Dr. Doug Arbittier
Pre-1900 medical, surgical, dental, and
bloodletting antiques
E-mail Contact for
Dr. Doug Arbittier
of this site
We are happy to refer you to
other medical 'collectors' if we do not collect or need the pre-1900 medical items you may
wish to sell or discuss. Please see: 'Seller's Services'
A partial list of items we want to buy for our
collections: ( please see photo examples below)
Pre-1900 surgical sets in wood cases or
wrapped in leather cases
Pre-1900 medical or dental catalogs featuring
instruments sold by pre-1900 instrument makers
Pre-1900 binaural stethoscopes,
especially those with silk wrapped tubing and ebony or ivory ear pieces
Leech jars, blood letting
devices, also books or images
related to bloodletting or leeches
Non-metallic handled individual instruments
with ivory, mother-of-pearl inlay, ebony, bone, or other non-metal handles
Pre-1900 wood cased, medical and dental
items with non-metallic handles like the photos below or any
place on this Web site
A set of eight books by Marc Jean Bougery, "Traite Complete de l'Anatomie de l'Homme,
Comprenant la Medecine Operatoire," Paris, 1831-1854, 8 vols.

Please note:
our prices depend on condition, completeness, correct instruments, rarity, and
desirability. Since we are collectors and not dealers, we are going to offer
you more because we are not going to resell your set.
WANTED: Large Surgery Sets
Main interest: Amputation or surgical sets in wood boxes
with velvet-like or chamois lining. The handles will be non-metal, and most likely
made of ebony, cross-checked hard rubber, or ivory.
The cases often have brass corners and are inlayed
on the top with a name plate. Most will contain a saw and various knives.
Large multi-level sets like this one, which are
complete may be worth $2,000 to $7,000 or more depending on condition and completeness. Quotes
gladly given. How will you know unless you ask us? |
WANTED: Obstetrical Instrument Sets
Obstetrical delivery sets in leather or wood case, but
with non-metal handles.
$2,000 to $3,000 and up for large
complete ob sets in wood cases. |

WANTED: Amputation Sets in Cases
Complete medical, dental, drug, or surgical sets in the case
or box. Especially Mahogany or fruit wood boxed instruments cases which are lined
with velvet or chamois. Note the case is reinforced with brass corners.
$1,000 to $3,000 and up for smaller
complete amputation sets like this. |
Resection Surgical Set
Surgical set specifically for bone surgery by Tiemann or Gemrig.
Paying $5,000 and up for
this type of set by any maker.
See additional
photos |
WANTED: Neurosurgery Sets
Neurosurgical kits with "Trephine" and other
"brace and bit" type instruments in velvet or chamois lined cases.
$3,000 to $5,000
and up for this large type of set. Smaller cased sets bring less, but still in the
thousands. |
WANTED: Dental instruments in cases
Dental instruments with ivory handles, inlayed with
mother-of-pearl, agate, or a fancy handles. Dental instruments in cases or complete
Paying $2,000 and up
for full cased dental sets with ivory handles.
Also looking to purchase sets or individual
dental extraction forceps like those in the drawing to the right.
Paying top dollar. Let us
know what you have available.
WANTED: Early Stethoscopes
Early stethoscopes with ebony or ivory ear pieces, and cloth
or silk covered tubing.
Paying $500 and up for
early pre-1900 excellent condition stethoscopes like these with silk wrapped tubing and
non-metallic bells. |
Any excellent condition individual
instruments made and marked:
G. Tiemann, Geo. Tiemann.
or other
manufactures such as listed below: (We are always looking for parts to back-fill
existing sets with missing parts.)
George Tiemann
Hermann Hernstein
Ferdinand G. Otto
John Reynders
Jacob H. Gemrig
Horatio G. Kern
George P. and Henry C. Snowden
Dietrich W. Kolbe
Louis V. Helmold
Goulding |
Martin Kuemerl
Charles Lentz
Frederick c. Leypoldt
Jacob J. Teufel
Augustus Wirz
Wiegand and Snowden
Codman and Shurtleff
William Z. Rees
W. Ford
Max Wocher & Son |
Basically we're looking for fancy or
complicated surgical instruments with ivory, ebony, gutta percha, bone, or other
non-metallic handles.
We especially need
pre-1900 catalogs featuring medical, bleeder, surgical, or dental instruments for research
Items specifically wanted:
Cased cupping sets with glass horn
or metal cups
Paying $500 and up for nice sets |
Bleeding bowls. Paying $500 to $2,000. |
Lancet cases made of silver, gold, shagreen
(fishskin), ebony, ivory, leather, horn, tortoise, etc. These hold lancets with
mother of pearl, tortoise, or wooden covers. Paying $200 to thousands for rare cases. |
Rare fleams, scarificators, spring lancets or
unusual form. Paying $100 for common examples to over $1,000 for rare pieces. |
Porcelain leech jars. Paying $2,000 to
$6,000 for rare jars with white, green, red or yellow gilded letters.
Also wanted, books or
images related to bloodletting or leeches |
Fine and unusual tourniquets. Paying hundreds
for fine pieces. |
Please note, we
do not collect and cannot answer questions on of the
- Any type of furniture, chairs, large cabinets, or anything
that even looks like furniture
- No dental chairs, no medical tables, nothing like this.
- medical or dental "related " items like books or
office furnishings
- quackery of any age or type. No electrical devices at
- post 1900 medical miscellaneous odds and ends or chrome
- post 1900 medical instruments with metal handles
- any type of drug or apothecary sets not in a wood case
If you have items "like those on this
site" which you wish
sell, please e-mail Dr. Arbittier