 Hey's saw, 1 trephine (conical), 1 trephine (small
crown), 1 bone forceps (Liston's long, sharp, spring handle), 1 bone
forceps (broad edged, slightly carved, spring handle), 1 bone forceps
(gnawing, spring handle), 1 bone forceps (sequestrum, spring handle), 1
artery forceps, 1 artery needle, 1 artery needle key, 12 surgeon's
needles, 1 tourniquet screw with pad, 1 tenaculum, 1 scissors,
1 chisel, 1 gouge, 1 mallet, 4 drills (with one handle), 2 retractors, 1
raspatory, 1 elevator, 1 brush, 12 yards suture wire (iron), ¼ oz.
ligature silk. 1/8 oz. wax, 1 mahogany case (brass bound, slide catch),
1 leather pouch.
(2) The Minor Operating
Case contained: 1
amputating knife, 3 scalpels, 2 bistouries, 1 hernia knife, 1
finger knife, 1 artery forceps, 1 ball forceps, 1 gullet forceps, 1
dressing forceps, 1 dissection forceps, 1 artery needle, 1
artery needle key, 12 surgeon's needles, 1 tenaculum, 2 scissors, 1
trocar and canula. 1 Belloc's canula, 1 bullet probe, 1 director, 1
cutting pliers (small), 6 steel bougies (silvered, double
curve, Nos. 1 and 2, 3 and 4, 5 and 6, 7 and 8, 9 and 10, 11 and 12), 3
silver catheters (Nos. 3, 6, and 9), 6 gum-elastic catheters (Nos. 1, 3,
5, 7, 9, and 11), 24 suture pins (silvered), 6 yards suture wire (iron),
¼ oz. ligature silk, 1/8 oz. wax, 1 mahogany case (brass bound, slide
catch), 1 leather pouch.
(3) The Pocket Case
contained: 1 scalpel, 3
bistouries, 1 tenotome, 1 gum lancet, 2 thumb lancets, 1 razor (small),
1 artery forceps, 1 dressing forceps, 1 artery needle, 6 surgeon's
needles, 1 exploring needle, 1 tenaculum, 1 scissors, 1
director, 3 probes, 1 caustic holder, 1 silver catheter (compound), 6
yards suture wire (iron), ¼ oz. ligature silk, 1/8 oz. wax, 1 Russia
leather case.
(4) The Field Case
contained: 2 amputating knives
(one long, one medium), 2 catlings (one long, one medium), 3
scalpels, 2 bistouries, 1 hernia knife, 1 finger knife, 1 capital
saw (long, bow, two blades), 1 metacarpal saw, 1 Hey's saw, 1 trephine
(conical), I bone forceps (broad edged, slightly curved, spring handle),
1 bone forceps (sequestrum, spring handle), 1 artery forceps, 1
ball forceps, 1 dressing forceps, 1 dissection forceps, 1 artery needle,
1 artery needle key, 12 surgeon's needles, I tourniquet screw with pad,
1 tenaculum, 2 scissors, 2 retractors, 1 trocar and canula, 1 raspatory,
1 elevator, 1 brush, 1 bullet probe, 1 director, 6 steel bougies,
silvered, double curve (Nos. 1 and 2, 3 and 4, 5 and 6, 7 and 8, 9 and
10, 11 and 12), 3 silver catheters (Nos. 3, 6, and 9), 6 gum-elastic
catheters (Nos. 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11), 12 yards suture wire (iron), ¼ oz.
ligature silk, ½ oz. wax, 1 mahogany case (brass bound, slide catch), 1
leather pinch; pocket case the same as allowed to staff surgeons.
Circular No. 7. Surgeon General's
Office, ( May 7, 1863)
Two Amputating Knives, one long, one medium.
Two Catlings, one long, one medium.
Four Scalpels.
One Cartilage Knife.
One Capital Saw, long, bow, two blades.
One Metacarpal Saw.
One Chain Saw.
One Hey's Saw.
One Trephine, conical.
One Trephine, small crown.
One Bone Forceps, Liston's long, sharp,
spring handle.
One Bone Forceps, broad-edged, slightly
curved, spring handle.
One Bone Forceps, gnawing, spring handle.
One Bone Forceps, sequestrum, spring handle.
One Artery Forceps.
One Artery Needle.
One Artery Needle Key.
Twelve Surgeon's Needles.
One Tourniquet Screw, with pad.
One Tenaculeum.
One Scissors.
One Chisel.
One Gouge.
One Mallet.
Four Drills, (with one handle.)
Two Retractors.
One Raspatory.
One Elevator.
One Brush.
Twelve yards Suture Wire, iron.
One ounce Ligature Silk.
One ounce Wax.
One Mahogany Case, brass bound, slide catch.
One Leather Pouch.
One Amputating Knife.
Three Scalpels.
Two Bistouries.
One Hernia Knife.
One Finger Knife.
One Artery Forceps,
One Bail Forceps.
One Gullet, Forceps.
One Dressing Forceps.
One Dissection Forceps.
One Artery Needle.
One Artery Needle Key.
Twelve Surgeon's Needles.
One Tenaculum.
Two Scissors.
One Trocar and Canula.
One Belloc's Canula.
One Bullet Probe.
One Director.
One Cutting Pliers, small.
Six Steel Bougies, silvered, double curve,
Nos. 1 and 2, 3 and 4, 5 and 6, 7 and 8,
9 and 10, 11 and 12.
Three silver Catheters, Nos. 3, 6, and 9.
Six Gum-elastic Catheters, Nos. 1, 3, 5, 7,
9, and 11.
Twenty-four Suture Pins, silvered.
Six yards Suture Wire, iron.
One ounce ligature Silk. ,
One ounce Wax.
One Mahogany Case, brass-bound, slide catch.
One Leather Pouch.
One Scalpel.
Three Bistouries.
One Tenotome.
One Gum Lancet.
IVo Thumb Lancets.
One Razor, small.
One Artery Forceps.
One Dressing Forceps.
One Artery Needle.
Six Surgeon's Needles.
One Exploring Needle.
One Tenaculeum.
One Scissors.
One Director.
Three Probes.
One Caustic Holder.
One Silver Catheter, compound.
Six yards Suture Wire, iron.
One ounce Ligature Silk.
One ounce Wax.
One Russia Leather Case.
One Leather Trunk for the set.
Two Amputating Knives, one long, one medium.
Two Catlins, one long, one medium.
Three Scalpels.
Two Bistouries.
One Hernia Knife.
One Finger Knife
One Capital Saw, long, bow, two blades.
One Metacarpal Saw.
One Key's Saw.
One Trephine, conical.
One Bone Forceps, broad-edged, slightly
curved, spring handle.
One Bone Forceps, sequestrum, spring handle.
One Artery Forceps.
One Ball Forceps.
One Dressing Forceps.
One Dissection Forceps.
One Artery Needle.
One Artery Needle Key.
Twelve Surgeon's Needles.
Pocket Case, the same as
One Tourniquet, screw, with pad.
One Tenaculeum.
Two Scissors.
Two Retractors.
One Trocar and Canula.
One Raspatory.
One Elevator.
One Brush.
One Bullet Probe.
One Director.
Six Steel Bougies, silvered, double curve,
Nos. 1 and 2, 3 and 4, 5 and 6, 7 and 8,
9 and 10, 11 and 12.
Three Silver Catheters, Nos. 3, 6, 9.
Six Gum-elastic Catheters, Nos. 1, 3, 5, 7,
9, 11.
Twelve yards Suture Wire, iron.
One ounce Ligature Silk.
One ounce Wax.
One Mahogany Case, brass bound, slide catch.
One Leather Pouch.
Allowed to Staff Surgeons
1. The dissecting case.
One Cartilage Knife.
Three Scalpels.
One Tenaculeum.
One Dissection Forceps.
One Chain and Hooks.
Two Needles and Thread.
One Enterotome.
One Scissors.
One Blowpipe.
One Chisel.
Mahogany Box.
2. The obstetrical case.
One Simpson's Forceps.
One Vectis or Lever.
One Crochet and Blunt Hook.
One Perforator.
Russia Leather Case.
3. The pocket case for hospitals.
One sharp-pointed Bistoury.
One probe-pointed Bistoury.
One Scalpel.
One Tenaculeum.
One Abscess Lancet.
One Compound Catheter.
One Straight Scissors.
One Angular Scissors.
One Dressing Forceps.
One Artery Forceps.
One Spatula.
One Director.
Two Probes.
Six Needles.
Ligature Silk and Wax.
Russia Leather Case.
4. The teeth extracting case.
One Key with three Hooks.
Two Forceps for Molars.
One Forceps for Bicuspids.
One Forceps for Incisors.
One Gum Lancet.
One Stump Elevator.
Russia Leather Case.