The Mariner's Medical Guide, 1884

designed for

Ships, Families, and Plantations


Eight Edition, Revised

Boston: Published by James Folsom & Co.

A list of medicines, (materia medica)  their uses, and the mode of administering, when a physician cannot be procured.  189 pages.  Measuring: 7 x 5 x 1/2 inches.  Folsom ads are included in the front and back covers.



Click on any image to enlarge


Ads from inside of front and back  boards




Contents of the medical chest 



Sailors applying a tourniquet




Indexes: General Medical Antiques  |  Civil War Surgical Antiques


Alphabetical Index for Civil War Surgical Antiques

Arbittier Museum of Medical History Tour: 1  |  2  |  3

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