The De Gregoris Image collection

The original source of this collection of Civil War CDV's is Civil War surgeon, Charles Henry Alden, Brigadier General, Medical Corps, U.S. Army

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This collection of CDV's has NOT been researched yet and there ARE errors and omissions.  Any help in supplying information or sources on the individuals would be greatly appreciated. 

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AD 4a

Joseph K. Barnes, Surgeon General, 1864 

Pa, Pa

Asst Surg 15 June 1840; Maj surg 29 Aug 18 56;  Lt Col Medical  Inspector 9 Feb 1863;  Col Med Inspr General 10 Aug 1863; Brig Gen Surg Gen 22 Aug 1864; retd 30 June 1882; bvt maj gen 13 Mar 1865 for fai and mer ser dur the war; died 5 Apr 1883

Joseph K. Barnes, M.D. (July 21, 1817 – April 5, 1883) was an American physician and the 12th Surgeon General of the United States Army (1864–82).

Born in Pennsylvania to a prosperous Federal judge, Barnes studied medicine at Harvard University, but left before finishing his studies due to ill health. He later studied medicine with Surgeon General Thomas Harris of the United States Navy, and received his medical degree from the University of Pennsylvania in 1838.

After the shelling of Fort Sumter, he was ordered east and served successively as medical director of the forces under Major General David Hunter, medical director of the Western Department, and medical director of the Department of Kansas. May 2, 1862, he report ed to the Surgeon General in Washington and was assigned to duty as attending surgeon for the city.

The difficulties between Stanton and Surgeon General William Alexander Hammond culminated in the detachment of the latter from his office. On September 3, 1863, Barnes was by a special order of the War Department "empowered to take charge of the bureau of the Medical Department of the army and to perform the duties of Surgeon General during the absence of that officer."

On August 22, 1864, he was advanced to the position of Surgeon General, with the grade of Brigadier General.

More on Barnes

AD 4b

John Jefferson Milhau

France, N.Y.,

Asst. Surg., April 1851; Major Surg. April 1862; brvt Lt. Col Dec. 1864; Col. Mar. 1865; Brig. Gen. 1866; resigned 1876, died May 1891.

Not in Roster or AMA

AD 4c

Warren Webster, Jan. 31, 1865

N H; Mass;

Asst Surg 23 June 1860; Maj Surg 28 July 1866; retd 28 Feb 1889;  Bvt Capt 3 May 1863 for gal and mer ser in the battle of Chancellorsville Va; Maj 13 Mar 1865 for fai and mer ser dur the war and Lt Col 28 Sept 1866 for mer and dist ser at Harts Island and Davids Island New York Harbor where cholera prevailed; died 13 Jan 1896

Not in Roster or AMA

AD 4d

John T. Randolph

Born in Va, entered in La.???

Not in Roster;

AMA data:  ???

Name: John T. Randolph
Death date approximate: Dec 31, 1929
Type of practice: Allopath
Medical school(s): Kentucky School of Medicine, Louisville: Transylvania University Medical Department, 1855, (G)

AD 4e

Johnson Van Dyke Middleton


Asst Surg 5 Aug 1861;  Maj Surg 26 June 1876; Lt Col Dep Surg Gen 8 May 1893;  bvt capt and maj 13 Mar I860 for fai and mer ser dur the war retd lo Dec 1898

AD 4f

Thomas McMillin

Ky., Ky., 

Asst. Surg. Aug. 1862; brvt Capt. and Major, March 1865; Lt. Col. March 1867, died April 1873

Not in Roster or AMA

AD 4g

General George David Ruggles

N Y, NY.

Cadet MA 1 Sept 1851 19 2 It 1 inf 1 Julv 1855; 2 It 2 inf 1 Julv 1 It 2 Mav 1861; r adjt 10 Sept 1857 to Julv 1861 bvt capt aag 1 Julv 1861; aag 3 Aug 1861; maj aag 17; Julv col aade 28 June 1862 to 31 May It eol aag 15 June 1880; col aag 7 1889 brig gen adjt genl 6 Nov 1893 bvt eol and col 13 Mar 1865 for gal and mer dur the war brig gen 13 Mar 1865 for and mer ser dur the campn with the surrender of the insurgent of northern Va and brig gen vols 9 1865 for gal and mer ser dur the operations resulting in the fall of Ya and the surrender of the army under gen Robert E Lee retd Sept 1897

General Ruggles was a native of New York and a graduate of West Point, but at the outbreak of the Civil War entered the volunteer Army and became Adjutant General of a brigade from Pennsylvania, later taking the leading part in organizing the Army of the Potomac.

His first battle was at Ball’s Bluff.  He won the confidence of the commanders of the Army of the Potomac and became Adjutant General and Chief of Staff to General Pope.  He participated in the battles at Bull Run, Antietam and Chancellorsville, and after the battle of Gettysburg became Adjutant General of Meade’s army.

AD 4h

Samuel Appleton Storrow

Va,  D C

Asst surg 5 Aug 1861 maj mr 38 June 1876 bvt capt and maj 13 Mar It63 for fai and mer ser dur the war lied 12 July 1879

Not in Roster or AMA

AD 4i

Luet. Vt. Reserve Corp. Turner.

Hospl. 1863


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