Lecture tickets for John Redman Coxe, M.D.
Redman Coxe, petulant professor at the University of
Pennsylvania, was born in Trenton, NJ, and was raised
by his physician grandfather, the distinguished John
Redman of Philadelphia.1 After attending
lower school in London, young Coxe finished his classical
studies in Edinburgh, where he attended hospitals and
studied botany and natural history during the summer.
In 1789, he returned to London and completed courses
in anatomy and chemistry at the London Hospital. In
his 17th year, Coxe began the study of practical
medicine under Benjamin Rush in Philadelphia and
continued with him until the MD degree was received in 1794
from the University of Pennsylvania. During the yellow
fever epidemic of 1793, Coxe assisted Rush in caring
for as many as 50 patients each day stricken with the
disease. Following graduation he went abroad again,
served as house-pupil for one year in the London