W. Perry, M.D., CSA

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Name: Alfred W. Perry
Cause of death: senility
Death date: May 29, 1929
Place of death: San Anselmo, CA
Birth date: 1842
Place of birth: Boston, MA
Type of practice: Allopath
Practice specialities: PH Public Health
States and years of licenses:CA, 1876
Places and dates of practices: San Francisco, CA, Oct 1,
1911, San Anselmo, CA, Oct 4, 1915
Medical school(s): New Orleans School of Medicine, 1862, (G)
Other education: New Orleans
Journal of the American Medical Association Citation: 93:52
Lieut. Colonel A. G. Mills- Apr. 24—Aug. 16, 1862; returned to 9th
Quarter Master S E Rumble — detached service Dec. 1863
Assistant Surgeon L H Cohen — Sept.—Dec. 1863; to 24th Miss
Assistant Surgeon Alfred W.
Perry — transferred to Macon, Ga.
Assistant Surgeon William W
Moore — captured at Murfreesboro
Assistant Surgeon Thomas Turner — transferred to 41st Miss
(Note: The following 7th
information is from an internet printed source and may or may not be
100% accurate. Please see the following site for additional
updates: )
The Seventh Mississippi was one
of the original eight regiments called into state service under the
first call for troops from Mississippi on March 9, 1861. The various
companies were being enrolled from April to August and were mustered by
various officers including Brigadier-General H.R. C1ark, a physician who
had lived in Franklin County; Ms. The Seventh was a pleasing designation
in Franklin County, as that had been the designation of Franklin County
troops in territorial days.
The companies were moved to Natchez, where they “boarded ships to the
guff coast”. In late August or early September. It was intended by
Governor John J. Pettus that the Seventh would become one of three
regiments and a battalion for coast defense. It was organized on
September 25, 1861, with headquarters at Bay St. Louis. The companies
were scattered to Camp Goode at Shieldsboro, Camp Clark at Bay St. Louis
and at Pass Christian. During this time, it was quite easy for a man to
go home and join another regiment, or just go home. The men suffered
from camp fever, pneumonia and measles. It is hard for us to believe
today, but many died of the measles.
There was a high wind and rain the night of October 31, 1861, in which
many records were ruined. During this period, if a man was ill two
months, he as usually discharged.
The regiment was ordered to join the Army of Tennessee and left by
railroad cars. There was a railroad collision at Ponchatoula, Louisiana
on February 27, 1862, with heavy loss of life. Incidentally there was a
later railroad collision in Alabama in1863, with minor losses. The unit
participated at Shiloh with an undetermined killed and wounded. Some
records are incomplete, but it is believed many who died shortly after
Shiloh of typhoid fever were actually dying of wounds, which induced
fever. Some were also wounded and killed in the defense lines at
At Mumfordville, Kentucky (called Mumsfordville in Confederate Records),
the regiment was heavily engaged in the area called Fort Craig. The old
men and boys were discharged at Barbstown, Kentucky and all foreign
nationals that wanted a discharge. From this date until the end of the
war, the regiment was nearly continually on the line participating in
various skirmishes and actively engaged at Murfreesboro, Tn.,
Chickamauga, Ga., Missionary Ridge, Tn. and in 1863 Atlanta campaign.
They were actively engaged at Kennesaw Mountain, Marietta, Rasaca and in
two battles at Atlanta on July 22nd and 28th, 1863. They fought at
Jonesboro and in the Tennessee campaign At Franklin and Nashville. Many
men were wounded and sent to various hospitals (official regimental
musters have been found after August1864). It was found that at the end
of the hostilities, men were scattered from Mississippi to North
Carolina. We are more familiar with the men of Company A, B and K who
were wholly or partially enlisted from Franklin County. It was found
that many were discharged and later joined other infantry artillery or
cavalry units. Although we have not made a complete study of the other
companies, we feel that the same trend occurred in those units. Pension
records in Franklin County show that some men were wounded at places
that were not shown by Confederate records.
The most influential men of the counties made up the officers and
non-commissioned officer corps, i.e. the State Representatives, County
Officials and rich planters. Most of the men were farmers but the
butcher, the baker, the cobbler and everybody and his brother went.
In the company records listed below which contain a list of all of the
men of Companies A thru K, we will leave out most hospital records, ages
of the men, and special duty such as teamster etc. Some men were wounded
three and four times, suffered imprisonment possibly twice, and had
numerous adventures. We have culled this material and will only mention
one, two or possibly three facts about each man.
Lieut. Colonel A. G. Mills- Apr. 24—Aug. 16, 1862; returned to 9th
Quarter Master S E Rumble — detached service Dec. 1863
Assistant Surgeon L H Cohen — Sept.—Dec. 1863; to 24th Miss
Assistant Surgeon Alfred W.
Perry — transferred to Macon, Ga.
Assistant Surgeon William W
Moore — captured at Murfreesboro
Assistant Surgeon Thomas Turner — transferred to 41st Miss
Medical and Surgical History citations (post
civil war):
A. W. PERRY--Abscess of the liver; its
connection with dysentery, loc. cit., note (§), p. 553: "I am satisfied
that it is a very common disease in New Orleans, and the southern
portions of the country." This opinion is supported by the fact that the
author had observed "within a short space of time," at the Charity
hospital, New Orleans, five cases of liver abscess, four of which were
complicated with dysentery. One of these cases (No. 4) is so doubtful
that the author says: "the abscess in this case, if one existed, and I
think it did, probably was small and became encysted;" the patient
recovered. The three others died, and are referred to in the note cited
above. The author also states that of 3,936 deaths entered on the
mortuary records of New Orleans between May 20 and October 8, 1866, but
two were attributable to abscess of the liver.
New Orleans School of Medicine.
D. WAREEN, BEICKELL, M. D., Professor of Obstetrics and Diseases of
Women and Children.
HOWARD SMITH, M. D., Professor of Materia Medica.
I. L. CRAWCOUB, M. D.. Professor of Principles and Practice of Medicine.
ALFRED 0. HOLT, M. D.. Professor of Clinical Medicine.
SAM'L LOGAN, M. D., Professor of Surgery.
A. E. PETICOLAS, M. D., Professor of Anatomy.
J. DICKSON BRUNS. M. D., Professor of Physiology and Pathology.
W. S. MITCHELL, M. D., Adjunct Professor of Ophthalmic Medicine and
Demonrtrators of Anatomy.
JOS. HOLT, M. D.— Obstetrics, etc.
JOHN W. CALDWELL, M. D —Materia Medica and Therapeutics.
LE GRAND G. CAPERS, M. D.— Surgery.
ALFRED W. PERRY. M. D.— Practice and
Clinical Medicine-
L. H. COHEN, M. D.— Chemistry.
J. B. DAVIS, M. D.— Anatomy.