American Maker Surgical Set Collection Photo Displays


Pre- & Post-Civil War Surgical Sets


1820 to 1888 surgical set photos


These sets are used to identify and date pre- and post-Civil War sets


  Display page 1:

 (c. 1820-1840 )

Early American Sets


  Display page 2:

 (c. 1840-1860 )

Pre- Civil War American Sets


 Display page 3:

 (c. 1866-1888)

Post-Civil War American Sets



Civil War Era American Maker Surgical Sets


1860 to 1865 surgical set photos

Civil War:  Display 4  |  Display 5  |  Display 6  |  Display 7



Tiemann catalogue of Civil War instruments 

Gemrig catalogue of Civil War instruments




Indexes: General Medical Antiques  |  Civil War Surgical Antiques


Alphabetical Index for Civil War Surgical Antiques

Arbittier Museum of Medical History Tour: 1  |  2  |  3

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"" is a registered domain.  Photos are copyrighted 1998 - 2025.   No use of content on any other Web site without specific permission from Dr. Arbittier.  Students may use content without direct permission for homework assignments.