Please indulge
yourselves here with the medical collecting references which we routinely use. This is the greatest
gift we can give fellow collectors and especially new collectors. We have included
contact information or links to Amazon on-line books where available.
Some of our favorite
sources are:
Antique Medical Instruments
by Elisabeth Bennion, extensive early European and English
instrument information, worth the price. It's out of print, but can be searched for
by Amazon Books |
American Armamentarium Chirurgicum, a
catalog for Geo. Tiemann Co., published by
Norman Publishing, this huge book has extensive illustrations and is the best source for
identification of American instruments by Tiemann as well as figuring out what many of the
early instruments were used for. Well worth the price. Click on the Amazon
logo to see more on this book: |
Surgical Instruments, and Surgery: an illustrated history.
By James M. Edmonson, Ph.D., published by Norman Publishing,
available from, click the logo for information:
This is without doubt the best book on the
market for collecting American surgical instruments. It is extremely well done and
covers all the details needed to identify and date surgical sets. I highly
recommend it. |
American Surgery, An Illustrated
History, Ira M. Rutkow, MD. A historical account of the evolution
Surgery in America, heavily illustrated. Great gift book at about $84 ppd.
This is where you learn how various aspects of the medical community operated during the
Civil War or during the early part of the 1800's. It is an exhaustive historical
lesson, but not of much use for identification of instruments.
Available from
Warning: Wilbure's books contain some
out dated misinformation...beware! |
Antique Medical Instruments by Keith Wilbur, MD. This is a beginners book, but valuable as it
covers a multitude of instruments and some historical information.
Inexpensive. |
Antique Dental Instruments by Elisabeth Bennion. The best and only source for early European and
English dental instruments. Available from |
Antique Medical Chests by Anne Mortimer Young, The only source for apothecary chests and medical
cabinets. Mostly covers European and English material.
Check with Amazon
Civil War Medical Instruments and
vol I & II, III by Dr.
Gordon Dammann. Kind of sketchy information and photos. Not a strong source
for medical, but so far the best for Civil War issue other than a massive set of books
available from Norman Publishing on Civil War Medicine. |