U. S. Army Model 1840 Medical Staff Sword by
Marked for both Springfield & Cabotville, Mass.
N. P. Ames / Cutler / Springfield
& N. P. Ames /
Cutler / Cabotville / Mass.
Written regulations for the
U. S. Army Medical Corps specified the requirement for
Surgeons and Assistant Surgeons to obtain and wear dress swords.
See additional information on Civil War Medical Service swords.
The Model 1840 Ames Medical
Staff sword was fairly unique when compared to the sword patterns for
both Staff and Field/Line officers and Non-Commissioned officers of the
same time period. These swords were elegant in design and
completely ceremonial in purpose.
The rare U. S. Army Model 1840 sword shown below, is an N. P.
Ames Model 1840 'Medical Service'
marked sword, There is an Old English silver 'M.S.' in raised
letters on the large shield of the hilt.
One side of the blade is etched 'U.S. Medical Staff'. in an oblong
circle of stars. It has 'E Pluribus Unum' etched in a banner over the
American Eagle with arrows in talons. The other side of the blade
displays an eagle and panoply.
The ricasso is engraved with steel
point: N. P. Ames / Cutler / Springfield. The throat of the
scabbard is engraved: N. P. Ames /
Cutler / Cabotville / Mass. and no date. See
the close-up photos below for this important fact and why the sword is
so rare.
Cabotville is a historic district
in Chicopee, Massachusetts. The molded round brass grip has an
American eagle in relief, oak leaf, with acorn motifs and acanthus
leaves on the 'Acorn' nut pommel. There are detailed turned-up
quillons decorated with oak leaves. The large shield has an
applied silver 'M.S.' and 13 stars within and oak leaf border. The
blade is 30 5/8 in. and elliptical shaped, which is etched with floral
designs and the 'M. S. Medical Staff'. The reverse is etched with
an American eagle, a stand of arms, and floral work.
Nathan Peabody Ames died in 1847, and the company subsequently changed
its name. He was a
partner from 1829 to 1847 with
James Tyler Ames in Chicopee Mass. as AMES
MANUFACTURING COMPANY. Originally founded to manufacture swords and
other cutlery for military use, the firm was possibly the first to begin
silver plating on a large scale in America. .
Based on Ames' date of death, this sword was made between 1840-1847 and
would have been carried by the Union Medical Staff into the Civil War
(Please click on all images to
enlarge for detailed examination)

N. P. Ames / Cutler / Springfield.

N. P. Ames /
Cutler / Cabotville / Mass. and no date

'E Pluribus Unum'
U. S. A Medical Staff
Arrows in eagle's talons

U. S. A. Medical Staff

Medical Staff initials in silver

Ames Mfg. Co.
by Mike McWatters
The Ames Company started production of
military contract swords in 1832 with the M1832 foot artillery sword,
and ended with the M1906 cavalry saber in 1906. Ames produced more
swords for the American military than any other company before or since,
totalling over 200,000 swords in service by the end of the Civil War. In
that time, at least ten different manufacturing marks were used on the
swords. A little knowledge of the company history helps place a date
range for when each stamp was used. When the company started producing
swords it was led by Nathan P. Ames, and most marks reflected that fact.
In 1847, Nathan died and left the company to his brother James. The
markings on the blades were immediately changed from N.P. Ames to Ames
Mfg. Co. In 1848, the town of Cabotville was incorporated into Chicopee,
Massachusetts, and the marks were once again changed to reflect this. I
have, however, seen blades dated as late as 1850 that still bear the
Cabotville stamp, as the old dies were probably used until they were
worn out.
The 1840 models’ were originally marked with
N.P. Ames/Cabotville/date in the 1840s, followed by Ames Mfg. Co.
/Cabotville/date around 1847, then by Ames Mfg. Co/Chicoppee/Mass in the
1850s. The latter mark was also used through the Civil war on some
cavalry sabers. Sometime in the late 1850s (the earliest I have seen was
1859), Ames started using a new mark on all enlisted models that was
carried through the Civil War. The words Made by/Ames Mfg.
Co/Chicopee/Mass are enclosed within an unraveled scroll, and
initials/US/date is stamped on the opposite side of the blade. This
scroll mark is usually very weak, and often has been partially worn down
by the scabbard—this is a feature that helps in authenticating the
sword. I have also seen one other Ames mark, which I've seen repeatedly,
but only on M1860 cavalry sabers dated 1864. The mark is shaped like an
arc with the words Ames Mfg. Co/Chicopee,/Mass.
Horstmann Medical Service sword
See: Ames Medical
Service sword
See: M. S. sword owned by Surgeon Charles R. Hart