Medical Colleges in the North 1861-62

American medical times, Volume 3

Medical Colleges: 1861-62

(Concentrating on the eastern colleges where most of the Army and Navy surgeons were trained)

In presenting to the Students and Profession our annual list of Medical Colleges, we regret to say that it is necessarily incomplete, on account of the civil war, which cuts off all our communication with the Southern States. We have accordingly given the Northern Colleges more space than formerly, quoting, for the most part, the language of the circulars.



Leonard Woods, D.D., President of the College.

Israel T. Dana, M.D., Prof, of the Theory and Prac. of Med.

Amos Nourse, M.I)., Prof, of Obstetrics.

John S. Tenney, LL.D., Lecturer on Medical Jurisprudence.

Timothy Chillis, M.D., Prof, of Surgery.

Paul A. Chadbourne, M.D., Prof, of Chem. and Pharmacy.

David S. Conant, M.D., Prof, of Anatomy and Physiology.

W. C. Robinson, M.D., Prof, of Materia Mod. and Therap.

The session for 1861 will commence on Thursday, the 14th of February, and continue to the last of May.

Fees.—The fees for admission to the several courses ot lectures, payable in advauee, are $55. The Graduation fee, including the Diploma, is $18. Matriculation or Library foe, payable but once, $5. Pupils who have attended two full courses of Medical Lectures, one of which has been at this school, are admitted to all subsequent courses, without payment of any lecture fees.

Students who have attended two full courses at other regular Medical Institutions, are required to pay one-third of the usual fees for admission to their first course of Lectures at this school, in addition to the Matriculation fee.

Graduation.Students, and particularly candidates for a degree, are examined either daily or weekly on the subjects of the lectures. The examinations for the degree of Doctor of Medicine are held by the Faculty of Medicine at the close of the course of lectures, and also on the second Monday before the annual commencement of the College, which occurs on the first Wednesday, of August- The candidates must have devoted three years to their professional studies under the direction of a regular practitioner of medicine. They must have attended two full courses of medical lectures in pome regular, incorporated medical Institution, and the last course previous to examination must have been at this Medical School. They must deposit with the secretary of the faculty satisfactory certificates of having pursued their medical studies for the required term, and of possessing at the time of examination, a good moral character. They must also pass a satisfactory examination in anatomy, physiology, surgery, chemistry, materia medica, pharmacy, obstetrics, and the theory and practice of medicine. They must also read and defend a thesis or dissertation on some medical subject, in the presence of the faculty of medicine. As the faculty adhere to and teach, as the foundation of all true medical science, those great and leading principles which have borne the test of time, and have the support of the highest and best authorities, none whose views and principles of practice are found to be radically at variance with these, can be recommended by them for a diploma. Those candidates, who have not received a collegiate education, must satisfy the faculty of their proficiency in the Latin language and in natural philosophy. Degrees are conferred at the close of each course of lectures, and at the annual commencement of the College in August. A fair copy of the thesis or dissertation must be deposited with the Secretary of the Faculty at least ten days before the commencement of the examination at the close of the lectures. These copies are preserved in the medical library; and it is required that they should be written on paper prepared specially for the purpose of binding them into volumes.

Practical Anatomy.—Material for dissections will be abundant, and will be furnished at cost; with all needed assistance, gratuitously rendered, by the lecturer and demonstrator of anatomy.

Clinical ADVANTAGE.—Frequent opportunities will be afforded to the class of witnessing surgical operations. All examinations in the presence of the class are made without charge, and all operations are performed without charge, except to those abundantly able to pay. The surgical cases and operations, before the class, increase in interest annually. The surgical clinic is attended on Saturday mornings by Dr. Conant, the first half of the term, and by Dr. Childs the last half.



Nathan R. Smith, M.D., Professor of Surgery.

Wm. E. Aiken, M.D. Prof, of Chemistry and Pharmacy.

Samuel Chew, M.D., Prof, of Medicine.

G. W. Miltenberger, M.D., Prof, of Obstetrics.

Wm. A. Hammond, M.D., Prof, of Anatomy and Physiology.

Edward Warren, M.D., Professor of Materia Medica and

Therapeutics.  James H. Butler, M.D., Demonstrator of Anatomy.

The fifty-fourth session of the School of Medicine in the University of Maryland will commence on Monday, the 14th of October, 1861, and end on the 1st of March, 1862.

Clinical Advantages.—For the purpose of Clinical instruction, the School enjoys the inestimable advantage of possessing a capacious hospital of its own. The Baltimore Infirmary, in the immediate vicinity of the College, has been greatly enlarged by the present Faculty, and is under their sole charge and control. This institution contains a hundred and fifty beds, and receives into its wards every variety of acute and chronic diseases, thus furnishing an abundant and never-failing supply of cases for Clinical study. During the sessions daily instruction is given at the bed-sides by the Professors of Surgery and the Principles and Practice of Medicine; and this system of teaching is continued through the remainder of the year by other members of the Faculty, for the benefit of all matriculates of the School who choose to attend. Of the utility and indeed indispensable necessity of Clinical training as a part of medical education, the Faculty are thoroughly aware. They furnish it without charge; they advise and exhort their pupils to frequent the wards, and observe for themselves the character and treatment of diseases; and they admit to examination no candidate for graduation unless he produce evidence of his attendance at the hospital.

Practical Anatomy—The facilities afforded by the School for the study of Practical Anatomy are all that the most diligent and zealous student can desire. Anatomical subjects are supplied in abundance, and at moderate expense. The rooms are open from the beginning of October; and, as they are lighted with gas, dissection can be pursued in the evening as well as during the day.

Microscopical Anatomy.—The important science of Microscopical Anatomy is not neglected. The Faculty have placed in the Museum three excellent Microscopes, and have at their command one of the largest microscopical collections in the country, containing specimens of all the tissues and structures entering into the composition of the body. These are placed under the Microscopes, and changed as occasion requires. They are at all times open to the study of the students. The Faculty take pride in saying that they were the first to introduce into the country this method of studying Histology, a science which it is almost impossible to master, unless the opportunity is afforded of seeing for one's self.

Fees.—The fees for attendance on Lectures are, for Surgery, Chemistry, Materia Medica, Anatomy, Principles and Practice of Medicine, Obstetrics, fifteen dollars each; Practical Anatomy, ten dollars.

No charge is made for the clinical ticket.

A limited number of students will be permitted to reside in the Infirmary as clinical assistants. The fee is one hundred dollars per year, payable in advance.

Matriculation fee, $5. Graduation fee, $20.

Graduation.—Candidates for graduation must have attended two courses of Lectures in this school, or one in this after one in some other respectable Medical school.

Every candidate must deposit with the Dean of the Faculty, on or before the 14th day of February, a thesis of his own composition on some subject connected with me

dical science, or a clinical report of not less than six cases of disease, drawn up from his own observation.

Every candidate must appear before the Faculty for examination on the various branches of Medicine taught in this school. He must also produce evidence of attendance, during one session, on Practical Anatomy and Clinical Medicine.



Cornelius C. Felton, LL.D., President

D. Humphreys Storer, M.D., Prof, of Obstetrics and Medical Jurisprudence.

John B. S. Jackson, M.D., Shattuck Prof, of Morbid Anatomy, and Curator of the Anatomical Museum.

Henry I. Bowditch, M.D., Prof, of Clinical Medicine.

Oliver W. Holmes, M.D., Parkman Prof, of Anatomy and Physiology.

George C. Shattuck, M.D., Hersey Prof, of the Theory and Practice of Physic.

Henry J. Bigelow, M.D., Prof, of Surgery.

John Bacon, M.D., University Prof, of Chemistry.

Edward H. Clarke, M.D., Prof, of Materia Medica.

David W. Cheever, M.D., Demonstrator of Anatomy.

The regular winter course of lectures at this Institution •will begin on the first Wednesday in November, and continue seventeen weeks. The duration of the winter course of lectures, which is now announced, has not been augmented. But, on the other hand, a Summer Term has been established. The Corporation of Harvard College, at the instance of the Medical Faculty, authorized the Tatter to extend the term of instruction, for students who desire it, throughout the year. This arrangement was carried into effect four years ago; and the faculty have been gratified to find that this policy, of the advantages of which there can be little doubt, has since been formally recommended to the colleges by the American Medical Association. A detailed account of the lectures and recitations of the summer term can be found in the annual announcements of that term. During the period of the lecture term, it is the aim of the Professors to present theoretically, clinically, and in the operating room, a comprehensive and illustrated view of the important, scientific, and practical details of medical and surgical science. This course of lectures is complete in itself, and is in fact the usual winter course of medical colleges.

Clinical Advantages.—Instruction is given at the bedside of the patient in the wards of the Massachusetts General Hospital, by the Professor of this branch, who is one of the attending physicians of the Hospital He also gives clinical lectures, in the lecture room at the Hospital. Dr. Bowditch will give special attention in his wards to Auscultation and Percussion. Students will thus have an opportunity to become acquainted with the most approved modes of examining diseases of the heart and lungs.

With the object of facilitating the clinical study of disease, an arrangement has been made with Dr. Abbot, admitting physician to the Hospital, by which students are enabled to be present at the examination of out-patients, who present some of the most interesting phases of disease, particularly Diseases of the Skin, but who are not admitted to the wards of the Hospital

By arrangements also with the managers of the Boston Dispensary, the medical class are admitted to the medical and surgical practice of this large charity. More than eight thousand patients are treated annually at the Dispensary. An extended opportunity is here afforded for the clinical study of diseases of the skin, of syphilis, of the eye and ear, as well as of ordinary cases. Clinical Surgery is taught at the Massachusetts General Hospital by Dr. Bigelow. Operations occurring at the Hospital are performed in the presence of the class. These operations are explained, and the points in surgery which they illustrate are dwelt upon at length, by the Professor, in his general as well as in his clinical lectures. Students are enabled to examine for themselves the surgical cases which are to be found in this large metropolitan Hospital.

Surgical Operations.—Especial attention is directed to the great number and variety of Surgical Operations performed weekly at this Hospital.

Society For Medical Observation.—In connection with the Professorships of Theory and Practice and of Clinical Medicine, and with the assistance of Drs. Bacon. Abbot, and Ellis, the older students meet once a week for the reading of cases and for criticisms thereupon. These meetings form, in fact, a Society for Medical Observation. From the interest heretofore exhibited in them by the older students, the Professors cannot forbear recommending them as one of the important features of this course of college instruction.

Practical Anatomy.—Anatomical material is abundantly furnished, and at a very moderate cost. The Demonstrator will attend daily at the dissecting-room, and superintend the dissections. The dissecting-room is lighted with gas, and every facility afforded for becoming thoroughly acquainted with the anatomy of the body.

Warren Museum.—The magnificent hall of the "Warren Anatomical Museum is opened to students for the inspection and study of the specimens, under the direction of Dr. Jackson, the Curator.

Library.—The Library contains a large collection of modern medical works, and many duplicates of the best Text-Books. Yearly additions are made to the library, which is open to students.

Eye And Ear Infirmary.—An excellent opportunity is afforded to medical students for the clinical study of diseases of the Eye and Ear, at the Infirmary, which, by the liberality of its medical officers, is accessible, without fee during their visit in the wards.

Chelsea Hospital.—Dr. Davis has kindly consented to allow students to visit the patients of the Chelsea Hospital. Students will find here, among other subjects for study, a large collection of venereal diseases, and of diseases of the skin

Fees.—Fees for the Lectures at the University, $80: Matriculation fee, $3; Graduation fee, $20.





Charles King, LL.D., Prefident of Columbia College.

Edward Delafield, M.D., President of the College of Physicians and Surgeons.

Alexander H. Stephens, M.D., LL.D., Professor Emeritus of Clinical Surgery.

Edward Delafield, M.D., Professor Emeritus of Obstetrics.

John Torrey, M.D., LL.D., Professor Emeritus of Chemistry and Botany.

Joseph Mather Smith, M.D., Professor of Materia Medica and Clinical Medicine.

Robert .Watts, M.D., Professor of Anatomy.

Willard Parker, M.D., Professor of the Principles and Practice of Surgery and Surgical Anatomy.

Chandler R. Gilman, M.D., Professor of Obstetrics, the Dis. of Women and Child., and Med. Jurisprudence.

Alonzo Clark, M.D., Prof, of Pathology and Prac. Medicine.

John C. Dalton, Jr., M.D., Prof, of Phys. and Micros. Anat

Samuel St John, M.D., Professor of Chemistry.

Thos. M. Markoe, M.D., Adjunct Professor of Surgery.

Henry B. Sands, M.D., Demonstrator of Anatomy.

William H. Draper, M.D., > Assistants to the Professor of

George F. Shrady, M.D., \ Surgery.

Foster Swift, M.D., Assistant to the Professor of Obstetrics.

Govcrneur M. Smith, M.D., Librarian.

The Regular Course of Lectures for the Session of 1861

'62 will commence on Monday, tho 21st of October, 1861, and continue until the second Thursday of March following.

Clinical Advantages.—The following are the most important clinical institutions open to medical students and practitioners.

New York Hospital, 319 Broadway.—Open to medical men and students daily, without charge. Prof. J. M. Smith is one of the Attending Physicians, and Profs. Parker and Markoe,  Attending Surgeons. All these gentlemen give clinical instruction during their terms of attendance. Public medical visit, Wednesday and Saturday, at li P.m. Public surgical visit, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, at li P.m. Operating days, Monday and Thursday.

Bellevue Hospital,  As in New York Hospital, clinical instruction is given daily by the medical staff. Whole annual number of patients, over 10,000. Prof. Parker is one of the Visiting Surgeons, and Prof. Clark, one of the Visiting Physicians. Medical visit on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, at li P.m. Surgical visit on Wednesday and Saturday, also at li P.m. Operating days, Wednesday and Saturday.

Blackwell's Island Hospitals, Blackwell's Island, East River, foot of Gist street.

Emigrants' Hospital, Ward's Island, East River, foot of 106th street

Nursery Hospital, Randall's Island, East River, foot of 117th street

Children's Hospital, 51st street, near Third Avenue.

New York Eye Infirmary, Second Avenue, corner of East 13th street

New York Ophthalmic Hospital, Third Avenue, near Eleventh street

Surgical And Medical Clinics.—These Clinics are among the most valuable and extensive means of instruction afforded by the College. Patients are examined and prescribed for in the presence of the class, and subsequently (unless already in the care of some medical practitioner) assigned to one of the students, by whom they are attended at their own houses during the interval, and presented at the College on the next regular clinic day, when the result of the treatment is seen, and such further directions given as may be necessary. There will also be four Clinics in each week, viz.—A Surgical Clinic, by Profs. Parker and Markoe, every Monday, at 11 A.M.  A Medical Clinic, by Prof. Clark, every Thursday, at 11 A.M.  A Surgical Clinic, by Dr. Detmold, every Wednesday, at 2 PM.  A Clinic for Females, by Dr. Swift, every Friday, at 2 PM. The Lectures given in this Course will not interfere with those of the Regular Session. Students who matriculate in the College are entitled to attend the Preliminary Course without extra charge.

Practical Obstetrics.—Each advanced student in this College has one or more cases assigned to his exclusive care, and many thus become practically familiar with this important branch in all its details. Should any abnormal or difficult case occur, the student has the privilege of sending for the Professor of Obstetrics, who then takes charge of the patient, and embraces the opportunity of giving clinical demonstration of the most approved method of treatment.

Practical Anatomy.—A large and commodious apartment is provided in the College for Practical Anatomy. It is admirably lighted and ventilated, and abundantly suppiied with gas and Croton water. It will be opened early in October^ and continue open until the following April.

Attendance in the Dissecting-Room, and on the Demonstrations, is optional with the students; but they are earnestly advised to avail themselves of the opportunity. Material for dissection is supplied in abundance, and at a low rate; so that every student can go through with a thorough course of dissection. Demonstrator's Ticket, $5, which admits the student to the Dissecting-Room.

Preliminary Term.—The preliminary term for the ensuing Fall Season commenced on Monday, Sept 23, and continues four weeks. It will consist of a series of lectures on subjects which, in' the present state of national affairs,

are of the highest importance to every student and practitioner. The intention of the lecturers is to offer every facility for the acquirement of a knowledge of military surgery to all who may have a desire to join the army or navy. The following is the list of lecturers:—Prof. Markoe, on Gunshot Wounds; Prof. Clark, on Diseases incident to Camps; Prof. St. John, on Adulterations in Food and Drink ; Dr. Detmold, on the Field Duties of the Military Surgeon; Dr. W. C. Livingston, £ Dressing and Bandaging; Dr. D. S. Conant, on Dislocations; Dr. F. J. Bumstead, on Venereal.

Faculty Prizes.—Two Prizes are annually awarded by the Faculty, at the College Commencement in March, for the best two Graduating Theses presented during the year, viz —A First Prize of Fifty Dollars, and a Second Prize of Twenty-five Dollars. The Graduating Theses competing for these prizes should be handed in to the Secretary of the Faculty, in the Fall, by the 1st of September; and in the Spring, by the 1st of February.

Larsen Prizes.—Founded by Jacob Larsen, M.D., an Alumnus of the College. Three Annual Prizes will be awarded for the best three written Reports of the Clinical Instruction in the New York Hospital, during any four months of the year immediately preceding the Annual Commencement in March, which shall be prepared and presented by students of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, viz.:—A First Prize, consisting of a Gold Medal, worth Fifty Dollars, and One Hundred Dollars in money. A Second Prize, consisting of a Silver Medal, and Fifty Dollars, in money; and a Third Prize, consisting of a Bronze Medal, and Twenty-five Dollars in money. All the medals to be struck from the same die. The Reports competing for these Prizes should be handed in to Professor Clark, on or before the 20th day of February, in each year.

Stevens Prize For 1862.—Offered by Alexander H. Stevens, M.D., LL.D., Professor Emeritus of Surgery, and Ex-President of the College. This Prize, consisting of the sum of One Hundred Dollars, will be awarded for the best series of Preparations which shall adequately illustrate the Anatomy, Physiology, and Pathology of the Larynx. The preparations competing for this prize should be sent in to Dr. Henry B. Sands, Curator of the College, on or before the 1st day of March, 1862. The preparations receiving the above prize, as well as those of which honorable mention may be made, will be deposited in the Museum of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, inscribed with the names of the successful competitors. This Prize is open for competition to all students and medical men.

Graduation.—There are two periods for conferring degrees: one at the Annual Commencement, in March; the other at the opening of the Regular Course, in October. Candidates for the degree of Doctor of Medicine must have attended two full courses of Lectures,—the latter in this College. They must also have studied medicine three years, under the direction of a regular physician, including the attendance upon lectures; and have attained the age of twenty-one years. Each candidate is required to write a thesis on some subject connected with the science of medicine, and to deposit it with the Secretary of the Faculty. Full and formal certificates of the time of study, of moral character, and of age, must also be furnished.

The examination of candidates takes place semiannually; that for graduation in the Spring, early in March; that for graduation in the Fall, on the second Tuesday in September.

Fees.—Matriculation fee, $5. Fees for the full Course of Lectures by all the Professors, $105; but students are not required to take out all the tickets during one session. Ticket of the Demonstrator of Anatomy, $5. Graduation fee, $30. Students who have attended two full courses in this College, or who, having attended one full course in some regularly established medical school, shall subsequently attend one full course in this College, are admitted to a third course of lectures on pay ing the matriculation fee only. Graduates of this school arc admitted without fee. Graduates of other schools, who have been in practice three years, and Theological Students, are admitted on general ticket by paying the matriculation fee.



The Session for 1801-62 will begin on Monday, Oct. 21, and will be continued until the 1st of March. The Courses of Lectures given will be on Anatomy—General, Descriptive, Surgical, and Pathological; Principles and Operations of Surgery; Materia Medica and Therapeutics; Institutes and Practice of Medicine; Obstetrics, the Diseases of Women and Children, with Clinical Midwifery; Chemistry and Physiology; Clinical Surgery; Clinical Medicine; Clinical Lectures on the Diseases of the Genito-Urinary Organs; Clinical Lectures on the Diseases of Women and Children; Clinical Lectures on Physical Diagnosis.

Rev. Isaac Ferris, D.D., LL.D., Chancellor of the University.

Valentine Mott, M.D., LL.D., Emerit. Prof, of Surgery, etc.

Martyn Paine, M.D., LL.D., Prof, of Mat. Med. and Therap.

Gunning S. Bedford, M.D., Prof, of Obstetrics.

John W. Draper, M.D., LL.D., Prof of Chem. and Phys.

Alfred C. Post, M.D., Prof, of Surgery.

William H. Van Buren, M.D., Professor of Anatomy.

John T. Metcalfe, M.D., Professor of Medicine.

J. W. S. Gouley, M.D., Demonstrator of Anatomy.

J H. Hinton, M D ) Prosectors of s

Alexander B. Mott, M.D., J 5 '


T. Gaillard Thomas M.D., Wm. R. Donaghe, M.D., Prof John C. Draper, M.D., J. B. Reynolds, M.D., Jas. Wynne' M.D., Gonzales Echeverria, M.D., Wm. F. Holcomb, M.D.^

Clinical Instruction constitutes a prominent feature in the plan of education;'and the unlimited resources of New York give ample opportunity for familiarity with disease at the bed-fide.

1st. An Obstetric Clinic for the Diseases of Women and Children, on every Monday, from 2J to 4i o'clock P.m., by Prof. Bedford. This clinic was first established by Prof. Bedford, in October, 1850, and it has met with constantly increasing success. From the period of its first organization to the present date, there have been presented to the classes of the University more than twelve thousand cases of the most interesting diseases of women and children. Every variety of disease incident to women and children is thus brought before the pupils, and the fullest opportunity afforded of studying the maladies of such patients.

2d. Surgical Clinic every Tuesday, from 3 to !' o'clock P.m., by Prof. Mott. Almost every variety of surgical cases has been presented to the class, and many operations performed.

3d. Medical Clinic every Wednesday, from 1\ to 3^ o'clock P.m., by Prof. Metcalfe. This clinic is full of interest, from the great number of miscellaneous cases of disease. The Clinical Class is divided into sections, each of which examines, at leisure, in a room provided for the purpose, the lungs, heart, etc., of patients, a written record of whose cases has been previously dictated before the class by the Professor, and which serves as a guide during the examination.

   4th. Surgical Clinic, witii, the Diseases of the GenitoUrinary Organs, every Wednesday, from 3$ to 4J o'clock P.m., by Prof. Van Buren. This clinic will, independent of its general surgical practice, afford ample opportunities to study the diseases appertaining to the genito-urinary organs. Cases of syphilis, exhibiting every variety of that disease, of gonorrhoea, gleet, stricture of urethra.

   5th. Surgical Clinic every Saturday, from 11 A.m. to 1 P.m., by Prof. Post. Many cases of interest have been prescribed for during the year, and numerous operations have been performed before the class. Interesting surgical cases have been placed under the care of advanced students.

The New York Hospital., of which Professors Mott and Post are Consulting Surgeons, is the largest Surgical Hospital in this country. It is open to students daily at 14 o'clock P.m., throughout the year. Admittance to tho hospital is free.

Bellevue Hospital.—Prof. Mott is the Senior Consulting Surgeon. Clinical lectures and surgical operations daily throughout the year. Regular operating days, Wednesdays and Saturdays, at 1 o'clock PM.

St. Vincent's HospitalJews' HospitalSt. Luke's Hospital.—These are large and important institutions. Prof. Mott is Senior Consulting Surgeon to St. Vincent's and the Jews' Hospitals. Prof. Van Buren Consulting Surgeon to St. Vincent's Hospital. Prof. Metcalfe is Consulting Physician and Prof. Post Consulting Surgeon to St. Luke's Hospital.

Eye And Ear Infirmary.—This institution makes ample and special provision for the study of diseases of the Eye and Ear.

Dispensaries Of The City.—These charities, which afford a wide field for practical observation, are also without charge.

Practical Anatomy.—The period during which students will be admitted to the dissecting-room will occupy about five months, commencing in October, and terminating on the first day of March following. During the month of October, the room will be open from 8 o clock A.m. to 5 o'clock P.m., when the Demonstrator of Anatomy will be in regular attendance. During the months of November, December, January, and February, it will be open till 10 o'clock P.m. The students, on the payment of the Demonstrator's fee (five dollars), will be entitled to all the privileges of the dissecting-room, and will likewise be furnished with soap and towels for washing. No extra charges will be made, except for the injection of subjects, and it will always be optional with the students to have them injected or not.

Museums, Apparatus, Etc., Etc.—The Anatomical and Surgical Museums are rich in preparations of practical value. They contain the extensive collection of Professors Mott, Bedford, Post, and Van Buren. The Professor of Chemistry has procured a chemical and philosophical apparatus, adapted to the illustration of ft complete course of general and medical chemistry. He is constantly adding to this collection, and is in possession of the requisites for thorough instruction in bis department. The collection of instruments for the surgical chairs includes everything that is valuable, embracing all the recent improvements. The Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics has collected a herbarium of the choicest specimens. The collection in materia medica is also very complete. In addition, he possesses an extensive collection of drawings all made under his own immediate supervision. These paintings are executed upon an enlarged scale, and accompanied by other medical floras, representing the plants of their natural size. The Professor has also added to the collection his cabinet of minerals. The collection of preparations belonging to the Professor of Obstetrics, together with a complete apparatus for the illustration of every portion of his course, will enable him to be thorough in his demonstrations. The lectures of the Professors of Anatomy and Surgery are extensively illustrated by a series of enlarged paintings, drawings, and diagrams, in addition to dissections and preparations.

Faculty PrizesMott-medals.—These Medals will be given to candidates as follows: One of Gold, one of Silver, one of Bronze. The Gold Medal to the candidate who shall prepare the best dried Anatomical or Anatomico Surgical preparation. The Silver Medal to the second best of that description. The Bronze Medal to the candidate who shall furnish the best book of recorded cases, and remarks of tho Professor, of either of the Surgical Clinics. Candidates for Graduation, as well as first and second course students, shall compete for these Medals. The preparations ehall belong to Dr. Mott's Museum, be labeled with the name of the maker, and entered on the catalogue. The volume of cases shall also belong to, and be deposited, in the Museum. One of the Faculty will be associated with Dr. Mott in the adjudication of the Medals. The Medals to be announced by the Chancellor, and presented to the successful candidates, at the Spring Commencement of the College. The medals not to be awarded except the specimens presented are of sufficiently good character.

Metcalfe Prizes.—Professor Metcalfe will give two prizes for the first and second reports, in order of rnerit, of cases occurring at his College Clinics during the session.

Van Buren Prizes.—The Professor of Anatomy offers two prizes for the best dissections by members of tie Dissecting Class, on the recent subject. Conditions, and further explanation, given in full during the session.

Graduation.—The examination for the Degree will commence towards the close of the session, and will be continued daily until all the candidates shall have been examined. The following are the requisites for the diploma. The candidate must be 21 years of age. He must have attended two courses of medical lectures; one of which must have been delivered in the medical department of the University of New York. He must have attended a course of Practical Anatomy in the Dissecting Room. The candidate must have studied medicine for three years (the terms of attending lectures being included in these), under the direction of a respectable medical practitioner. He must write a medical thesis, either in the English, Latin, or French language. Two Commencements take place annually in the University, at either of which candidates who have complied with the above requisitions may graduate. The first takes place early in the month of March, and the other about the end of June.

Fees.—Full Course of Lectures, $105; Matriculation Fee, $5; Fee for instruction by the Demonstrator, $5; Graduation Fee, $30.



Isaac E. Taylor, M.D., President

Benjamin VV. McCready, M.D., Secretary.

R. Ogden Doremus, M.D., Treasurer.

James R. Wood, M.D., Professor of Operative Surgery and Surgical Pathology.

Frank H. Hamilton, M.D., Professor of Military Surgery, Fractures, and Dislocations.

Lewis A. Sayre, M.D., Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery.

Alexander B. Mott, M.D., Professor of Surgical Anatomy.

Stephen Smith, M.D., Professor of the Principles of Surgery.

Isaac E. Taylor, M.D., ) Professors of Obstetrics and

George T. Elliot, M.D., \ Diseases of Women and

B. Fordyce Barker, M.D., ) Children.

Benjamin W. McCready, M.D., Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics.

Timothy ChiUls, M.D., Professor of Descriptive Anatomy.

Austin Flint, M.D., Professor of the Principles and Practice of Medicine.

R. Ogden Doremus, M.D., Prof, of Chem. and Toxicology.

Austin Flint, junior, M.D., Professor of Physiology and Microscopic Anatomy.

Charles D. Phelps, M.D., Demonstrator of Anatomy, and Curator of the Hospital Museum.

N. R. Moseley, M.D., Prosector to Chair of Surgical Anat.

Sylvester Teats, M.D., Prosector to Chair of Operative Surgery, and Surgical Pathology.

The Trustees and Faculty of the Bellevue Hospital Medical College announce, with great pleasure, the establishment of this institution on a basis which they feel assured will command the approbation and warm interest of the medical profession of this country.

Organization.—The College was organized early in April, 1861; the departments of instruction instituted; a corps of thirteen Professors appointed; and measures taken for the speedy erection of a suitable college building within the spacious and beautiful hospital grounds. Instruction has already been inaugurated in the College by a course of lectures on Military Surgery, by Prof. Hamilton, and a series of lectures, with demonstrations, by Prof. Wood, on subjects of importance to army surgeons preparing for the field. These lectures were given in the latter part of April and the early part of May, and were attended by a class of over two hundred medical students and practitioners.

The objects which led to the establishment of this College will guide the Trustees and Faculty in its management. These 'objects are, the development of the vast resources of the Bellevue Hospital, together with the associated public charities, and the complete application of these resources to the various branches of medical instruction. The plan is to combine, to the fullest extent, thorough didactic with demonstrative teaching. This is to be done in the most effectual manner only by establishing medical schools in connection with large hospitals. Some of the most distinguished of the European schools are thus connected, and this plan has recently been adopted in this country, but in no other instance on a scale so extensive as by the union of a Medical College with the Bellevue Hospital. The lectures in all the departments being given in the Hospital or within the hospital grounds, loss of time in going to and from the hospital will be saved to the student; there will be no encroachments of didactic and clinical instruction upon each other, but, on the contrary, arrangements will be made to secure to each its appropriate relative claims. The Professors in all the practical branches being either Visiting Physicians or Surgeons to the Hospital, subjects pertaining to Surgery, Obstetrics, Therapeutics, and the Practice of Medicine, can be amply illustrated by cases in the hospital wards simultaneously with their consideration in the lecture room.

Clinical Advantages.—The annual report for the year 1860 shows that during the year eleven thousand four hundred and eleven patients were treated in this Hospital. At the end of the year nine hundred and twenty-six patients remained in Hospital under treatment. The number of discharges during the year was nine thousand four hundred and seventy-two ; and the number of deaths one thousand and thirteen. The Hospital receives medical and surgical cases of all descriptions, excepting the contagious eruptive fevers, cases of every variety of accident, and women in pregnancy. During the year 1860, the number of births amounted to four hundred and seventy-four. During the same year six hundred and two police and accidental cases were received, and one hundred and forty-nine coroner's cases. Of the thirteen Professors composing the Faculty of the College, all save three are connected with the Hospital as Visiting Physicians or Surgeons. Medical students are admitted to the hospital wards daily during the hours appropriated to clinical instruction. Surgical operations are performed in presence of the class. Abundant opportunities are afforded for being present at cases of labor, and of witnessing obstetrical operations when these are required. Autopsies may be made before the class when desired, the dead-house containing a spacious lecture room designed especially for this purpose. In carrying out the plan of combining didactic with demonstrative teaching to the fullest extent, the Professors in the different departments will generally be able to illustrate important subjects as they occur in the regular courses of instruction, by cases selected from the hospital wards, and by post-mortem examinations. The phenomena of disease, as manifested in the living and the dead body, will be demonstrated in immediate connection with the consideration of the subjects to which they relate.

The Blackwell's Island Hospital, which has recently been erected, is a splendid edifice, nearly as large as the Bellevue Hospital. It contains at the present time about a thousand patients, a large proportion of whom are affected with chronic diseases. Here arc collected several hundred cases of syphilis, presenting all the stages and multiform phases of tins disease in both sexes. Chronic affections of the chest are numerous. This Hospital has lately been placed under the charge of the Medical Board of Bellcvue Hospital, and is, in like manner, open for clinical instruction. Students attending the Hospital at Bellevue will have the privilege of attendance at, the institutions on Blackwell's Island without expense—the means of conveyance by steamer being provided by the Commissioners.

The Small-pox Hospital is situated on Blackwell's Island. This Hospital received three hundred and twenty three cases during the last year. Students desiring to observe cases of small-pox will here have an abundant opportunity.

Museum.—The Hospital Museum, together with the large private collections of Prof. Wood and other members of the Faculty, will be available for instruction. The additions being constantly made to the Hospital Museum will ere long make this inferior to none other in the number and variety of morbid specimens.

Botanical Garden.—Arrangements have been made for the establishment of a Botanical Garden on Blackwell's Island.

Practical Anatomy.—The study of Practical Anatomy can be pursued to any extent. This study having been legalized in the State of New York, and amply provided for by law, there will be no lack of material, which will be furnished to the student at a trifling expense. Dissections will be superintended by the Demonstrator of Anatomy, under the direction of the Professor of that Department. Commodious, well-lighted, and well-ventilated dissecting rooms will be provided, together with everything requisite for the convenience and comfort of the student. Dissections may be prosecuted during the preliminary term, and during the whole of the regular term.

Prizes are offered by two members of the Faculty, Professors Wood and Mott, for the best preparations relating to Surgical Anatomy, to be competed for by students in any of the Medical Schools of New York and Brooklyn. The prizes offered by Prof. Wood are $50, and a diploma, for the best preparation, and $25, with a diploma, for the one ranking second in excellence. These prizes are adjudged by the Professors of Surgery in the different schools.

The prize offered by Prof. Mott is a complete case of surgical instruments of the value of $100, for the best preparation.

Preliminary And Regular Terms.—The preliminary term will commence on Wednesday, Sept. 18th, 1861, and continue to the beginning of the regular term, viz., four weeks. The regular term will commence on Wednesday, Oct. 16th, 1801, and end early in March, 1862.

Preliminary Term.—The arrangements for lectures, etc., during the preliminary term, are designed to render this term not merely a nominal, but an actual extension of the period of instruction. While it is not deemed advisable at present to require attendance during this term, students are earnestly solicited to attend, and sufficient inducements, it ia hoped, will be found in the amount and practical importance of the instructions which will be provided. Clinical teaching in Surgery, Medicine, and Obstetrics, will be as full during the preliminary as during the regular term, and, in addition, at least three lectures will be given daily by members of the Faculty. The subjects of the lectures have been selected with reference to their importance in a practical point of view.

Among the subjects which will be taken up during the preliminary term, are, Organic Affections of the Uterus, by Prof. Taylor; Uterine Displacements, by Prof. Barker; Inflammatory Diseases of the Uterus and Appendages, by Prof. Elliot; the Thoracic Viscera^ by Prof. Childs; Auscultation and Percussion, by Prof. Flint; Syphilis, by Prof. Hamilton, Surgical Affections of the Genito-Urinary Apparatus, by Prof. Wood; Endosmosis and Exosrnosis, and their Practical Applications, by Prof. Dorcmus.  In addition to the preliminary and regular terms, a course of instruction will be given during the spring and summer months. Seasonable notice will be given of the subjects, etc., of this course.

Regular Term.—During the regular term, the lectures will be so arranged as not to interfere with attendance in the hospital wards. Ample time will be allowed for accompanying the Visiting Physicians and Surgeons in their daily rounds, attending clinical lectures, and witnessing surgical operations in the hospital amphitheatre, without compromising didactic instruction in any of the branches. Clinical and demonstrative teaching constituting the great feature of this College, the arrangements will be such as to render the immense resources of the Hospitals available to the student to the fullest possible extent.

Graduation.—The requirements for graduation in this College are—twenty-one years of age; three years' study with a regular and respectable practitioner of medicine (or practitioners), inclusive of the time of attendance at medical lectures; attendance on two full courses of lectures, the last being in this College; proper testimonials of character; an acceptable thesis in the handwriting of the candidate, and a satisfactory examination in each of the departments of instruction. The Faculty of this College consisting of thirteen Professors, it is proper to state that candidates for graduation will be examined in Surgery and Obstetrics, respectively, by one of the Professors appointed in each of these departments.

Fees.—The aggregate fees for tickets to all the lectures during the preliminary and regular terms are $105. Tickets for one, or any number of the departments of instruction, may be taken out separately, the fees being proportionate to the number taken. The fee for a ticket admitting to all the lectures during the preliminary term is $10. This sum will be deducted from the aggregate fees for the whole session ($105) if tickets to the lectures during the preliminary and regular terms are taken. Matriculation fee, $5; Graduation fee, $30; Demonstrator's ticket, $5.

The hospital ticket will admit the student not only to Bellevue Hospital, but to the Hospital on Blackwell's Island, and other charities under the jurisdiction of the Commissioners. Students who have attended two full courses of lectures in other accredited schools will be admitted to all the lectures for $50. Students who may attend two full courses in this College, or who attend one full course in this College, and have attended one full course in some other accredited school, will be required to matriculate only. Payment of the fees will in all cases be required, and tickets must be taken out at the commencement of the term.

Appointment Of Resident Physicians And Surgeons.In The Bellevue And Blackwell's Island Hospitals.—The Hospital Staff at Bellevue and Blackwell's Island Hospital includes twenty-two resident Physicians and Surgeons, who are appointed annually, after an examination and recommendation by the Medical Board of the Hospital The resident Physicians and Surgeons are provided with comfortable quarters in the Hospital, and receive a salary sufficient for their support.

Special Courses Of Instruction.—In order to meet the wishes of medical practitioners and students who may desire fuller or more minute instruction in certain subjects than can enter into the regular courses of lectures, special courses will be given during the session, by members of the Faculty, to private classes. Prof. Hamilton will give private instruction in the application of splints and bandages. Prof. Flint will give practical lessons m auscultation and percussion. Prof. Doremus will form classes for practical exercises in Toxicology. Instruction in Microscopy will be given by Prof. Flint, Jr.

The terms, etc., for these special courses will be announced during the session.



William Gibson, M.D., Emeritus Professor of Surgery.
George B. Wood, M.D., Emeritus Professor of Medicine.
Samuel Jackson, M.D., Professor of Institutes of Medicine.
Hugh L. Hodge, M.D., Professor of Obstetrics and the

Diseases of Women and Children.
Joseph Carson, M.D., Professor of Materia Medica.
Robert E. Rogers, M.D., Professor of Chemistry.
Joseph Leidy, M.D.. Professor of Anatomy.
Henry H. Smith, M.D., Professor of Surgery.

William Pepper, M.D., Professor of the Theory and Practice of Medicine and of Clinical Medicine. William Hunt, M.D., Demonstrator of Anatomy.

C. S. Bishop, M.D ) Surgical Demonstrators.

Edward Shippen, M.D.,

The session for the Medical Lectures begins early in October, and ends early in March ensuing. The commencement for conferring the degree of Doctor of Medicine, is held by a special mandamus of the Board of Trustees, during the month of March.

Graduation.—The following are the rules in force in relation to the degree of Doctor of Medicine:—The candidate must have attained the age of twenty-one years, have applied himself to the study of medicine for three years, and been, during that time, the private pupil for two years, at least, of a respectable practitioner of medicine; the candidate must also have attended two complete courses of the following lectures in this Institution:—theory and practice of medicine; anatomy; materia medica and pharmacy; chemistry; surgery ; obstetrics, and the diseases of women and children; institutes of medicine. Medical students who have attended one complete course in a respectable medical school, where the attendance on two complete courses is necessary to a degree, where the same branches are taught as in this, and which is placed upon the ad eundem of this school, are permitted to become candidates by an attendance here for one full course; the rules of graduation being in other respects observed. They are also exempted from the payment of fees upon attending a second term. When a candidate applies to the Dean for admission, he must exhibit his tickets to prove that the above rules have been complied with. The candidate, at the time of his application, must deliver to the Dean of the medical faculty, a thesis, composed by himself, on some medical subject. This thesis is referred to one of the Professors, who shall examine the candidate upon it, and make his report thereon to the medical faculty.

When a candidate is rejected, his essay will be retained by the medical faculty. The essay must be in the candidate s own handwriting, and must be written uniformly on letter-paper of the same size, the alternate pages being left blank. Bad spelling in a thesis, or evidences of a want of literary culture, will preclude a candidate from examination for a degree. A thesis may be published by the candidate if he desire it, the permission of the Professor by whom he was examined thereon being first obtained; but no alteration shall be made in such thesis without the consent of the said Professor. The voting on the case of each candidate is by ballot. Candidates who have not been successful upon a first examination, will be permitted to have a second, when all the classes have been disposed of by the faculty. The second examination will be conducted in full meeting of the Professors. The candidate shall pay the fees of graduation at the time of his examination, or before receiving notice of his success; his name may then be entered on the register of passed candidates, for the purpose of being reported to the Board of Trustees and included in the mandamus for a degree. Candidates who .have passed their examination, and in other respects complied with the regulations, are to be reported by the Dean to the Provost, who will communicate such report to the Board of Trustees, in order that, if approved of by them, their mandamus be issued for conferring the degree. The degree will not be conferred upon a candidate who absents himself from the public commencement, except by special permission of the medical faculty. Graduates of medical schools, on the ad eundem list, by attending one complete course in this Institution, and complying with the above regulations, are put upon the same footing with students who have attended two complete courses here; that is, they may present themselves as candidates for graduation: also, if they attend a second time, the tickets will be free. Such graduates, if of five years' standing, are permitted to attend the course of lectures, upon a general ticket of admission, free of expense, except the cost of the matriculating ticket. But this general ticket does not qualify for graduation.

Fees.—Fees for the Course of Lectures, $105; •Matriculation Fee (paid only once), $5; Graduating Fee, $30.



Eobert. Huston, M.D., Emeritus Professor of Materia

Medica and General Therapeutics. Charles D. Meigs, M.D., Emeritus Professor of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children.

Robley Dunglison, M.D., Prof, of Institutes of Medicine, etc.

Joseph Pancoast, M.D., Prof, of Surgical Anatomy.

Franklin Bache, M.D., Prof, of Chemistry.

Samuel D. Gross, M.D., Prof, of Surgery.

Thomas D. Mitchell, M.D., Prof, of Materia Medica.

S. Henry Dickson, M.D., Prof; of Practice of Medicine.

William V. Keating, M.D.,* Prof, of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children.

Ellerslie Wallace, M.D., Demonstrator of Anatomy.

The next session of the Jefferson Medical College will commence on the second Monday, being the fourteenth day, of October. The regular lectures will begin the day alter. The session will terminate on the last day of February. Opportunities will be afforded for the prosecution of Practical Anatomy from the commencement of October.

Clinical Advantages.—The General Dispensary of the College, which the students of the College have the exclusive privilege of attending gratuitously, will be in active operation from the commencement of September. The College Clinic, connected with this, affords admirable opportunities for the student to learn the practical parts of his profession, and the proper application of the principles which he is taught from the various chairs. The clinic is richly supplied with medical and surgical cases, and throughout the session it forms a prominent, and, in the estimation of the faculty, a most important element of the educational course. The patient is examined, prescribed for, and if a surgical operation is needed, it is performed before the class The rationale of every conclusion, and of every prescription, is expounded by the clinical professor; and diagnosis, prognosis, and therapeutics are thus intimately investigated and elucidated. The lists of medical and surgical diseases exhibit the great variety of cases brought before the students. For certain cases, the faculty have provided hospital accommodations in a building in immediate connection with the College—thus enabling the surgeons to perform not only the minor, but the more serious operations, as lithotomy, amputation, etc., before the class, without risk to the patient The hours of attendance at the clinic of the College are so arranged as to permit the students to attend, every Wednesday and Saturday, the clinics held at the Pennsylvania Hospital, and the Philadelphia Hospital. Professor Pancoast is one of the surgeons of the former; and Professor Gross of the latter. At both these institutions, the advantages are great for the practical observation of medical and surgical cases. The city is, indeed, rich in its hospitals, infirmaries, and dispensaries, for the treatment of diseases in general It has, moreover, institutions designed for important specialties,—for the diseases of the eye and ear, for obstetrical cases, etc., and numerous private courses are energetically conducted by competent individuals, in which practical subjects are illustrated by the examination and treatment of cases. It is obvious, however, that during the regular course of lectures the time of the student must be so much occupied with his college studies, that he can only avail himself of a part of the clinical riches with which he is so bounteously surrounded.

The Museum of the College is amply provided with materials for demonstration, and is well fitted for illustrating the various departments.

In the course on surgery, the Professor will devote several lectures to military surgery.

The examinations are so arranged as to permit the commencement for conferring degrees to be held a3 early in March as is practicable. There is likewise an examination of candidates for graduation during the first week of July. The degrees are conferred on the candidates who are successful at this examination at the annual commencement following.

Graduation.—The candidate must be of good moral character, and at least twenty-one years of age. He must have attended two full courses of lectures in some regular and respectable medical school, one of which shall have been in this College, and must exhibit his tickets, or other adequate evidence thereof, to the Dean of the faculty. He must have studied medicine for not less than three years, and have attended at least one course of clinical instruction in an institution approved by the faculty. He must present to the Dean of the faculty a thesis of his own composition, correctly written, and in his own handwriting, on some medical subject; and exhibit to the faculty, at his examination, satisfactory evidence of his professional attainments. If, after examination for a degree, the candidate, on ballot, shall be found to have received three negative voles, he shall be entitled to a fresh examination. Should he decline this, he may withdraw his thesis, and not be considered as rejected. The degree will not be conferred upon any candidate who absents himself from the public commencement, without the special permission of the faculty.

Fees.—The fee to each member of the faculty is $15, payable in advance, making in the whole, $105 ; the Matriculation fee is $5, to be paid the first session only; the fee for the diploma is $30.



John Towler, M.D., Dean and Registrar, Professor of Chemistry and Pharmacy. James Hadley, M.D., Emeritus Professor of Chemistry and

Pharmacy. Frederick Hyde, M.D., Professor of Principles and Practice

of Surgery.

George Burr, M.D., Professor of General and Special Anatomy.

Caleb _Green, M.D., Professor of Physiology and Pathology.

Hiram N. Eastman, M.D., Professor of the Practice of Medicine and Materia Medica.


Joseph Beattie, M.D., Professor of Obstetrics, Diseases of Women and Children, and Medical Jurisprudence.

Lyman \V. BUss, M.D., Demonstrator of Anatomy.

The session of 1861-62 will begin on Wednesday, the 2d day of October, 1861, and continue sixteen weeks. Through the liberality of the Legislature, and from the College and Faculty endowments, between twenty-five and thirty thousand dollars have been expended in the purchase of Museum, Library, and Apparatus, and in the erection of one of the best arranged and most commodious college buildings in the United States.

The Anatomical Museum has been carefully selected, both in this country and in Europe, and is alike rich in healthy and morbid specimens. This collection, with the abundant supply of recent anatomical material always on hand, will afford ample means for the study of both healthy and pathological anatomy.

Rules And Regulations.—Every student, previous to his attendance upon lectures, shall wait upon the Dean, in order to register his name, residence, and the name of the practitioner with whom lie has pursued his medical studies, and shall pay a matriculation fee of eight dollars. He is recommended at the same time to take a general ticket, by paying $32, which will entitle him to the ticket of each professor. Otherwise he shall obtain them within ten days after the commencement of lectures in any department from the respective professors. Pupils who have attended two full courses of medical lectures, one of which courses has been at this college, are admitted without the payment of lecture fees. Those who have attended two full courses at other medical institutions will be admitted to their first course at this college for one-third of the lecture fee in addition to the matriculation fee. Graduation.—The candidate for the medical degree must be twenty-one years of age, of good moral character, have attended two full courses of medical lectures, the last at this institution, and must exhibit satisfactory evidence of having prosecuted the study of medicine for three years under the direction of some respectable physician. He must also undergo an examination by the professors, in their-respective branches, in the presence of the Board of Curators, and present—and defend when required—a dissertation on some medical subject^ composed and written by himself.

Fees, payable in advance.—Matriculation, $3. Tickets for the whole Course, $50. Graduation, $20. Demonstrator's Ticket, $3. Anatomical Material, $5.



Alden March, M.D., Principles and Practice of Surgery.

James MeNaughton. M.D., Theory and Practice of Medicine.

James H. Armsby, M.D., Descriptive and Surgical Anatomy.

Howard Townsend, M.D., Materia Medica and Physiology.

Charles H. Porter, M.D., Chemistry and Medical Jurisprudence.

J. V. P. Quackenbush, M.D., Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children.

F. L. R. Chapin, M.D., Demonstrator of Anatomy.

The Annual Course of Lectures at this Institution commenced on the first Tuesday of September, 1861, and continues sixteen weeks. Degrees are conferred at the close of the term, and also in June.

The Museum contains all the morbid specimens accumulated during a long course of surgical practice by Professor March, and Prof. McNaughton's valuable collections, accumulated during twenty years' connexion with the College of Physicians and Surgeons of the Western District. Also the extensive and valuable collections of Prof. Armsby.

The Library numbers nearly 5,000 volumes, a portion of which is appropriated to the use of students, during the lecture term. No fee is charged for the use of books to those who have matriculated. Students are advised to furnish themselves with one good text book in each department. *

The Working Laboratory, for instruction in Practical and Pharmaceutical Chemistry, will be open during the term. The course of instruction includes the preparation of compounds used in medicine; the determination of the purity of medicines; a qualitative examination of the principal bases and acids, including a systematic course for their detection; the examination of blood, urine, &c., &c., particular attention being paid to the detection of poisons. Laboratory ticket, $10.

Practical Anatomy.—The Dissecting Rooms are open during the term, and ample opportunities are furnished for the pursuit of Practical Anatomy. The Dissecting ticket is $5. An abundant supply of material for dissection ia furnished on the most reasonable terms.

Clinical Advantages.—The Saturdays of every week are devoted to surgical operations and clinical instruction, and in this way the students have an opportunity of witnessing a great variety of medical and surgical cases. Indigent persons who require advice or surgical operations are gratuitously attended to, if they present themselves before the class on Saturday.

A large and commodious Hospital has been established nearly opposite the College, provided with a spacious Lecture Room. Dispensary, and every requisite for the study of Clinical Medicine and Surgery, to which students are admitted, free of charge. Post mortem examinations, surgical and medical cases in great number and variety, are here exhibited to the class.

Graduation.—The candidate must be twenty-one years of age, and exhibit certificates from a physician or surgeon duly authorized by law to practice his profession, that he has studied medicine and surgery under his instruction during a term of three years. He must have attended two full courses of lectures, the last of which at this Institution. He must deliver to the Registrar, six weeks before the end of the term, a thesis, written by himself, on some medical subject, and be prepared to defend it at his examination. The thesis must be written on paper of uniform size, a specimen of which may be seen by applying to the Registrar. He must pass a satisfactory examination on the several branches of medicine and surgery. The Graduation fee is $20, which must be paid to the Registrar before the candidate can be admitted to an examination.

Fees.—The Matriculation fee is $5. The fees for a full Course, $65. Perpetual ticket, $110. The fees for each of the branches are as follows:—Students who have attended two full courses of lectures at other medical institutions, will be required to pay $10, and the matriculation fee. Students who have attended two full courses of lectures at this College, will be required to pay only the matriculation fee. Graduates of this Institution have perpetual free admission. Graduates of other medical schools will be admitted by paying the matriculation fee.



Rev. Calvin Pease, D.D., President

Samuel White Thayer, Jr., M.D., Prof, of Anatomy.

Walter Carpenter, M.D., Prof, of the Theory and Practice of Medicine and Materia Medica.

David S. Conant, M.D Prof, of Surgery.

Joseph Perkins, M.D., Prof, of Obstetrics.

Edward Hungerford, A.M., Prof, of Chemistry.

R. C. Stiles, M.D., Prof, of Phys. and Pathol.

The next annual course of lectures will commence the last Thursday, being the 23d of February, and will be continued until Wednesday, June 6th.

Practical Anatomy.—An ample supply of anatomical material for dissection will be furnished students at cost. Classes will receive the personal attention of the Demonstrator of Anatomy without any additional fee.

Principles And Practice Of Medicine And Materia Medica.—It is the aim of the Professor of these branches to present a faithful view of the actual state of practical

medicine, to dwell upon the important art of physical diagnosis, and by the aid of plates, models, wet and dry preparations, convey correct notions of the morbid changes, occurring in different diseases. To consider the Modus Operandi of medicines, and discuss their mechanical, chemical, and vital modes of action, exhibit specimens of nearly ah1 the medicinal substances recognised by the United States Pharmacopoeia, and give a succinct account of their physical and chemical properties, preparation, adulteration, dose and mode of administration, and their physiological and therapeutic action.

Graduation.—There are two periods for conferring degrees; one, at the close of the annual course of lectures in June, the other at the close of the annual term of private instruction in Burlington. Candidates must have attended two full courses of lectures, one in this Institution—must have studied medicine three years with a regular physician, and have attained the age of twenty-one years. Each candidate is required to write a thesis upon some subject connected with the Science of Medicine, and deposit it with the Dean. Full and formal certificates of age, term of study, and of moral character, must be furnished.

Clinical Advantages.—On Saturday of each week a medical and surgical clinique will be held at the Medical College. Patients presenting themselves before the students at the clinique for medical and surgical treatment, are admitted free of charge. A large number of patients avail themselves of this charity annually, affording students an opportunity of witnessing a great variety of surgical operations, and the treatment of many diseases, both acute and chronic.

Fees.—At the commencement of thn session, every student is required to enter his name and place of residence, and the name and place of residence of his Preceptor, in ilit! Secretary's book, and take the Matriculation Ticket, and Dean's Certificate entitling him to the tickets of each Professor. Matriculation fee, $3; Dean's Certificate (entitling the holder 10 the Tickets of each Professor), $50 ; Graduation fee, $18. Students who have attended two full courses in other regular Medical Institutions, will be admitted upon payment of the Matriculation fee, and a fee of $10. Graduates of this and other regular Medical Schools are invited to attend the lectures free of charge.

Beneficiaries —In consideration of the liberal donations made to the Medical College by the citizens of Burlington, the Faculty of Medicine have established a Beneficiary. A limited number of students will be admitted to all the lectures and enjoy all the privileges upon the payment of from $15 to $25, according to the number of applicants. The sons of Physicians preferred. Those wishing to avail themselves of the privileges of this benefit are requested to confer with the Dean as early as possible.



Rev. Theodore D. Woolsey, D.D., LL.D., President.

Benjamin Silliman, M.D., LL.D., Prof. Emeritus of Chemistry, etc.

Eli Ives, M.D., Prof. Emeritus of Materia Medica.

Jonathan Knight, M.D., Prof, of Surgery.

Charles Hooker, M.D., Prof, of Anatomy.

Worthington Hooker, M.D., Prof, of Medicine.

Benjamin Silliman, Jr., M.D., Prof, of Chemistry.

Pliny A. Jewett, M.D., Prof of Obstetrics,

Charles A. Lindsley, M.D., Prof, of Materia Medica and Therapeutics.

The forty-eighth annual course of lectures in this Institution commenced on the 12th day of September, 1861, and continues sixteen weeks. The examination for degrees will be held immediately after the close of the lecture term. The new College building is centrally situated, being about midway between the Academical College and the State Hospital. The lecture rooms are spacious, convenient, and well ventilated. The Museum is well supplied with both natural and morbid specimens, together with a large collection of casts, models, and plates.

The anatomical museum, the cabinet of imateria medica, the cabinet of minerals, and the libraries of the medical and anatomical departments are all open to students. In connexion with the course of lectures on anatomy and physiology, instructions will be given in Microscopic Anatomy by M. C. White, M.D., A large and valuable collection of specimens, both natural and morbid, will be used in illustrating this course. A limited number of students can receive instruction in the use of the microscope if desired.

Graduation.—The requirements for graduation "are:— For graduates of College, two years' study, and the attendance on two courses of lectures in this or some other regularly organized medical college. For those who are not graduates, three years' study, and the attendance on two courses of lectures. The regular examinations are held at the close of the lecture term, and also by adjournment the day before commencement in Yale College, provided there are applications for examination. Certificates are required from some regular practitioner of medicine, that the candidate is twenty-one years of age, possesses a good moral character, and that he has pursued the study of medicine the required time. At the examination, candidates must furnish a thesis on some subject connected with medical or surgical science. The material for dissection is abundant, and furnished at a reasonable charge. A clinic  is held at the State Hospital once a week during the lecture term.

Fees.—The fees for the lectures, which are required in advance, are (1250 for each course, except that on Obstetrics, which is $6. Total, $68.50; Matriculation, $5 extra. Graduation fee, $15. Private recitations are held for such as desire them, daily. The instructors are W. Hooker, M.D., C. A. Lindsley, M.D., and L. J. Sanford, M.D. The year is divided into two terms. The first corresponds with the course of lectures in the Medical Institution. The second begins in the middle of February and extends to commencement, having a vacation of two weeks in the first part of May. Fees, for the first term, $10; fees, for the second term, $40.



Henry H. Childs, M.D., President of the Corporation, Emeritus Professor of Theory and Practice of Medicine, Professor of Obstetrics, and Diseases of Women and Children.

Timothy Childs, M.D., Prof, of Surgery.  

Henry M. Seely, M.D., Prof, of Chemistry and Toxicology.

R. Cresson Stiles, M.D., Prof, of Physiology and Pathology.

Wm. Henry Thayer, M.D., Prof, of Medicine.

William P. Seymour, M.D., Prof, of Materia Medica.

James D. Colt, Esq., Prof, of Medical Jurisprudence.

Corydon L. Ford, M.D., Prof, of Anatomy.

Robert W. Gray, Demonstrator.

The thirty-eighth lecture term commences on the first Thursday in August, and continues sixteen weeks. Instead of mingling promiscuously all the branches of Medicine, the study of the fundamental branches of medical science precedes the course of practical instruction. The student cannot neglect this order in his acquisitions without much loss of time and toil. The first two months of the term are devoted mainly to the following branches:— Chemistry and Toxicology, by Prof. Seely; Anatomy, General and Special, by Prof. Ford; Physiology and Pathology, by Prof. Stiles. • The last half the term is occupied as follows:—Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children, by Prof. H. H. Childs; Surgery, by Prof. T. Childs; Theory and Practice of Medicine, by Prof. W. H. Thayer; Materia Medica and Pharmacy, by Prof. Wm. P. Seymour; Medical Jurisprudence, by Prof. J. Colt. '• Clinical Instruction.—The numbers of patients coming from a large section of country to seek relief at the medical and surgical clinics of the College, have rendered the demand for a Hospital in connection with it imperative The clinics are continued throughout the year, and during the lecture term a portion of every Wednesday and Saturday will be devoted to Clinical Instruction. Practical instruction on Auscultation and Percussion will be given by the Professor of Theory and Practice.

The Museum.—The Museum is well supplied with anatomical preparations, enlarged models, the "Plastic Preparations" of Auzoux; a large collection of paintings and plates; surgical apparatus, preparations for the study of morbid anatomy; specimens or drugs and pharmaceutical preparations; in fine, with all the appliances for thorough medical instruction.

The Chemical Laboratory, Library, And Dissecting Rooms.—The Chemical Laboratory is well supplied with apparatus and material for public teaching and private instruction in chemical manipulation; the Library has received numerous additions of modern works; the Dissecting Rooms are well lighted and ventilated, and supplied throughout the year with anatomical material

The Winter Term.—This Term commences on the first of January and continues until the second Thursday in May, and will be occupied by recitations and familiar lectures and demonstrations.

Graduation.—Degrees are conferred at the close of the lecture term, and at other periods to correspond with the expiration of the term of study prescribed for candidates. The requisites for admission to the degree of Doctor of Medicine are: three full years of study, under a regular practitioner of medicine; attendance on two full courses of lectures in Medical Institutions regularly established, one of which courses must have been attended at this Institution ; a satisfactory examination; a thesis on some subject connected with medical seience, and a good moral character. Gentlemen who intend to present themselves as candidates for a degree, are required to procure full and formal certificates of time.

Fees.—For all the Courses of Lectures, $50; fee for those who have already attended to full courses at Regular Incorporated Medical Schools, $10; Matriculation Ticket, $3. Students who have attended two courses at this Institution, will be required to pay only the Matriculation fee. Graduation fee, $18; Library fee, $1.



Rev. Nathan Lord, D.D., President

Hon. Isaac F. Redfield LL.D., Prof, of Med. Jurisprudence.

Dixi Crosby, M.D., Prof, of Surgery, Obstetrics, Diseases of Women and Children, and Librarian.

Edward E. Phelps, M.D., LL.D., Prof, of Theory and

Practice of Physic and Pathological Anatomy.

 Albert Smith, M.D., Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics.

Oliver P. Hubbard, M.D., Prof, of Chemistry and Pharmacy.

Edmund R. Poaslee, M.I)., LL.D., Professor of Anatomy and Physiology.

Henry M. Field, M.D., Demonstrator of Anatomy.

The annual course of lectures commenced Thursday, Aug. 1st, 1861, and continues fourteen weeks.

Practical Anatomy.—Materials furnished for private dissections at cost.

Clinical Advantages.—Patients presenting themselves before the Class will be operated upon gratuitously. Ample provision has been made for the accommodation of patients after operations, at the Hospital established by Dr. Crosby, where patients »re received and treated through the year.

Graduation.—Every candidate for the degree of Doctor of Medicine shall give satisfactory evidence of good moral character, and (unless a college graduate) of a competent knowledge of the Latin Language. He shall have attended two full courses of lectures on all the branches of medical science, at some regularly authorized medical school—one of whioh courses shall have been at this Institution. He shall give satisfactory evidence that he has devoted three full years to his professional studies, under the direction of some regular practitioner—the time spent at lectures being included. He shall prep»re and present to the faculty, at least ten days before the examination, a dissertation on some medical subject, which he may be called upon to read and defend at his examination, as the faculty may direct. No person will be admitt"d to examination for a degree who intends to engage in any other than the regular practice. There are three examinations, viz.—On the Tuesday preceding the second Wednesday in May; on the Tuesday preceding the annual commencement of the college; and at the close of the medical lectures.

Fees.—Fees payable in advance. For the Course, $50; Matriculation Cpaid but (nee), $5; Graduating Expenses, ?18. No Notes will be received in payment of lecture fees, unless the sureties are personally known to some member of the faculty. Ktudents who nave attended two courses, one of them at this Institution, may attend a third gratuitously; of those who have attended two courses in any other regular Institut:on, one-third of the usual lecture fee will be required.



Austin Flint, M.D., Practical Medicine and Pathology.

Frank II. Hamilton, M.D., Surgery.

James D. Trask, M.D., Obstetrics.

R. Ogden Doremus, M D., Chemistry and Toxicology.

Joseph C. Hutchison, M.D., Surg. Anat. and Operat. Surg

John C. Dalton, M.D., Physiology and Microscopic Anat.

DeWitt C. Enos, M.D., Anatomy.

Edwin N. Chapman, M.D., Mat. Med. and Therapeutics.

J. G. Johnson, MD., Demonstrator.

Regular lectures commence about the middle of March, and continue sixteen weeks.

Clinical Instruction.—Ample opportunities for clinical observation and teaching are afforded in the hospitals and dispensaries with which Brooklyn is liberally provided. Brooklyn City Hospital, one of the finest and best appointed in the country, is open to medical men and students without charge.

Graduation.—The candidate for graduation must have studied medicine for three years under the direction of a regular practitioner, must be twenty-one years of age, of good moral character, have attended two full courses of lectures, of which one must be at this institution, and submit to the faculty a thesis in his own handwriting on some medical subject,

Fees.—Fees for the whole course, including Matriculation fee, $100; Single tickets (exclusive of Matriculation fee of $5) each, $12 50; Graduation fee, $20; Demonstrator's ticket, $5; Hospital tickets, gratuious Regular physicians will be admitted to all the lectures on payment of $5 (the amount of the Matriculation fee).




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