R. Frost, M.D.
1795- 1866
Professor of Materia Medica

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South-Carolina Medical School.—The
Medical Society of South-Carolina, having
organized a School of Medicine, agreeably to the powers conferred at the
last session of the Legislature, the following details are made for the
information of the public.
The Professors elected at
South Carolina Medical School are:
John Edwards Holbrook, M. D. Anatomy.
James Ramsay, M. D. Surgery.
Samuel Henry Dickson, M. D. Institutes
and Practice.
Thomas G. Priolenu, M. D. Obstetrics,
and Diseases of Women and Infants.
Henry R. Frost, M. D. Materia Medica.
Edmund Ravenel, M. D. Chemistry and Pharmacy.
Stephen Elliott, LL. D. Natural History and Botany.