Holmes Powell, M.D.

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Name: Hunter Holmes Powell
Death date: Jan 9, 1915
Place of death: Cleveland, OH
Birth date: Dec 16, 1843
Place of birth: Middleburg, VA
Type of practice: Allopath
Practice specialities:OBS Obstetrics, PD Pediatrics
States and years of licenses:OH, 1896
Places and dates of practices:Cleveland, OH, 1909
Hospital affiliations: Cleveland City Hospital, Lakeside
Hospital, Cleveland, St. Ann's Maternity & Orphan Asylum
Medical school(s): Medical College of Virginia Commonwealth
University School of Medicine, Richmond; Hampden-Sidney
Coll. Med. Dept., 1867, (G)
Other education: Winchester Acad., Bloomfield Acad., VA
Professorship: Case Western Reserve University School of
Medicine, Cleveland: Cleveland Medical College, obstetrics,
Journal of the American Medical Association Citation: 64:453 |