The Hahnemann Medical
College: 1885 - 86 - 87
A Homeopathic medicine oriented medical college
Medical Student: D. A. Wilson
Page 12
The history of
homeopathy begins with the discoveries of its founder Samuel Hahnemann
(1755 - 1843), a German physician... (homeopathy refers to) the law of
similars... Hahnemann was particularly disliked by the apothecaries
because he recommended the use of only one medicine at a time and
prescribing only limited doses of it... Homeopaths were primarily
critical of the suppressive nature of (allopathic) drugs. They felt that
they simply masked the person's symptoms, creating deeper, more serious
diseases... (Homeopathy) expanded so rapidly that the homeopaths decided
to create a national medical society. In 1844 they organized the
American Institute of Homeopathy, which became America's first national
medical society. Partially in response to the growth of the homeopaths,
in 1846 a rival medical group formed which then vowed to slow the
development of homeopathy. This organization called itself the American
Medical Association." Homeopathy was practiced widely in the Civil War.
"It's advocates included WIlliam James, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow,
Nathanial Hawthorne, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Daniel Webster, William
Seward, Horace Greeley, and Louisa May ALcott. WIlliam Cullen Bryant,
the famous journalist, was president of the New York Homeopathic
Society." (source: Dana Ullmann, MPH 1991 A Condensed History of
Homeopathy from the Homeopathic Educational Services website)
The Hahnemann Medical College:
1885 - 86 - 87
Medical Student: D. A. Wilson

year admission and professor signatures

year admission and professor signatures |

Third year schedule and professors |

Front and back of session of
1887, listing professors and schedule

List of professors and a
three year schedule of classes
Daniel Wilson's
Matriculation tickets for
three years |


A. R. Thomas, M.D., Lemuel Stephens,
M.D., O. B. Cause, M.D., E. A. Farrington, M.D., B. F.
Betts, M.D., Pemberton Dudley, M.D., W. C. Goodno, M.D.,
Charles M. Thomas, M.D., John E. James, M.D., Charles Mohr,
M.D., R. B. Weaver, M.D., J.
N. Mitchell, M.D., W. H. Keim, M.D.
A little
sponsorship on a two sided card by firm of Lentz &
Son's who were famous instrument makers during this
period and during the Civil War. Also another
sponsored card for William Snowden, again a major
Civil War instrument house.

Notice for an examination: 1890