1866 J. H. Gemrig
Instrument Catalog
Page 7
War Era Uterine Surgery Instruments
vesico-vaginal, hook,
laminaria tent, sponge tent, pessaries, Sim's porte-tampon, Lallemand, shot
compressing forceps, Sim's catheter, speculum, Sim's duck bill speculum, Cusco,
Simpson, Bryant, Bozemann, Nott, fenestrated tumor forceps, Polypus forceps,
Simpson's uterine sound, Sim's uterotome, Gooch's double canula, hysterotome,
Braun's colpeurynter, Hodge, Meig's ring pessary, Bush's forceps, piles,
scissors, anal speculum, clamp, Bush's case for piles
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