The Arbittier Museum of Medical History

Medical Antiques


American Civil War Surgical & Medical Antiques

The Internet Resource for collecting early medical, Civil War, surgical, apothecary,

dental, and bloodletting antiques 

Featuring the Collections and Museum of Medical Antiques by Collector & Preserver:   Douglas Arbittier, MD, MBA


Follow on Instagram @medical.antiques


The content of this web site is an on-going educational project for those interested in collecting and learning more about our fascinating medical history. Specializing in cased surgical and dental sets, bloodletting artifacts, early medical instruments, as well as medicine and surgery during the Civil War.  If you are seeking research, photos, information, pricing, and people who are passionate about preserving our medical and surgical history... this is the place to visit.


The Arbittier Museum of Medical History


Tour The Arbittier Museum of Medical History


This website is divided into two parts:

 'General Medical Antiques' and 'Civil War Medical Antiques'


There is a separate index for the General and Civil War sections.




'General Medical Antiques'




Antiques on this web resource run the medical gamut to include American, English, French, German, medical art and Italian large cased surgical sets, dental instruments, apothecary items, obstetrical pieces, stethoscopes, hearing devices, spectacles, and bloodletting devices like spring lancets, fleams, scarificators, and leech jars!   There is a complete Civil War display of military surgery sets as well as Civil War surgeon images.  The entire  collection is housed in a stand-alone private museum.


Brought to you by private collector and preserver of medical antiques:   Douglas Arbittier, MD, MBA


General Medical Antiques:


And be thankful you live in today's medical world...



NEW!  Medical Xylograpy display and the 7/18/2024 New York Times Fraud article




 'Civil War Medical Antiques'


American Civil War Medicine & Surgical Antiques

Civil War Surgical Set collections from 1860 to 1865 - Civilian and Military

Surgeon Education & Medical Textbooks

Brought to you by:

 Douglas Arbittier, MD, MBA 






There are over 900 pages and 10,000+ images in this extensive study of Civil War medical and surgical history.  Subjects covered: medical text books, medical school history, military medicine, Civil War military surgical sets, in-depth analysis of instruments found in surgical sets, military images of surgeons, and hundreds of articles on surgery and instruments from 1840 to 1870. 



The name "MedicalAntiques" and "" is a registered Trademark and a registered domain .  All photos and material on this site are copyrighted 1998 - 2024  Please obtain direct permission to use any and all material on this site, including the photographs.  You may not use any of the content of this Web site on any other Web site without specific e-mail permission from Dr. Doug Arbittier. 

Primary, secondary, and high-school students may use content without direct permission for homework assignments, but a credit to the web site would be appreciated.  All others must have direct written permission from Dr. Douglas Arbittier for use of any and all content on these web pages.



Topical Index for General Medical Antiques


Civil War Medicine & Surgical Antiques Index


Alphabetical Index for American Civil War Surgical Antiques


Early General Medical             Civil War Medical


 Arbittier Museum of Medical History Tour:   1 | 2 | 3


Featuring the Collections and Museum of Medical Antiques

by Collector & Preserver:   Douglas Arbittier, MD, MBA


Follow on Instagram @medical.antiques


Wanted to purchase list


Please send E-mail to Dr. Doug Arbittier


Last update: Tuesday, September 24, 2024