Hartshorne, M.D.
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Hartshorne in this collection
Name: Edward Hartshorne
Death date: Dec 31, 1929
Death date note: This is an approximation of the
individual's death date.
Type of practice: Allopath
States and years of licenses:PA, 1881
Medical school(s): University of Pennsylvania School of
Medicine, Philadelphia, 1840, (G) |
Edward Hartshorne,
the second son of Dr. Joseph Hartshorne, was born in Philadelphia, May
14, 1818. He received the degree of A. B. in 1837, from Princeton, N.
J., and of A. M., in 1840; he received the degree of Doctor in Medicine
from the University of Pennsylvania, in 1840.
After graduating, he was First Assistant Physician in the Insane
Department of the Pennsylvania Hospital. He next served for two years,
(1841-43), as resident physician of the general department of the
Pennsylvania Hospital; he was also for a short period at the Friend's
Asylum for the Insane at Frankford,
near Philadelphia. In 1843, he was elected the first resident physician
of the Eastern Penitentiary, at Philadelphia, and in his annual reports,
gave special attention to the effects of separate confinement upon the
mental as well as physical condition of the convicts, clearly showing
the entire absence of evidence that this system was the cause of disease
or impairment of general health. A second edition of this report,
published by the Inspectors in 1845, was largely circulated in England,
and translated and published in France, Germany, Belgium, and Holland.
Dr. Hartshorne, in 1844, went to Europe and spent two years in studies
and observations at the large hospitals of the continent, and, on his
return home, he commenced the practice of his profession.
In 1850, he married Adelia C. Pearse, formerly of Boston.
He was elected to the Surgical Staff of the Pennsylvania Hospital 1859,
resigned 1865. He was editor for one year of the Journal of Prison
Discipline, Philadelphia. Articles and reviews were contributed by him
to the Medical Examiner, Philadelphia ; American Journal of the Medical
Sciences (1850-1870); and to the North American Medico-Chirurgical
Review. He also wrote an extended notice of Wharton and Stille's
Treatise on Medical Jurisprudence. He delivered a course of lectures on
Medical Jurisprudence, in connection with an Association of medical
gentlemen, all of whom obtained subsequent distinction as public
instructors. In 1853, he edited, with notes and additions, the American
Edition of Taylor's Medical Jurisprudence.
During the civil war he was on duty as Acting Assistant Surgeon, in the
field, after the battle of Antietam, and for one or two years, as
attending or consulting surgeon, to the McClellan, Nicetown and other
Army Hospitals in or near Philadelphia.
From the Medical and
Surgical History:
CASE 191.--Private
Peter Brandey, company D, 62d New York volunteers; admitted August 12,
1862. Intermittent fever and diarrhoea. Died, August 26th.--Acting
Assistant Surgeon E. Hartshorne. [Nos. 148 and 149, Medical Section,
Army Medical Museum, are .from this case. The specimens are two
successive portions of colon, the surface of which has been
extensively eroded by ulceration, leaving, however, numerous little
islets of intact mucous membrane; in many of which pinhead ulcers of
the solitary follicles can be seen.
He was actively engaged in the
organization of the Philadelphia branch of the United States Sanitary
Commission, during the war, being Secretary of its Executive Committee.
He was Secretary of the First National Quarantine and Sanitary
Convention, which met in Philadelphia a few years before the war. He was
a Fellow uf the College of Physicians, a member of the Academy of
Natural Sciences, of the American Medical Association, American
Philosophical Society, Philadelphia County Medical Society, Historical
Society of Pennsylvania and others.
He died June 22, 1885, aged sixty- seven years.