c. 1829
Geo. Tiemann, N.Y. Note the pistol trigger style, which
is very European. This is one of the earliest Tiemann
style of saw. |
c. 1829
Rose. Note the hook on the handle of the saw. Similar
to English styles of the period. Knife blade of top
knife is curved down, blunt tipped and the handles are
large and heavy. |
c. 1840
Wocher, Ohio. Note the round handle saw butt. Similar
to English and French styles of the period. Knife
blades are curved down, with blunt tips, handles are
heavy and large. |
c. 1840
Gemrig. Note the split butt of the saw handle. The
knife blades are down curved, blunt tipped, and very
heavy handled. Common into the 1850 time frame. |
c. 1846
Goulding. Note this saw has a brass frame and handle
with the split butt handle, but is similar in design to
the Rose above. Transitional knives, some slightly
curved, most are straighter than earlier blades. |
1850's Tiemann. "D" shaped handle on the saw. Note the
vertical slots in the blade for bone dust relief. Knife
blades are now straight, no curves and the handles are
much smaller. |
Parker 'D' style handles. The upper saw is by Martin,
Albany, N.Y., and the lower is by Tiemann, New York
City, N.Y. The upper is the later design, c. 1855-60,
without the vertical slots, the lower ivory handled 'D'
saw is earlier, c. 1845-55. |
c. 1864
Tiemann. Saw handle is typical of military and civilian
issue during and after the Civil War. This form of
pistol handle and blade was common by various makers
into the 1880's. The knife blades are long and slim, no
longer thick, curved or heavy. |
1860's Tuefel. More of a early European or French style
of handle with the pistol trigger feature. Knives are
long, slightly wider blades, and straight. The bone
forceps are the earlier Satterlee design from the
1860's. |
c. 1861-
64 Hernstein, N.Y. Typical Civil War military style set
by a supplier to the Union Hospital Department. |
c. 1861-
64 Hernstein. Smaller Civil War military set made for
the Union Hospital Department. Note the open frame of
the saw and removable blade. Two blades are shown.
Satterlee style bone forceps. |
c. 1861-
64 Gemrig U. S. Army Hosp. Dept. marked open bow saw |
c. 1861-
64 Kolbe. Another style of open bow frame saw with
removable blade. Clearly a military issue set by a
major Civil War maker. |
c. 1863
Tiemann Civil War issue Hosp. Dept. set. Note the
circle in front of the saw handle, which shows up after
the War into the 1870's. |
c. 1861
Wade & Ford, N.Y. Civilian issue set made during early
days of the Civil War. Handle is English style, similar
to Hutchinson. The bone forceps are the later Liston
type. Amputation knives are still 'beefy' and heavy
size. |
c. 1876
Gemrig. Long straight knifes. Hog leg handled saw.
Liston bone forceps. |
1870's Shepard and Smith, Liston bone forceps, hog-leg
handled saw, large straight amputation knives. The syle
of the frame is similar to a Goulding brass frame saw,
but Shepard and Smith NEVER produced surgical
instruments during the Civil War. NEVER! |
c. 1880
Aloe and Hernstein. Note the Civil War influence on the
design of the saw (circle in front of the handle), which
can be deceiving. Metal is plated. Liston bone
forceps. |
c. 1883
Sharp and Smith. Again that Civil War looking saw with
the pistol grip and circle forward of the handle was
made into the late part of the century. Deceptive if
you are just looking at the saw and not the label in the
set which accurately dates the set. Sharp and Smith
were NEVER instrument makers during the Civil War.
Since sterilization began in the 1870's, one has to
wonder why this obviously non-sterilization set was was
produced into the 1880's. |
1880's Helmold. An earlier looking shape to the saw,
but again the maker label and the other instruments
indicate a later date. Without the label address for
Helmold, this would be a difficult set to date because
of all the Civil War left-over designed instruments. |