University of Pennsylvania Medical Department, 1834 - 1835

Dr. Richard H. Dozier, CSA contract surgeon in Mississippi, 1861

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For the years: 1834-35

Student: Richard H. Dozier

Richard H. Dozier was born 1815, in North Carolina.  His father was also a physician.  The lecture cards below show him having been at the University of Pennsylvania for the school year 1834-35, and this information is backed up by the data on record in the medical department for only the school year ending 1835.  Apparently he did not attend a second year at the University of Pennsylvania and there is no evidence of him having graduated at Pennsylvania.  Perhaps he completed his training at another college closer to his home.  From 1834 to 1845, there were 4,407 students, 1,769 of whom received degrees (40%) plus 449 graduates who attended lectures at University of Pennsylvania.  (Norwood, p. 84)


The True Democrat (News-Paper), Wednesday, May 21, 1845, Vol. 1, No. 2
Dr. Richard H. Dozier has been at considerable expense and trouble to settle himself at Paulding.....practice of MEDICINE, SURGERY, and OBSTETRICKS.  In all cases, I will deduct one third of the regular fees if the cash is paid me as soon as the patient is discharged.    Paulding, May 14, 1845


What is really interesting about this doctor, is that he served as a C.S.A. contract surgeon in Mississippi, early in the first year of the Civil War and died the 1862.  The documents for this service and his pay are shown below.   In October, 1861, Dr. Richard H. Dozier, serving as a private physician, provided medical services to sick soldiers of the 5th Mississippi Infantry at a temporary hospital in Enterprise, Mississippi. 

The Richmond Daily Dispatch (News-Paper) : January 4, 1862:  Dr. Richard H. Dozier, of Enterprise, Miss., died a few days since.

The Fifth Regiment, Fourth Brigade, of Mississippi Volunteers, known as the Army of Mississippi, and the organization of the regiment was completed by the election of field officers 5 September, 1861, at Enterprise.

The first service at the front was at Pensacola, where the Fifth was reported as part of the command of Gen. Sam. Jones, February 1, 1862. Thence transferred to the interior after the fall of Fort Donelson, and regiment mentioned in the official correspondence as part of Chalmers' command and somewhere east of Iuka, when the advance of Grant's army landed March 12, at Crump's landing. 

(Data and proof of Dr. Richard H. Dozier's service as a contract surgeon courtesy of Dr. Terry Hambrecht)


No. 22   Confederate States of America

% R. H. Dozier   Dr.

Oct. 19th 1861  % Medical Services for the 5th Regiment of the Mississippi Volunteers to the 6th Nov. 1861 inclusive at the rate of $50 per month.  14 days - $23.33

I certify that the above is correct and right to be paid.    H. L. Horze,  Surg. Genl Army of Miss.

The above account has been examined and approved and aurhorize the payment of the same Nov. 6th 1861.  G. G. Flynt, Co.,  Commanding ??


Received of W. H Edmonson a 2M  C.S.A  Twenty three 33/100 dollars in full of the above amount Nov. 25th, 1861.  R. H. Dozier

Med. Dept.

The State of Mississippi

To:  R. H. Dozier    Dr.

1861, Oct. 7th to 12 days medical attention to the sick soldiers of the 5th Regiment, 4th Brigade of Miss. Volunteers in temporary hospital a Enterprise Miss. at the rate of $50 per month $20.00.   I certify thata the above acct. is correct.  H. L. Horze, Surg. General, Army of Miss.

Review of Hosp. Enterprise payment in full on the above account Nov. 25th, 1861.  R. H. Dozier.



PHILIP SYNG PHYSICK, M. D.  Emeritus Professor of Surgery and Anatomy. Professor of Materia Medica and Pharmacy

NATHANIEL CHAPMAN, M. D.  Institutes and Practice of Physic and Clinical Medicine

WILLIAM P. DEWEES, M. D. Midwifery

ROBERT HARE, M. D.  Chemistry



SAMUEL JACKSON, M. D.   Institutes and Practice of Physic and Clinical Medicine


University of Pennsylvania Medical Department 1834-35 Lecture Tickets



 Wm. E. Horner, M.D.,  Hopkinson, M.D.


William Edmonds Horner, M.D.


Nathaniel Chapman, M.D and  Samuel Jackson, M.D.


William Potts Dewees, M.D.


John Redman Coxe, M.D.


Mr. Richard H. Dozier, of North Carolina, has matriculated for the session 1834-35 on  November 15th, 1834

Almshouse (Later: Philadelphia General Hospital)


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