following is a dictated translation of the hand-written application to
the U. S. Navy Examination Board during the Civil War by a civilian
physician/surgeon for a position as a medical officer in the Federal
Navy or for promotion to Assistant Surgeon by an Acting Assistant
Surgeon. The actual
applications are in the possession of the author and presented to
enlighten the general public and other researchers as to the education
process before and during the Civil War, the personal history of the
applicants, as well as to show their personal level of medical knowledge
in answering the questions asked by the Navy Board of Examiners.
(Some applicants failed to pass and did not serve or served in the Union
This written presentation was first of a part of a two-part exam consisting of a written
exam and an oral exam.
Many of these applications are rich
with highly detailed medical content offering an interesting perspective
on the medical knowledge and practices of the period.
A broad sampling of these exams is presented to
give you a 'picture' of the type of applicant being examined and
admitted to or rejected by the Federal Navy in 1863. Much more detail
on the individuals and their personal and naval history will be
presented in a forth-coming book by Dr. Herman.
(The actual written exam photos are available, but not presented on
these pages due to the size of the files. An
of a hand-written exam is on the
'List of all Applicants' page)
If you have additional information or images for any of these
doctors, please
contact us.
A list with links to
all applicants in this survey of U.S. Navy Applicants for 1863
Example of a handwritten exam given by the Navy Examination Board
Applicant: Scollay Parker, M.D.
Charlestown Sept 7 ‘63
Dr. Rushenberger,
My name is Scollay Parker. I was
born in Brunswick Georgia in 1839 – am now 24 years old. My father is a
railroad superintendent and has lived with his family at or near Boston,
Mass. I have lived in Boston all my life excepting 5 yrs which I spent
in Baltimore. I graduated at the Latin School in 1857 and immediately
entered Harvard College whence I graduated in 1861.
I then joined the Harvard Medical
School in which I have studied two years, and attended two courses of
For 6 weeks from June 11 1861 to July
30 1861 I was engaged as a nurse in the hospital transports Daniel
Webster No 1 – S R Spaulding, using conveying sick + wounded soldiers
from Virginia to Northern hospitals.
With much respect
I remained ever yours etc
Scollay Parker.
37 West Cedar St
[Board comment in pencil]: Both
Dr. [Thomas M.] Potter and I have been very favorably impressed
by the examination of this gentleman, who hopes, in time, to qualify
himself for a permanent appointment. He gave us very decided
indications of a good mind and good general tone. If appointed, he will
be a useful person I think. He has been examined without the formality
of a “permission” W.H.W.R.
Questions by the Board:
Dr. Scollay Parker is requested to
write answers the following questions.
1. What are the
officinal preparations of opium, and what is the dose of each?
2. What a physical
properties and composition of atmospheric air?
3. What are the
symptoms of intermittent fever?
4. How was
suppression distinguished from retention of urine?
5. What is the
origin, course and distribution of femoral artery?
6. What are the
indications of treatment in Dysentery?
1. The officinal preparations of
Opium are Pulvis Opii, Tinctura Opii, Tinctura Opii Camphorata, Morphia,
Morphia Sulphas, Morphia Acetate, Morphia Munata, Narcotina, Pulvis
Doveri composed of Opium + Ipecae 1gr each Sulphate Potash 8grs,
Linimentum Saponis et Opii, Emplastrum Opii. Dose of Pulvis Opii 1gr.
Tinctura Opii or Laudanum about 13 minims or 20 to 25 gtts. Tinctura
Camphorated or Paregoric composed of Opium, Camphor-anise seed or
similar aromatic, about a drachm. Morphia 1/6gr = 1gr of Opium + about
the same dose for its compounds. Narcotina is seldom used. Its dose is
a little larger that that of Morphia about 1/5 or 1/6 gr. Admitted by
the rectum the dose is 1/3 or ¼ larger than by the stomach. The
Liniment + Emplastrum are for external use. Dose of Dover’s powder
10grs = 1gr of opium.
2. Air is a transparent colorless
gas, everywhere diffused in nature, transmits pressure equally in all
directions, has a very powerful tendency to fill up a vacuum by rushing
in, is capable of great condensation + has great expansive force,
differs much in density dry air being lighter than moist, is capable of
receiving a large amount of heat + of losing it again, passes in
different direction as wind + very swiftly as well as slowly.
It is composed of 4equiv of nitrogen
+ 1 of oxygen which latter is necessary to support life, always contains
some Carbonic Acid sometimes a great deal + watery vapor. It is
necessary for all species of animals + vegetables. In animals most of
the oxygen is absorbed in the lungs + passes into the blood while
carbonic acid is driven all off.
3. Intermittent fever is caused by a
malarious gases evolve in hot + damp climates from decaying vegetable
matter and from hot damp air and changes from sultry heat + damp to a
cool + damp temperature. The symptoms generally began with lassitude,
pain in the limbs + back, headache. The peculiar symptoms are a chill
in which the pulse is slow the extremities + whole surface of the body
feels cold to the patient though they may be warm to the touch, there is
chattering of the teeth + restlessness attended with depression of
spirits. This stage lasts about an hour or more sometimes 2 or 3. The
duration varies with the violence of the attack. The next is the hot or
febrile stage in which the skin becomes hot + dry, the pulse rapid +
full, the tongue dry, the respiration rapid, the face flushed, the head
aching or with a feeling of tension, the urine scanty + high colored.
This lasts 3 or 4 hours and is succeeded by a copious perspiration with
the febrile symptoms gradually abating. The patient feels the lassitude
+ a version to active employment for some time after. This is the 1st
of a series of attacks which come after each other with intermissions of
about the same duration. The fever is called quotidian, tertiary or
quaternary as 24, 48, or 72 hrs elapsed between each attack. A quotidian
comes everyday at about the same hour, a tertiary every 1st 3rd
5th 7th day + so on + a quaternary every 1st
4th 7th + soul on both about the same hour. The
attacks are most frequent in the morning then at night.
4 Suppression of urine
would be caused by some trouble in the kidneys they not secreting the
constituents of urine from the blood, while retention of urine would be
caused by the inability of the bladder to empty its content either from
temporary paralysis or paralysis or some other active cause, or stoppage
of urethra. In the former case the pain felt would be referred to the
region lumbar, suppression would be more apt to occur after some other
symptoms of diseased action of the kidneys and would be more likely to
be followed by constitutional symptoms of Uraemia such as chills rigors,
ascites, or anasarca + irregular action of the heart. Retention of
urine would cause a great distention of the bladder which could be felt
on examination + sometimes seen. The feeling of distention often
followed by pain would be very great over the pubes and a sympathetic
feeling of warmth + irritation of the urethra. In suppression the
efforts to empty the bladder might pass a little urine as suppression is
generally not total. In retention the contents of the bladder could be
drawn off by passing the catheter and the symptoms be greatly relieved,
in suppression there would be little if any to draw off. Great nervous
or mental excitement may temporarily cause either.
5. The femoral artery is
the external iliac after it emerges from poupart’s ligament and
continues down the leg till it pierces the Adductor magnus muscle to the
space behind the knee joint where it becomes the popliteal. Just after
emerging from poupart’s ligament it gives off the external epigastric
which supplies the integument + fascia of the lower part of the abdomen
near the pubes + the external circumflex ilii which supplies the
superficial parts winding round the anterior superior spine of the ilium.
It also supplies small branches to the lower part of the external organs
of generation as the scrotum etc. Its largest branch is the profunda
which passes backward + downward about 1 or 2 inches below pouparts
ligament which gives off 2 circumflex arteries which
wind around the leg + anastomose
with the branches of the popliteal giving a collateral circulation when
the femoral is tied and supplying muscles + three perforating which do
the same + supply the back muscles of the leg. The femoral supplies a
nutrient artery to the bone + small muscular twigs. The femoral vein in
the same sheath is inside first then behind + then outside the artery.
The Profunda artery + vein lie behind. The guide to the artery is the
sartorius muscle which lies on its outer edge + the adductor longus on
its inner. The course of the artery as a line drawn from midway of
poupart’s ligament to the inner side of the knee. The artery is covered
by the integument fasciae + glands.
6. Dysentery arises from
an ulceration of the colon + upper part of the rectum + the passage of
blood through their walls. There is great pain in the bowels with
tenesmus at stools + a frequent desire to go to stool. The stomach is
affected causing nausea + vomiting with pain in the head + general
weakness. There are also febrile symptoms. The indications are to
quiet the peristaltic motion of the bowels to check secretion + to
relieve pain. For these purposes laudanum is better then pulvis opii as
it is more acceptable to the stomach. It is administered by enema also
frequently with starch or flax seed tea. The dose by the rectum is ¼ or
1/3 larger than by mouth. To allay vomiting ice swallowed whole is very
good, also carbonic acid water, + cooling mixtures. A blister over the
epigastrium is very good. Opium may be sprinkled if necessary on
blistered surface. Cooling acid drinks for the febrile symptoms.
Perfect rest in bed with as good ventilation as possible, patient
neither too hot not too cold, warmth + friction to the extremities or
body if necessary. Generally a light diet of farinaceous articles such
as are digested mostly in the upper part of the alimentary canal.
Stimulants as alcohol or carbonate of Ammonia if the patient is greatly
prostrated. If the attack has continued some time and there is no
danger of fever beef tea + nourishing diet should be given. If arising
from malarious causes quinine as a tonic is very good. Strong
astringents as the mineral acids + their salts of zinc, Iron, copper +
silver are sometimes given.