Alphabetical Index: Civil War Surgical Antiques 

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Alphabetical index of all research and study pages:

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  1. Admission to the Navy Medical Corps in relation to medical education

  2. An extensive discussion on identification of Civil War military surgical sets

  3. Aloe & Hernstein c. 1879 amputation set

  4. Altered surgical instruments and how value is effected

  5. Amputation knife blades analysis for dating purposes

  6. Arnold amputation set, c. 1860

  7. Antique surgical instrument books and where to find them

  8. Antique surgical instrument identification

  9. Article on a locking suture forceps from the 1866 Gemrig Catalogue

  10. Army Medical Department 1866 to 1900

  11. Bannerman's 1904 catalog of Army Medical Dept. surplus

  12. Biography and Navy written exam for Asst. Surgeon J. H. Culver, 1863

  13. Bone forceps 1829 to 1886 and during the Civil War

  14. Catheters typically found in Civil War era wood cased surgical sets

  15. Chloroform and its use on the battlefield during the Civil War

  16. Civil War Army Supply Table of 1861 itemizing instruments found in a military set

  17. Civil War anesthesia relative to Porcher and Chisolm for ether and chloroform

  18. Civil War period report on inhalation of sulphuric ether Boston Medical Journal

  19. Civil War case with both sliding military latches and a key lock

  20. Civil War Confederate Navy Office of Medicine and Surgery

  21. Civil War Drugs as listed in the 1861 Army Supply Table

  22. Civil War Drugs listed the later years of the War 1862-65 on a medical wagon

  23. Civil War Federal Navy Bureau of Medicine and Surgery

  24. Civil War embalming surgeons

  25. Civil War contract surgeons hired by the U.S. Army

  26. Civil War Hernstein dental keys, marked for the U.S.A. Hosp. Dept.

  27. Civil War medical books ordered by Surgeon General's Office for Medical Dept.

  28. Civil War list  of U.S. Navy  medical applicants for 1863

  29. Civil War handwritten exam given by the Navy Examination Board

  30. Civil War Medical Service surgeon's sword by Horstmann

  31. Civil War Medicine Containers: bottles, jars, tins by the Hosp. and Med. Dept.

  32. Civil War pocket surgical kit

  33. Civil War pocket set instruments marked with1864 patent date

  34. Civil War surgeon identification and how to research a doctor's name

  35. Civil War surgeon Norman Smith, M.D. biography

  36. Civil War surgical instruments and their use from a military manual

  37. Civil War surgical instrument prices

  38. Civil War era maker marks by Tiemann

  39. Civil War Surgical Manuals and Medical Texts

  40. Confederate Medical Department organization

  41. Civil War Army Surgeon

  42. Civil War 26th Regiment Maine Volunteers

  43. Civil War 6th Mass. Volunteer Militia and Surgeon Norman Smith

  44. Collecting high grade medical antiques

  45. Collecting Civil War medical and surgical text books

  46. Dating surgical saws by association with other instruments

  47. Erichsen, John, M.D., A Treatise On Surgical Injuries, Diseases and Operations

  48. Evaluation of Civil War era medical books you want to sell

  49. Fake Civil War surgical set on ebay

  50. Fake Norman Smith medical chest on ebay

  51. Forceps design and identification

  52. Fair market value for historical collectibles

  53. Gemrig Instrument Catalog c. 1866 (12 pages)

  54. Gemrig surgical set c. 1840

  55. Gemrig surgical ivory partial set c. 1860

  56. Gemrig USA Military Dept. surgical set c. 1860's

  57. Gemrig bone resecting surgical set .c. 1860's

  58. Gemrig surgical instrument catalog 1870

  59. Gemrig surgical set c. 1850

  60. Gemrig surgical set c. 1867

  61. Gemrig surgical set comparison of an 1850 vs an 1860's set

  62. Gemrig surgical set c. 1869

  63. Gemrig surgical set, style change, c. 1870

  64. Gemrig surgical set c. 1880

  65. Goulding USA military surgical set c. 1846, Mexican-American War

  66. Goulding USA military trepanning set c. 1846, Mexican-American War 

  67. Goulding-Brinkerhoff connection in the 1850's

  68. Gross, Samuel D., M.D. Operative surgery Vol. 1, 1872

  69. Gruthrie's commentary on War (medical text)

  70. Hard rubber syringes by Goodyear

  71. Hamilton, Frank Hastings, M.D. biography

  72. Hamilton, Frank Hastings, M. D. surgery, fractures, etc.

  73. Helmold, Louis V., surgical set c. 1880

  74. Hernstein surgical set owned by Confederate doctor c. 1861

  75. Hernstein USA Hospital Department military Civil War surgical set. c. 1865 

  76. Hernstein USA Hospital Department military Civil War surgical set c. 1864

  77. Hernstein Civil War sets: military vs civilian versions

  78. Hernstein early U.S.A Hosp. Dept. set, c. 1861

  79. Hernstein Civil War pocket  surgical kit

  80. Hernstein Civil War set c. 1861

  81. Hernstein U. S, Army trephine set, c. 1865

  82. Hospital inventory list of the Conesus, N.Y. Military Hospital, 1865

  83. Hospital Supplies received in Alexandria, Va., Methodist Church Hospital, 864

  84. How to identify Civil War surgery sets

  85. Index of all Civil War era medical text books in this collection

  86. Inventory of medical books of Ward "4" at Consesus N.Y. Hospital 1865

  87. Instruments drawings and descriptions for various topics

  88. Instruments typically found in a Civil War pocket surgical kit

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