University of
Medical Department, 1866-70
Page 20
For the years: 1866-70
Student: Townsend Heaton, former Pvt. CSA
The student, Townsend
Heaton, was born in 1846, the eldest son of Dr. Decatur
Heaton in Loudoun county, Virginia. As a 17 year old
youth he joined the confederate army under the command of
Col. John S. Mosby, and fought for four years, including the
battle at Gettysburg. After the war he studied medicine at
the University of Pennsylvania, as did his father and his
grandfather, but then moved to Marquette, Michigan where he
practiced medicine with his uncle, Dr. Abram Heaton for part
of the time. Around 1880 he returned to Hamilton, Loudoun
county, Virginia and died at age 37 in December 1883,
leaving a wife and one child. He was interred at Short Hill
burying ground.
Additional information on
Army of Northern Virginia,
Confederate States of America, Company D, 1864
Heaton, Townsend
"Tiny" Virginia
Name: Townsend
Title: Doctor
Birth: 1 SEP
1846 in Exedra, Loudoun Co., VA
Death: 16 DEC
1883 in Hamilton, VA
Education: MD
degree at the University of Pennsylvania
Military Service:
Courier to General D. H. Hill in the early part of the Civil
Military Service:
Member of Mosby's Command, 43rd Virginia Calvry
Practiced medicine in Michigan |
Name: Townsend Heaton
Death date: Jul 9, 1902
Place of death: Aberdeen, OH (??)
Birth date: 1839 (??)
Type of practice: Allopath
Medical school(s): University of Pennsylvania School of
Medicine, Philadelphia, 1870, (G)
Journal of the American Medical Association Citation: 39:212
Note: The
above information is from the AMA Deceased Physicians
database and may contain erroneous information due to
collecting methods used to obtain data in the 1900's.
The admissions cards are for lectures
on the Institutes of Medicine by Francis G. Smith, Jr. (1866-7);
Practical Anatomy by D. Hayes Agnew (1869-70); Obstetrics and
Diseases of Women & Children by R. A. F. Penrose (186?); the
Theory and Practice of Midicine by Alfred Stille (1869-70);
Anatomy by Joseph Leidy (1869-70); Materia Medica & Pharmacy
by Joseph Carson (1869; Operative Surgery by Henry H. Smith
(1866-7); Chemistry by R. E. Rogers (1869-70); the Institures
of Medicine by Francis G. Smith, Jr. (1869-70); Obstetrics and
Diseases of Women & Children by R. A. F. Penrose (1869-70;
Chemistry by R. E. Rogers (1866-67); Principles & Practice of
Surgery by Henry H. Smith (1869-70); Anatomy by Joseph Leidy
(1866-7); Principles & Practice of Surgery by Henry H. Smith
(1866-7); Materia Medica & Pharmacy by Joseph Carson (1869-70);
Practical Anatomy by D. Hayes Agnew (1866-67; and the Theory
and Practice of Medicine by Alfred Stille (1866-67). In addition
there are two matriculation cards for the 1866-7 and 1869-70 sessions,
each bearing the signatures of seven professors on the back. Finally
there are two cards permitting attendance at Pennsylvania Hospital for
the two terms, both signed by the Attending Managers. The card set is
contained in a brown leatherette slip case.
University of Pennsylvania Medical
Department 1866-67
Medical Faculty
Alfred Stille, M.D.
Therapeutics and Medicine
Joseph Leidy,
M.D. Anatomy
Carson, M.D. Materia Medica & Pharm.
R. E.
Rogers, M.D. Chemistry
Henry H.
Smith, M.D. Surgery
Frances Smith, M.D. Institutes of Medicine
A. F. Penrose,
M.D. Obstetrics
Text-books and Works
of Reference
Woods, Practice of Medicine; Stille's Therapeutics,
Walshe on Diseases of the Heart and Lungs
Leidy's Human Anatomy; Wilson's Anatomy; Killiker's
Microscopic Anatomy, Sharpey & Quain's Anatomy; Gray's
Materia Medica:
Carson's Synopisis, Wood's Theraeutics, Wood and Bache's
Dispensatory; Pereira's Materia Medica
Johnson Turner Chemistry; Regnaults' Chemistry,
Lebmann's Physiciological Chemistry; Taylor's Toxicology
Smith's Practice of Surgery; Paget's Surgical Pathology;
Macleod's Surgical Diagnosis
Institutes of
Medicine: Carpenter's Physiology; Kirke's Manual;
Virchow's Cellurar Pathology
Hodge's Obstetrics; Hodge on Diseases of Women; West on
Diseases of Women and Children |

Frances Smith, M.D.
A. F. Penrose,
R. E.
Rogers, M.D.

Alfred Stille, M.D.
D. Hayes
Agnew, M.D.
Henry H.
Smith, M.D.

Henry H.
Smith, M.D.
Carson, M.D.

University of Pennsylvania Medical
Department 1869-70

Henry H.
Smith, M.D.
D. Hayes
Agnew, M.D.
Joseph Leidy,

Carson, M.D.
Alfred Stille, M.D.
