These scans are from a c.
1866 Gemrig Instrument Catalog.
I've selected those which pertain to topics covered on this site, but other
areas are covered in the catalog.
This catalog is the second
published by Gemrig and Sons in 1866. It
contains the instruments sold from the 1860's until the time of publication.
The address given for
J. H. Gemrig, is 109 S. 8th Street,
which is the business address from 1866 to 1880 according the Edmonson, but
the catalog's second edition was published in 1865. The details are
included for each page.
Of particular interest
to a collector is the various descriptions of the instrument cases, what they
contained, the kind of box wood used, and the type of lining.
Many of these
instruments would have been found in Civil War era surgical sets. Not
all pages are shown, only those of interest for surgical sets:
Click on page number for Gemrig Catalog Page:
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 | 8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |

1866 catalog by Gemrig
surgery |
Forceps |
instruments |

Lithotomy |
Bone saws |
ronguers, chisels |