note: this information is part of my personal notes and is used for
research purposes only. The quotes from various sources are those
books used to determine who was and wasn't a surgeon during the
War. It is by no means a complete list of references or all the
resources available to determine provenance of a given surgical set,
surgeon, or doctor. Documenting provenance and determining who was
or wasn't a surgeon is extremely difficult and can take hundreds of
hours of research.
Please...we are unable
to respond to requests for information or research on any surgeon or
individual, see:
Medical Officers of the 10th Corps, in
front of Fort Harrison, Virginia, April,
(National Archives)
L-R: Surgeon. C.C. Radmore, 114th
USCT; Asst. Surg. J. M. Rand, 29th Conn.;
D.MacKay, 29th USCT; Unknown officer.
Seated, L-R:
Surg. J. F. Stevenson, 29th Conn.; Surg. W.A.
Conover, USV; Surg. Norton Folson, 46th USCT
Identification courtesy of Peter J. D'Onofrio,
Why this research
is so difficult:
"Almost 6,000 regimental medical officers, whose qualifications were
initially ascertained at the state level, also served at one time or
another in the Union Army. An equivalent number of civilian doctors
unwilling or unable to join the Army worked as contract surgeons,
either for short periods when necessity dictated or in general
hospitals in the cities where they lived."
Researching, doctors, physicians and surgeons on-line
best bet, and what I do, is dig deep in Google digital 'Books'.
I look in the regular web search area first, then dive into the
digitized books under ‘more’. That's where you will find the
medical college catalogues, medical associations, published papers,
and the doctor’s names listed with any additional information, but
there are some tricks to get the information to come up in the
search. Read the Google advanced search information to learn how.
Try Dogpile search for
multiple search engines.
Army: For Army Surgeon's, look on
Google books:
Regular Army Officers and their service records are published
in Vol 1, Historical Register and Dictionary of the U. S. Army,
... by Francis R. Heitman
Navy: You can find
pre-1900 US Navy officer service records online.
Try the doctor’s name with just the first and middle
initials and last name plus 'm.d.'. Put the whole name and m.d. in
" " so it looks up just that name. Try every variation as you see
the names listed in lists. Think 1860, not 2010.
Look for an obituary or biography for the doctor and
then work backwards. With any luck an obituary will list where they
went to college, where and if they served in the Civil War, and
information about where they practiced.
Try the search with 'dr.' instead of ‘md’ and with
just the first name, all kinds of variations of the name will come
up depending on what you add or omit. You have to be very specific
with the physicians because the colleges and biography books
frequently used just their initials plus last name. The ‘dr and md’
will only work after they graduated. Knowing the state and city are
a big plus to weed out duplicate names. Also knowing and entering a
date range on Google, e.g. 1840..1860 is a trick you may not know
about . It's the '..' between dates that makes it work for a given
range of dates.
If you think the doctor was a U.S. Army surgeon,
check the Roster of Regimental Surgeons (see below) in Google
digital books. You can enter just the last name and then see what
pops up, and go from there. (Note: not all surgeons were listed in
the Roster, some were in state militias and may not show up in the
Roster. None of the Confederate or contract surgeons will show up
in the Roster. Only Union uniform wearing surgeons are listed in
the Roster.)
CSA surgeons are very difficult to find. Just keep
trying everything you can think of in Google and especially Google
Books. Try Cyndie’s List which has links to various surgeon and CSA
No one said this is easy and I’m sorry but I cannot
help or do the research for you unless it is for something I am
buying from you or you wish to sell to me.
Resources I use to research Civil War surgeons:
Again, start with Google Search, then use Google's digital 'Books'
before you look anywhere else. Searching 'books' is different than
searching normally in Google. If that doesn't turn up the name,
First, I look in
the List of Battles and Roster of Regimental Surgeons
to see if the name is in the list of U.S. Army or Union
Surgeons. This is good starting point most of the time for
regimental U.S. Army surgeons, but does not list anywhere
close to all the regular army surgeons and assistant
surgeons and none of the contract surgeons during the War.
It also does not list any CSA surgeons. You can find this
Roster on Google Digital Books and search there via the
Google search within the Roster.
Second, I look
in a CD which contains the AMA list of Deceased Physicians
prior to 1904 to see if the doctor's name is listed. Again,
relatively few physicians are listed, but frequently I can
find contract surgeon's names in this list with graduation
dates which are consistent with a doctor being available
during the War years. You can access this database via:
Third, I look in
a DVD with all the records of the Medical and Surgical
History of the War of the Rebellion. You can obtain this
DVD from Philip Oliver at the Guild Press of Indiana for
about $165. Just Google the name. It's worth ten times
that amount if you are a researcher or serious collector as
it covers thousands and thousands of pages of data. The
only problem is only the names of surgeons who were written
up in the M & S H are listed. There were thousands of
surgeons/physicians who were not written up or cited.
This is the
most comprehensive single reference source for Civil War
research, comprised of almost 200,000 pages of material,
requiring a DVD to store the massive databases.
The single disc contains all of the material on our
separate Civil War related DVD products, including:
• Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies
• Official Records of the Union and Confederate Navies
• Map Atlas of the Official Records (high resolution)
• National Archives Guide-Index (5 volumes)
As well as the important and hard to find Medical and
Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion - exclusive
to the DVD.
Order also from Civil War America:
Fourth and
finally, I go back to Google Digital Books with any
information I found via the above methods and vary the
names, words, and phrases in your search. The more books
that are digitized by Google, the better this gets and I'm
constantly astounded at the great amount of information I
can find on-line via this resource.
(June 2010) If you want to research individual names of surgeons, I
also suggest you check the web site run by Cornell Library MOA at:
site will let you search the Medical and Surgical History of the War
of the Rebellion. ...NO, I CANNOT DO IT FOR YOU!
confronted with a surgical set or other item which one wishes to
identify and link with a given surgeon be prepared for a daunting
task. There is no single source which gives you 'the' answer.
There are a multitude of reasons for the difficulty in identifying a
given doctor as having been a "Civil War" doctor.
When the
Civil War began, the Army Medical Department had a standing corps of
medical officers, but no where near the number needed for the demand
generated by the early battles of the War. As volunteers were
processed and accepted for duty, the number of doctors increased
greatly, but not all were accepted as Army Regulars, some were hired
as contract doctors, especially the assistant surgeons. Few were
experienced knife wielding surgeons.
quoted from the republished book by Wells and Strait "List of
Battles and Roster of Regimental Surgeons", Edited by Ira M.
Rutkow, M.D., ( Google Norman Publishing for a copy of this
information) preface, Vl:
Northern medical services were organized into seven categories:
Surgeons and
Assistant Surgeons of the United States Army.
This was the regular Medical Corps and consisted of men in the
service when the war began. The War began with only 90 medical
officers, but was drastically expanded as the war commenced.
Surgeons and
Assistant Surgeons of Volunteers.
These were former "brigade surgeons" created by Congress to
supplement the work of the regular staff surgeons. A total of 547
commissions were issued.
Surgeons and Assistant Surgeons, commissioned by state governors
rather than congress or the President.
There were 2,109 Surgeons and 3,882 Assistant Surgeons. (Note:
these are some of the best documented surgeons and a list of their
names is found in the "List of Battles and Roster of Regimental
Surgeons", but the list is by no means complete for the Union
Acting Assistant
Surgeons, United States Army. These physicians were known as the
'contract' surgeons.
They held no commission but received pay as first lieutenants.
There were a total of 5,532 Acting Assistant Surgeons; most of which
worked in the general hospitals in the North. They also continued
their civilian practice at the same time. (Note: of all the so
called "Civil War" surgeons, this group is the most difficult to
identify. Without personal correspondence or other documents, it is
very difficult to pinpoint any contract surgeon as being a 'Civil
War' surgeon. Ownership of a given surgery set can help by dating
that set via the makers address during the War.)
Medical officers
of the Veterans Corps.
Acting Staff
Surgeons and
Assistant Surgeons of the Colored Troops,
who received presidential commissions. They were assigned to the
Black troops
Medical Service of the Confederate States Army (CSA) is documented
in Cunningham's Doctors in Gray. It is reported the Army and
Navy of the CSA had 3,237 surgeons or assistant surgeons. These
figures exclude contract physicians who were paid on a part-time
basis while still in private practice. Unfortunately all official
records of the Confederate States Army (CSA) Medical Corp were
destroyed at the end of the War. However there are references to
various CSA surgeons in the twelve volume: Medical and Surgical
History of the War of the Rebellion.
following account (quotes) of Civil War surgeons is from the very
fine book: American Surgery: An Illustrated History by Ira M. Rutkow,
M.D. page 125 (again, available from Norman Publishing):
"Competent or incompetent, surgically skilled or not, vast
numbers of doctors were needed to treat the army of injured.
So great was the demand that more than 12,500 physicians from
the North and 3,000 for the South, not including unknown numbers
of volunteers, were called into service in either field or
civilian hospitals.
of the men who served as regimental surgeons and assistant
surgeons were commissioned by state governors rather than by the
Congress or President Lincoln. Full surgeons served as captains
or first lieutenants and were paid $155 and $105 per month,
These "surgeons" were usually only capable of general medical
practice. Being surgically inept, they frequently botched the
simplest of surgical operations and often caused wounded solders
more harm than good. (Note: These are the 'doctors' who gave
the Civil War surgeons a bad name in the literature. Don't
forget or confuse this issue with the well trained surgeons who
carried the case load of the War on their backs.)
particular aspect of the Civil War was the untold numbers of
civilian medical volunteers who flocked down South after any
engagement, supposedly to lend a hand with the operative
following is a list of sites, books, or organizations where one can
search for names and try to verify if a given doctor was or was not
a surgeon or assistant surgeon during the War. Union records are
more complete, but Confederate names are archived in various areas,
but not to the same extent as the Northern surgeons. If you have a
surgical set you suspect belonged to a Civil War surgeon it is
extremely difficult research and very time consuming to do. Unless
you can provide documentation of who owned a given set, it is highly
unlikely you will be able to make positive identification.

Surgeons from Yale Medical School c. 1864
Union Army surgeons:
A History of the Army Medical
Department: Civil War Medicine 1861-1865 by Mary C. Gilletty 1.
(Available directly from the U.S. Government Printing Office, Dept.
of Medical History)
"The quality of the
Army's contract physicians was important, since during the course of
the war more than 5,500 civilian doctors assisted the Medical
Department. Many routinely staffed general hospitals while others
provided help only in emergencies when it was necessary to locate
more physicians quickly. In the last group were some of the nation's
most prominent doctors. When a battle resulted in overwhelming
numbers of casualties, those who flocked to the scene might include
quacks, cultists, and practitioners of questionable ethics, men who
were not under military discipline and who could, therefore, come
and go as they liked, taking assignments that pleased them and
rejecting all others. They often performed unnecessary operations or
wrought havoc as they dug about for bullets. As a result of the
problems experienced with doctors so casually assembled, the Medical
Department decided to call only upon members of a reserve surgeons
corps formed by the governors of various states. These gentlemen
were paid the salary of contract surgeons and came in if called.
They served under Medical Department orders and were required to
remain at their assigned posts at least fifteen days, unless
officially released sooner." 1
Examples of a contract
doctor pay documents from the medical department:
Click on the thumbnails
to enlarge

"The Medical Department
had intended that its detailed and copious records concerning the
Union's sick and wounded guarantee the emergence of something of
value to medical science as well as to the Army from the most
frightful conflict that the nation had ever faced. During the
struggle and the months immediately following it, more than 12,000
medical officers- regulars, volunteers, and contract- examined over
250,000 wounds and treated more than 7 million cases of disease. In
the course of their duties, more than 300 Army surgeons died from
wounds, disease, or accidents."1
"Almost 6,000 regimental
medical officers, whose qualifications were initially ascertained at
the state level, also served at one time or another in the Union
Army. An equivalent number of civilian doctors unwilling or unable
to join the Army worked as contract surgeons, either for short
periods when necessity dictated or in general hospitals in the
cities where they lived."1
Please...we are unable to respond to requests for information or
research on any surgeon or individual, see: