Theodore Gaillard Thomas, M.D.

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Theodore Gaillard Thomas (1832-1903) was an American gynæcologist, born in Edisto Island, S. C., and educated in Charleston. He studied in Europe, principally in Paris and Dublin, in 1853-55, and began the practice of his profession in New York.

He was a lecturer in New York University (1855-63), and professor in the College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York City (1863-1889, where he held the chair of gynæcology when he retired. Thomas was the first to perform and publish an account of vaginal ovariotomy (1870). He wrote Diseases of Women (Philadelphia, 1868), which passed through six editions in English, and was translated into French, German, Spanish, Chinese, and Italian.

Charleston Med. Coll., 1852, M. D. Lecturer on Obst. in Med. Dept. Univ. City of N. Y. from 1855 to 1860. Prof. Obst. and Dis. of Women and Children in Coll. Phys. and Surg. since 1865. Phys. to Roosevelt Hosp., 1871. Attg. Surg. to N. Y. State Women's Hosp., 1872. Obst. Surg. to Stranger's Hosp., 1870. Consulting Phys. to St. Mary's Hosp. for Women, Brooklyn, 1869 ; to St. Francis Hosp., Jersey City, 1870; to N. Y. Disp. for S1ck Children, 1871, and to Nursery and Child's Hosp., N. Y., 1871 ; Prest. N. Y. Obst. Soc.; Sec'y N. Y. Acad. Med. from 1859 to 1861 ; Vice-Prest. N. Y. Co. Med. Soc., 1869.


From Bellevue Hospital:

Thomas, Theodore Gaillard,  2d Medical Division, 1853, II.

M. D., Medical College of the State of South Carolina, 1852; at Lying-in Asylum, Dublin, 1854; hospitals of Paris, 1854-56; Attending Physician, Demilt Dispensary, New-York City, Diseases of the Skin, 1855-60; Lecturer on Obstetrics, University of the City of New- York, 1855-60; Adjunct Professor of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children, Columbia, 1863-65 ; Professor, 1865-79; Professor of Diseases of Women, 1879-89; Visiting Physician, Strangers' Hospital, New- York City, 1871-72; Bellevue Hospital, 1859-71; New- York State Woman's Hospital, 1864-70; Charity Hospital, 1860-66; Maternity Hospital, 1878-80; Roosevelt Hospital, 1871-81; Consulting Physician, New-York State Woman's Hospital, since 1870; St. Mary's Female Hospital, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1869-84; Nursery and Child's Hospital, New-York City, since 1871; New- York Infirmary for Women and Children since 1871; St. Francis' Hospital, Jersey City, N. J., 1870-80; New- York Foundling Asylum since 1880; French Hospital, since 1881; President, New-York Obstetrical Society, 1866; Secretary, New-York Academy of Medicine, 1859-61; Vice-President, 1878-81; Medical Society of
the County of New-York, 1869. Author of "A Practical Treatise on Diseases of Women," H. C. Lea, Son & Co., 5th ed., 1880. General Medicine and Diseases of Women: 600 Madison Avenue, New-York City.





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