Thorndike Dana, M.D.
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Name: Israel Thorndike Dana
Death date: Apr 13, 1904
Place of death: Portland, ME
Type of practice: Allopath
Journal of the American Medical Association Citation:
42:1154 |
ISRAEL THORNDIKE, Portland, Me., son of Rev. Simuel Dana, grandson
of Joseph Dana, D.D., of Ipswich, Mass., and a descendant of Richard
Dana, who immigrated to this country fr im England and settled in
Cambridge, Mass., about 1640, was born in Marblehead, Mass., June
6th, 1827. He received his preliminary education in Marblehead
acad., and with his father, and attended medical lectures at
Harvard, where he graduated M.D. in
1850. He also studied at the coll. of physicians and surgeons in New
York, in Paris and in Dublin, during the years 1850 -51-52. He
settled in Portland in the last- named year, in general practice,
but giving special attention to diseases of the heart and lungs. He
is a member of the Portland natural history soc. ; of the Cumberland
со. med. soc.; and of the Maine State med. asso., of which he was
elected president in iSoS; also a member and one of the founders of
the Portland dispensary, of the Portland school for medical
instruction ; and of the Maine general hospital. His contributions
to professional literature consist of "The Use of Stethoscope in
Determining Position of Fœtus in Utero,"
Boston Medical and Surgical
Journal, Dec., 1852; "Actual Value of Medicines," lecture before
the medical school of Maine, 1861; " Medical Esprit du Corps,"
address before Maine med. asso. in 1863; " Reports on Abortion ; "
on " Defective Drainage and .Sewerage," Transactions Maine med. asso.
for 1866 and 1871 ; " Historical Address" at opening of Portland
school of med. instruction, 1874.
During 1860-61 he was prof, of
mat. med. at Bowdoin coll., and from 1862 to 1870 prof, of theory
and practice in the same institution. He has also been one of the
attending physicians of the Maine general hospitall since its
organization in 1875. For a short time during ihe war he was vol.
surg. in the Armory Square military hosp. in Washington, D. C. In
Sept., 1874, he married Caroline J.
Starr, of Portland, who died in May, 1875. In Oct., 1876, he married
Caroline U., daughter of Sylvanus R. Lyman, Esq., of Portland.