c. 1866 J. H. Gemrig
Civil War Era Instrument Catalog
No. 109 South Eight Street

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This is one of the earliest known
comprehensive instrument catalogs by a major American instrument maker.
It dates to immediately after the Civil War, c. 1866 (per the
109 South Eight St. address), but most of the instruments would have been available during the Civil
War or before depending on the configuration. Germrig, as other American
makers, may have imported and sold European and English instruments under the
Gemrig maker name. So if you see an instrument that appears like it came
form Paris or Scotland, don't be surprised.
The original of this catalog
is in my private collection and none of the pages may be used on another web
site. Reproduction of the various pages are available at no charge if you
would please request permission to print them. All rights reserved.