War Era Surgical Forceps: Design and Dating Methods
If one
looks at the progression of instrument design through the 1700's
down to 1900, the major changes are in how the two halves of a
forceps or scissor are joined as well as the position and shapes of
the finger and thumb holes. Prior to 1870 instruments were
typically joined with a screw, which precluded cleaning and
sterilization we would expect today. At that time they didn't
sterilize, so a screw attachment made the most sense. Since my
focus is on the pre-1865 Civil War era until about 1820, I'll show
examples of the forceps one would expect in the type of surgical
sets shown on this site. At the bottom of the page are several
examples of what is not to be expected during this era.
point in all this minutiae is to point out a method that may help to
date a given set of instruments to a given era and thus eliminate
other examples by comparison. It's something done while examining a
set to determine if an instrument is out of place, replaced, or in
fact...correct. It's also how one determines if an isolated
instrument would be correct for a given era. As an example, if you
are looking at a forceps on eBay, this is how you know it is or
isn't right for your set. If a forceps has an disarticulating joint
for sterilization and a multi-step ratchet type lock, it's post
1880. (There were single step rachet bullet forceps available from
France during the Civil War, but not the three or more step type we
see after 1880. If it is chrome plated, it is post 1900. If the
metal is unplated, it's early and most likely pre-1870, but if
nickel plated, it is later, most likely post 1870. The position of
the finger and thumb holes vary greatly from one era and maker to
the next. European designs are much different than designs used by
American makers, but much copying of design and imports cloud the
issue in every era. European instruments were imported by American
makers and placed in sets under the maker label name.
are various instruments referred to as 'forceps': tissue, lithotomy,
bullet, sequestrum, bone, artery, etc. The word seems to indicate
opposing arms of an instrument, which is joined by a screw or other
mechanism to allow movement and approximation of the ends by means
of moving the handles.
As you
look through the examples, note there is a screw holding the two
halves together, there is no locking or ratchet device between the
handles, which tells you they are all pre-1890.
similar articles on dating tourniquets,
forceps, forceps,
or amputation knives.
on all images to enlarge

Typical 1800's forceps joint and screw mechanism
of the instruments on this page are chrome plated or made of
stainless steel
example of a c. 1840 H. Schively lithotomy set of
bladder or lithotomy forceps with screw joints, with
open finger space and closed thumb hole. This is after
a typical English design seen in the early part of the
1800's. |
In this
group is shown a c. 1846, (second from the bottom)
forceps by Goulding for bullet or bone fragment removal,
the joint is screw type, and the finger holes are off
center, but round. Earlier types tend to have ovoid
finger holes. This forceps design is pretty common down
through the 1860's. By comparison, the tissue forceps
at the top of the photo are highly unique with a curved
tip. |
examples are from an 1850 Martin set. The scissors
(basically another type of 'double knife forceps')
above, display a cross handle design which allows for
power cutting on closure. The tissue forceps below are
screw jointed and typical of the 1850's from many
American makers. |
A set of
c. 1850 instruments from an ivory Tiemann set. Again,
compared to the Marten instruments immediately above,
the designs are somewhat different, but still have a
screw joint, but the arms of the large lithotomy forceps
(second from the top) are more flowing than the angular
arms of the Martin scissor. The tissue forceps at the
bottom are typical. The bone cutting forceps at the top
are typical of the from found during the Civil War and
later. |
tissue forceps (top) is from a Civil War major bone
resection surgery set, c. 1861 by Kolbe. The length is
very short, more like what would be expected in a pocket
surgical set, but was correct to the set. Note the
comparative size of the small locking tissue forceps
(tweezers type) |
earlier style Hernstein bullet forceps (top) from a c.
1860 set. The open arm is not typical of the 1860's,
and may be due to European influence or importation by
Hernstein. The bone cutting forceps are much different
than the other types seen as they have a round opposing
set of cutting edges(bottom left.) |
A bullet
forceps from a Civil War surgery set by Tiemann, c.1865
Note the tip
of the forceps are curved and pointed for gaining
purchase of the bullet. There is a screw type joint and
the finger holes are rotated away from the center line
of the instrument. The position of the joint is about
two inches from the tip of the instrument to allow for
opening deep in a cavity. |

A Civil War
era bullet forceps by Wade and Ford, screw joint. Photo
below is from Frank
Hamilton's text book ,Treatise on Military Surgery,
example of a lithotomy forceps (top) with the cross
handle design. This from an 1880 Sharp and Smith set.
Still with the screw joint. The bone forceps (bottom)
are typical of later types with the spring between the
handles. Most of the early springs are blued, not
plated as are later, post 1890 bone forceps. |
bullet forceps (top), typical post 1860's design, the
handles on the scissors scissors are off-set on the
upper handle (reversed) to allow keeping the hand away
from the cutting surface. Below, is a set of artery
forceps with crossed arms to maintain pressure on the
jaws of the instrument. |
forceps (top) with a grabbing type tip and (bottom)
with typical serrated jaws and both with screw joints.
These are from an 1886 Helmond set. Well into the era
of sterilization and the joint is still
non-sterilization design. Note the finger holes are
ovoid, not round. |
Below are examples of
post-1895 forceps
with multi-step
ratchet locking
and disarticulating or open joints for sterilization. They
are not and never have been pre-1895. Pay attention to the
details when evaluating pre-1900 instruments. If you see
multiple ratchet locks and dis-articulating joints, it is
later, and not Civil War era! Also look at the maker
names. German makers took over the instrument trade in the
1880's and most of the names from that period and later will
be 'German' or have European connections. You need to read
extensively to figure this out. Just remember, if it's
simple, most likely it's earlier.