Civil War Era
Military Surgical Manuals
Surgical and Medical Texts
Civil War
Medical Books
John Erichsen, Samuel Gross, F. W. Sargent, Richard D. Hoblyn
Page Four
Note: The following medical and surgical
texts were used immediately before or during the Civil War. They are a
window into a medical education as it was presented to the students and
surgeons who served in the War. There were a multitude of
colleges in the late 1850's and 60's, as well as publishers who sold
medical textbooks from American, English and French authors.
The Science and Art of Surgery, (1859), by
John Erichsen, M.D.
A copy of this text book is
listed in the 1864 and 1865 Surgeon
General's Office Library Catalogues and the
list of medical
textbooks which were published during the Civil War by the Army
Medical Department.
John Erichsen's
Science and Art of Surgery of 1859, was a major medical text given to the surgical and medical staff
during the Civil War. The book went thru 10 different editions and was
translated into 15 different languages.
Contains information on surgical
procedures, gunshot wounds, amputations, and other treatments. Used
extensively during and prior to the Civil War to train surgeons. Two
editions are in this collection: 1859, 1860, both of which
would have been used before and during the Civil War.
Additional information: on
John Erichsen, M. D.
See an
1865 receipt for purchase of this book by a Civil War assistant surgeon.
ERICHSEN JOHN; Professor of Surgery in
University College London. THE SCIENCE AND ART OF SURGERY being
a Treatise on the subject of Injuries Diseases and Operations -Morton 5602
(citing 1st London ed., 1853): "Erichsen was surgeon to University College
Hospital, London, and Lister served as his house surgeon." "published by
Blanchard & Lea, of Philadelphia, in 1859, and again in 1860, and a copy was
issued by the American Government to every medical officer in the Federal
Army during the American Civil War" (Plarr's Lives of the Fellows of the
Royal College of Surgeons of England, Vol. I, p. 380).

Discussion of this text by the
publisher: Blanchard & Lea in 1860. 996 pp; 417 figs. |
The Science and Art of Surgery, (1860), by
John Erichsen, M.D., marked for
U.S.A. Hosp. Dept.,
Civil War issue by
the Army Hosp. Dept.
Wyndham Miles writes,
in his History of the National Library of Medicine (p. 18), that 5,370 copies
of Erichsen's book--presumably the 1860 edition were purchased by the
government for distribution during the Civil War. Only Freeman Bumstead's
Pathology and Treatment of Venereal Diseases was purchased in a larger
quantity! "As a surgeon Sir John Erichsen's reputation was world-wide. His
strong faculty was his sound judgment ripened by a vast experience which
gave him an almost unrivalled clinical insight.
Gross's System of Surgery, Vol. 1 &
2, ( 1859, first edition), (1864 third edition), (1867 fourth post-War edition), by Samuel Gross, M.D., as taught before, during,
and immediately after the Civil War at Jefferson Medical School
A copy of this text book is
listed in the 1864 and 1865 Surgeon
General's Office Library Catalogues and the
list of medical
textbooks which were published during the Civil War by the Army
Medical Department.
Additional information on:
Samuel Gross, M.D.
GROSS SAMUEL D MD, Professor of Surgery in
the Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia an enlarged edition. January
1862 A SYSTEM OF SURGERY Pathological Diagnostic Therapeutic and
Operative. Illustrated by twelve hundred and twenty seven
engravings, this Second edition is much enlarged and carefully revised. In two
large and beautifully printed octavo volumes of about twenty two hundred
pages strongly bound in leather with raised bands. Price $12.00.
The work is so superior to its
predecessors in extent as well as in illustrations and of publication
that we can honestly recommend it as the best work of the kind to be taken
home by the young practitioner. Am Med Journal, 1862
Jefferson Medical College lecture card
for Samuel Gross, M.D. for the subject of Surgery, 1867 |
Discussion of the earlier
version, (1859) of this text by the publishers: Blanchard & Lea in 1860.
With the Oct. 1,1864 Preface to the third
edition during the War. |

first edition, Pre- War, as listed in the Surgeon Generals' Library
1864 third and enlarged
edition, during the War
1867 forth edition, post-Civil War with

Minor Surgery, Bandaging,
and Operations of Minor Surgery, (1848 first edition), by F. W. Sargent, M.D.
A copy of this text book is
listed in the 1864 and 1865 Surgeon
General's Office Library Catalogues and the
list of medical
textbooks which were published during the Civil War by the Army
Medical Department.
Additional information on:
William Sargent
an additional chapter on Military Surgery One, in handsome 7 x 5 inches of nearly 400 pages with 184 wood cuts Leather $1 50
The value of this
work as a handy and convenient manual for surgeons engaged in active
duty in the field and hospital has induced the publishers to render it
more complete for those purposes by the addition of a chapter on gun
shot wounds and other mailers peculiar to military surgery.
Sargent's manual on
Minor Surgery was adopted by the U.S. Army Medical Department in the
Civil War. Containing sections on but not limited to:
Instruments Used in
dressing; irrigation of wounds; Bandages and their application;
Fractures; Apparatus used in treating fractures; Dislocations;
Bloodletting; Methods of arresting hemorrhage; Administration of
injections; Inhalation of sulphuric ether and chloroform.
The manual was one of the
first to have a section on the methods of anesthesia.
Sargent, F.W. On
Bandaging and Other Operations of Minor Surgery. Philadelphia, Lea and
Blanchard, 1848. 1st Edition, 1st Printing. Original full leather
binding. 1848. Published shortly after the discovery of
anesthesia, and was the first medical text to address the use of ether
in surgery. This 1848 first edition is quite uncommon.

Discussion of the text by
publisher: Blanchard & Lea in 1860. |
Minor Surgery, Bandaging
and Operations of Minor Surgery, by F. W. Sargent, M. D. (1862 second edition
with an additional chapter on military surgery by W. F. Atlee, M.D.)
Contains 187 illustrations.
A copy of this text book is
listed in the 1864 and 1865 Surgeon
General's Office Library Catalogues or the
list of medical
textbooks which were published during the Civil War by the Army
Medical Department.
Additional information: on
F. William Sargent and John Atlee

Discussion of the text by the
publisher: Blanchard & Lea in 1860.
The owner signature in the front
of the text is by a James Moore, Jan. 9th, 1864. In the Roster
of Surgeon's, there are three James (Jas.) Moore's listed, but only
one who may have come from the New York area. This book was
purchased from a small book seller in Manhasset, New York .
One of the
above referenced James Moore is listed in the Roster section
under U. S. Colored Troops as Jas. O. Moore, assistant surgeon, from
January, 1864, which would coincide with the date listed in the front
of this text book. He was shown to have been in the U.
S. Colored Troops
Twenty Second Infantry Regiment,
was mustered out in October 16, 1865. There is also a James
Moore, graduated from Univ. of the City of N.Y. in 1864. |
Drawings from Sargent's text book on
Minor Surgery

A Dictionary of Terms Used in
Medicine, (1865, revised), by Richard D. Hoblyn
A new American edition revised with numerous additions by Isaac Hays, MD,
editor of the American Journal of the Medical Sciences. In one large
royal 12mo volume leather of over 500 double columned pages.
To both practitioner and student we recommend this dictionary as being
convenient in size accurate in definition and sufficiently full and
complete for ordinary consultation. Charleston Med Journal.

Discussion of the text by the publisher:
Blanchard & Lea in 1863 |
Medical Book Collection
See information on
Medical education and lecture cards
during and before the Civil War
Wanted: Medical
textbooks marked for the U.S.A. Medical or Hospital Dept. |