N. Richards Moseley, U. S. Army Surgeon 


(aka: Mosely)

New York 36th Infantry (Washington Volunteers) Mustered out July 15, 1863

Hospital: Emery, Washington, D.C.

No. 53 West 36th St. New York City, In 1863-64-65


N. Richards Moseley was an 1847-1849 student at  the Philadelphia College of Medicine.  He served as a demonstrator of anatomy at  that institution during 1849-1850 with an M.D. degree.  He later graduated from the University of Pennsylvania 1854-55 with an M.D and is listed as a graduate in 1855 in the alumni list.  (American Swedish Historical Museum: Yearbook 1960, page 14)


Philadelphia College of Medicine


Fifth South of Walnut street

The winter course of lectures for 1850 51 will on Monday 13th of October 1850 A preliminary will be given during the two weeks preceding the session Degrees will be conferred early in March 1851 President Dr JR Burden Surgery Dr James M Clintock Materia Medica Dr Rush Van Dyke Theory and Practice Dr Thomas D Mitchell Chemistry Dr ES Carr Institutes of Medicine Dr James Bryan Anatomy Dr James M Clintock Comparative Anatomy Dr MW Dickeson Obstetrics Dr FA Fickardt Demonstrator of Anatomy NR Moseley MD


In 1850, Dr. N. R. Moseley was a professor of Anatomy at what was the Female Medical College of Pennsylvania and later that year became the the Homeopathic Medical College, then the Hanemann Medical College.


A History of the United States Army Medical Museum 1862 to 1917 compiled from the Official Records"

In many cases the contributions were almost entirely surgical, especially those from Army Medical Officers during the civil war those by Allen, Armsby, Ashford, Bliss, Bontecou, Bovee, Brinton, Bryant, Byrne, Conner, Dean, Eliot, Gouley, Hewitt, Hodgen, Jones, Judson, Keen, Lewis, Lidell, Lincoln, McCall, McGill, McKee, Miles,
Moseley, Moses, Munn, Norris, Notson, Pancoast, Peters, Shrady, Smith, Stone, Summers, Thoraeon, Vanderkieft, Uagner and Weir. In some cases the contributions were credited to the officer in charge.

Medical/Surgical History--Part I, Volume I
XCVIII. Extracts from a Narrative of his Services.
Surgeon N. R. MOSELY
, U. S. Volunteers.

"The men brought to this hospital were mostly wounded by the explosion of shells. Several primary amputations were performed under the use of a mixture of equal parts of chloroform, and sulphuric ether. No deaths occurred. These wounded were afterwards conveyed in ambulances to Bristoe Station, from whence they were transported by rail to Washington."

"When admitted to the Emery Hospital, Washington, on August 17th, 1864, he was feeble, and much exhausted from exposure on the field, and during transportation. On August 25th, bleeding profusely, chloroform and ether were administered, and the right common carotid artery, through an incision about two inches in length, was ligated by Surgeon N. R. Moseley, U. S.V. Cold water dressings were applied, and tonics and stimulants were administered. He died on August 30th, 1864, from exhaustion and constitutional irritability."

Disarticulations and Amputations in the Hand:  A fragment of bone representing the base of the right ring finger disarticulated at the metacarpus d 1 Private EC D 111th New York admitted hospital and amputated by Surgeon NR Mosely US Vols Washington 22d May deserted 13th July 1864

Emory General Hospital: Convalescent Hospital

Description: Mainly a convalescent hospital, Emory General opened in July 1862 and closed in July 1865, sending patients to Lincoln General Hospital. Emory was located in wooden barracks formerly used by the Sixth U.S. Cavalry, about one mile east of the Capitol, near the Alms house, the Congressional Cemetery, and Lincoln General Hospital. 

Surgeries reported by Surgeon Moseley:

Moseley, N.R. (Surgeon) United States Volunteers Reported on Sergeant H.M. Lambert's case   October 13, 1863 (Unknown)  
Moseley, N.R. (Surgeon) United States Volunteers Reported on Sergeant W. Walters's case   May 16, 1864 (Unknown)  
Moseley, N.R. (Surgeon) United States Volunteers Reported on Private W.J. Beck's case   June 24, 1864 (Unknown)  
Moseley, N.R. (Surgeon) United States Volunteers Operated on Private J. Glassie   June 3, 1864 (Unknown)  
Moseley, N.R. (Surgeon) United States Volunteers Operated on Private O. Derocher   May 23, 1864 (Actual)  
Moseley, N.R. (Surgeon) United States Volunteers Operated on Private G. Fuller   August 29, 1864 (Actual)  
Moseley, N.R. (Surgeon) United States Volunteers Operated and reported on Private H. Loud   May 28, 1864 (Unknown)  
Moseley, N.R. (Surgeon) United States Volunteers Reported and operated on Private F. Thorn   May 26, 1864 (Unknown)  
Moseley, N.R. (Surgeon) United States Volunteers Operated and reported on Private H.E. Boynton   May 22, 1864 (Unknown)  
Moseley, N.R. (Surgeon) United States Volunteers Reported on W.S. Hodgkins's case   May 24, 1864 (Unknown)  
Moseley, N.R. (Surgeon) United States Volunteers Reported on Corporal A.M. Delano's case   May 22, 1864 (Unknown)  
Moseley, N.R. (Surgeon) United States Volunteers Reported on Private B.F. Brown's case   May 13, 1864 (Unknown)  
Mosely, N. R. (Surgeon) United States Volunteers Contributed the history and specimen from the case of Sergeant Charles A. C.   November 1, 1860 (War Boundary)  

62nd Regiment
New York Volunteer Infantry
Civil War Newspaper Clippings
New York Times 2 July 1861
The whole of this regiment has now been mustered into the United States service; it is expected that it will be ordered to the seat of war immediately. The gentlemen who have brought this regiment to its present standard of excellence, deserve great credit for the patience and determination which they have manifested throughout the most trying difficulties. With scarcely any pecuniary assistance they have sustained a large body of men during a period of nearly two months, the greater part of the expense falling upon Col. J. L. Riker and Lieut.-Col. H. S. Tisdale. Other regiments have been aided to the extent of thirty, forty and even sixty thousand dollars by the United Defence Committee. Notwithstanding this, the Anderson Zouaves will compare favorably with any other regiment, as is shown by the following certificate of the United States Medical Inspector:
New-York, June 30, 1861.
Col. J. Lafayette Riker:

Dear Sir: In the examination of the fine body of troops under your command, known as the Anderson Zouaves, I found a far less proportion of them to be physically disqualified than I have found in any of the regiments I have examined during the present war, and I cheerfully testify to their general superior condition. The scarcity of boys and old men was also quite a remarkable feature.
N.R. MOSELEY, M. D., Medical Inspector.


Multiple citations in the M & S H, with a few examples:

CASE 1165. Private G. Cornick, Co. F, 7th Wisconsin, aged 23 years, was treated in a Fifth Corps hospital for a wound received at Spottsylvania, May 11, 1864. He was sent to Washington on the 15th and admitted into Emory Hospital, where Surgeon N. R. Moseley, U. S. V., reported: "Gunshot wound of the scrotum, with laceration and protrusion of the right testicle. The parts became gangrenous, and there was severe constitutional disturbance from the infiltration of pus in the right iliac region. The wound was ragged and the turgid testis was assuming a gangrenous appearance, and there was great tender ness of the abdomen. Chloroform and ether were administered to the patient on the 19th and the right testis removed, the operation being followed by cold-water applications to the wound. Peritonitis set in on the same day; it was treated with calomel, opium, brandy, and turpentine stupes to the abdomen;" but unavailingly, as the case terminated fatally on May 23, 1864. Excision of both Testes. This operation is still frequently performed, 1 according to Curling, by oriental barbarians; but is rarely resorted to, even in Italy, among civilized communities, except on account of hopeless disorganization of the testes by injury or disease. When the testes are badly lacerated by shot, some military surgeons - are of opinion that primary ablation 3 is preferable to an expectant treatment because of the greater rapidity of recovery after operation. Three cases were returned in which both testes 4 appear to have been removed for shot injury, although the reports are somewhat vague.


CASE 1603. Private John B , Co. C, 7th New York Heavy Artillery, aged 27 years, was wounded at Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864, and treated in a Second Corps field hospital. He was thence transferred to Washington, and admitted to Emory Hospital on June 8th. Surgeon N. R. Moseley, U. S. V., noted : "Gunshot wound of the right arm, the ball entering at the insertion of the deltoid, passing upward, and lodging in the shoulder joint. On June 16th, amputation at the shoulder was performed by antero-posterior flaps. At this time the wound was ecchymo*ed and oedematous, and the bones comminuted ; constitutional condition unfavorable, with nervous prostration. The treatment consisted of stimulants internally, and local pressure on the femoral arteries to retain blood in the trunk. The patient continued to sink, and died of collapse six hours after the operation. The specimen (FiG. 493) consist* of the upper fourth of the right humerus, disarticulated for fracture of the head by a conoidal ball, which destroyed the greater tuberosity and lodged. Several partial fractures extend through the head and neck." Contributed by the operator, Surgeon N. R. Moseley, U. S. V.

Also, see articles concerning Moseley:

Stomach pumps with citation for Surgeon Moseley

Use of Sulphuric Ether and Chloroform during Civil War, 1861





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