Early General Medical Antiques  

Photos and Articles


An index of articles, photos, and research about medical antiques. 

Also discussed are the techniques of collecting the artifacts and sets

associated with surgery instruments, leeching, bloodletting, drugs,

and other aspects of medical science prior to 1900.




Xylography Exhibit

 Pricing and identification

CONTACT  Dr. Doug Arbittier

 Museum Tour:  1 | 2 | 3

Medical Collectors Advisory Services

American Civil War Medicine & Surgical Antiques


Selected Examples in the Collection


American Surgical Set Index

Mechanical Surgical Saw Index

English Surgical Set Index

Continental Surgical Set Index

Leech Jar Index

Bleeders: Artificial Leech Index- 1

Bleeders: Artificial Leech Index- 2

Early Trephine, Trepanning Index

Later Trephine, Trepanning Index

Pre- & Post- Civil War  American Surgical Sets

  • Page:  1  |  2  |  3

 Civil War  American  Military Sets

  •  Page:  4  |  5  | 6  |  7  |  8


 Additional Displays:

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Take a tour The Arbittier Museum of Medical History with photographic details on the extensive content of this collection

  Medical Museum Tour: 

  1 | 2 | 3



Additional Displays:

Articles about Medical and Dental Antiques:

Dealer, Collector, Seller, and Advertising services:


Wanted to Buy List  for this private collection with price ranges

Pricing, identification, and appraisal of medical antiques




Topical Index for General Medical Antiques


Civil War Medicine & Surgical Antiques Index


Alphabetical Index for American Civil War Surgical Antiques


Early General Medical         Civil War Medical


Arbittier Museum of Medical History Tour: 

  1  |  2  |  3

Follow on Instagram@medical.antiques

E-mail to Dr. Doug Arbittier

The name "MedicalAntiques" and "MedicalAntiques.com" is a registered Trademark and a registered domain .  All photos and material on this site are copyrighted 1998 - 2024.   You may not use any of the content on any other Web site without specific e-mail permission from Dr. Doug Arbittier. 

Students may use content without direct permission for homework assignments, but a credit to the web site would be appreciated.  All others must have direct written permission from Dr. Douglas Arbittier for use of any and all content on this website.