Medical College Catalogue, 1850, 185
Annual Announcement of
Lectures with a catalogue of graduates
List of graduates from:
1839 to 1852

1850 |

1852 |
It is likely and possible
any number of the graduates of Albany Medical College would have
served in the Civil War. They would have been seasoned
physicians by the time of the War.
Posted here are the
catalogues for 1850 and 1852, listing the students enrolled at
the time (a much, much larger number than shown as graduates for
any given year) and the graduates from 1839 to 1852.
Also listed is the faculty
and examples of the lecture cards issued to the students for
payment and admission to their courses during the current year.
Faculty 1950 - 1852
Alden March, M.D., Practice of Surgery
James McNaughton, M.D., Practice of
T. Romeyn Beck, M.D., Materia Medica
Ebenezer Emmons, M.D., Obstetrics and
Natural History
Lewis C. Beck, M.D., Chemistry and
James H. Armsby, M.D., Anatomy
Thomas Hun, M.D., Institue of Medicine
Amos Deal, Exq. Medical Jurisprudence |
Albany Medical
College, 1840 - 41

J. H. Armsby, M.D.
Amos Dean, prof.
Albany Medical College 1862-63
Medical Student: John D. Young

John V. P. Quackenbush, M.D.
Howard Townsend, M.D.
Dr. J. V. P. Quackenbush
was New York Surgeon-General
from '63 to '65, under Gov. Seymour, and carried out its
arduous duties almost to the end of the war.
(John Quackenbush shown as a graduate in catalogue below)
Graduate List 1839 to 1849

Discussion of the College's rules, regulations, data, and fees

A list of the
students and their hometowns for the year 1850. Many of these
students may have just been upgrading their knowledge, or dropped out
after taking a number of courses. But, most likely the majority
were 'refreshing' or expanding their limited knowledge. The number
of students registered for a current year is huge compared to how may
actually graduated in previous years. Since the admission
requirements and the curriculum was only two years, it might have been a
case of many attended, but few succeeded.

1852, list of former
graduates, current students, and rules and regulations
