Medical material requisitioned by the medical staff during
the Civil War
Union Medical Staff
and Materia Chirugica (Surgery Material)
Source for
this article: "The Medical and Surgical History of the War of
the Rebellion. (1861-65.) Part III, Volume II, Chapter
XIV.--The Medical Staff and Materia Chirugica"
This article is reproduced on
this site to avoid loss of a link to the original and may have
been annotated or greatly edited for research .
Previous to the outbreak of the rebellion the regular
army numbered one thousand one hundred and seventeen (1,117)
commissioned officers and eleven thousand nine hundred and seven
(11,907) enlisted men. The Medical Department was composed of
one Surgeon General with the rank of Colonel; thirty Surgeons
with the rank of Major, and eighty-four Assistant Surgeons
holding for the first five years the rank of 1st Lieutenant, and
subsequent to that period, until promotion to Surgeon, the rank
of Captain. The officers of the Medical Department formed a
portion of the General Staff of the army; were not permanently
attached to any regiment or command, but were subject to duty
wherever their services were needed. Experience had demonstrated
this system to be the best for the necessities of an army widely
scattered over an immense area of territory, serving in commands
of less than regimental strength, while it possessed the
advantage of increasing the efficiency and value of the medical
force in a professional point of view.
At the beginning of
hostilities, in 1861, large forces of State troops, or militia,
responded to the several proclamations of the President calling
for aid in suppressing the rebellion. Each regiment was provided
with a Surgeon and an Assistant Surgeon commissioned by the
States in which the troops had been enlisted. These officers
were borne on the muster-rolls and permanently attached to the
regimental organization, being seldom detached except for urgent
the early military operations the administrative duties
pertaining to the Medical Department were performed by officers
of the regular medical staff, detailed for the purpose, or by
volunteer Surgeons appointed as Medical Directors of Divisions,
as allowed by the President's proclamation of May 3, 1861.
On the 22d of July, 1861, Congress passed an act
authorizing the President to raise a force of volunteers, not
exceeding 500,000, and prescribing the organization of this levy
into divisions of three or more brigades, and that "each brigade
shall be composed of five or more regiments, and shall have one
Brigadier General, two Aids-de-Camp, one Assistant Adjutant
General with the rank of Captain; one Surgeon,' one Assistant
Quartermaster, and one Commissary of Subsistence." The Surgeons
authorized by this act were known as Brigade Surgeons, and were
borne as such on the official army registers of September, 1861,
and January, 1862; they held the rank of Major.
The duties, prerogatives, and
responsibilities of Brigade Surgeons being somewhat vaguely
defined, the following bill was passed by Congress on July 2,
1862: "From and after the passage of this act Brigade Surgeons
shall be known and designated as Surgeons of Volunteers, and
shall be attached to the general medical staff under the
direction of the Surgeon General; and hereafter such
appointments for the medical service of the army shall be
appointed Surgeons of Volunteers."
Brigade Surgeons, or Surgeons of Volunteers as they were
henceforth called, were assimilated to those of the regular
staff, holding equal rank with the latter under commissions
conferred by the President and confirmed by the Senate. They
became eligible to all the duties and prerogatives pertaining to
the medical officers of the army, whether in the field as
Directors of Armies, Corps, or Departments, or in charge of
hospitals, etc. From time to time, by acts of Congress,
additions were made to the regular and volunteer corps, and such
changes effected as were necessarily demanded. The act of April
16, 1862, was one of the most important of these acts, wherein
the rank of Brigadier General was conferred upon the Surgeon
Provisions were also made in this act for an Assistant Surgeon
General and a Medical Inspector General, both with the rank,
pay, and emoluments of Colonel of Cavalry, and for eight Medical
Inspectors with the rank, pay, and emoluments of Lieutenant
Colonel of Cavalry, also for Medical Purveyors and Medical
The partial text
of the order:
5. And be it further enacted, That
purveyors shall be charged, under the direction of the
Surgeon General, with the selection and purchase of all
medical supplies, including new standard preparations, and
of all books, instruments, hospital stores, furniture, and
other articles required for the sick and wounded of the
army. In
all cases of emergency they may pro. vide such additional
accommodations for the sick and wounded of the army, and may
transport. such medical supplies as circumstances may render
necessary, under such regulations as may here. after be
established, and shall make prompt and immediate issues upon
all special requisitions made upon them under such
circumstances by medical officers; and the special
requisitions shall consist simply of a list of the articles
required, the qualities required, dated, and signed by the
medical officers requiring them.
Approved April 16, 1862.
the medical officers of the regular and volunteer staff, and the
medical officers of regiments, there was a class designated as
Acting Assistant Surgeons, who were private physicians,
uncommissioned, serving under contract to do duty with the
forces in the field or in general hospitals. This class was very
large and embraced in its number some of the most eminent
surgeons and physicians of the country. The Medical Cadets were
generally young men, students of medicine, who were assigned to
duty in general hospitals as dressers and assistants. The
Medical Department was still further increased by a number of
Hospital Stewards, who were enlisted as needed, and who
performed the duties of druggists, clerks, and storekeepers.
the years of the war the organization of the Regular Staff had
been increased so as to number one Surgeon General, one
Assistant Surgeon General, one Medical Inspector General,
sixteen Medical Inspectors, and one hundred and seventy Surgeons
and Assistant Surgeons; there had been appointed five hundred
and forty-seven (547) Surgeons and Assistant Surgeons of
Volunteers; there were mustered into service between April,
1861, and the close of the war, two thousand one hundred and
nine (2,109) regimental Surgeons, three thousand eight hundred
and eighty-two (3,882) regimental Assistant Surgeons. During the
same period there were employed eighty-five (85) Acting Staff
Surgeons and five thousand five hundred and thirty-two Acting
Assistant Surgeons.(1)
following record of casualties of the Regular and Volunteer
Staff during the war shows well for the honor of those who are
erroneously supposed to escape the dangers and chances of war:
"Thirty-two (32) were killed in battle, or by guerillas or
partizans, and nine (9) by accidents; eighty-three (83) were
wounded in action, of whom ten (10) died; four (4) died in rebel
prisons, seven (7) of yellow fever, three (3) of cholera, and
two hundred and seventy-one (271) of other diseases, most of
which were incidental to camp life or the result of exposure in
the field.''(2)
(1) BROWN (H.
E.), The Medical Department of the United States Army
from 1775 to 1873, Washington, Surgeon General's
Office, 1873, p. 245.
(2) BROWN (H. E.), (loc. cit.), p. 246.
Of the
amount of labor performed by the Medical Staff during the war
some idea may be obtained when it is stated that 5,825,480 cases
of wounds and disease occurred among the white troops and
629,354 cases among the colored troops.(1)
"The cost
of maintaining the Medical Department formed no small portion of
the total expenses of the war, and it is a matter of just pride
that it can be said that the medical disbursing officers
performed their duties faithfully and honestly, and that the
immense quantities of medical supplies distributed all over the
country were almost without exception properly accounted for.
The expenditures on behalf of the Medical Department to the
close of each fiscal year, on the 30th of June, from 1861 to
1866, were as follows:
1861 $194,126.77
1862 $2,371,113.19
1863 $11,594,650.35
1864 $11,025,791.33
1865 $19,328,499.23
1866 $2,837,801.37 |
Making a total of
$47,351,982.24 expended during the war (exclusive of salaries of
commissioned officers) for the benefit of the sick and wounded
soldiers of the nation."(2)
After the
organization of the forces raised for the suppression of the
rebellion was perfected, the medical service in the field was
based upon an independent hospital and ambulance establishment
for each division of three brigades. The personnel of the
division hospital consisted of a Surgeon in charge, with an
Assistant Surgeon as executive officer and a second Assistant
Surgeon as recorder, an operating staff of three Surgeons aided
by three Assistant Surgeons, and the requisite number of nurses
and attendants.
division ambulance train was commanded by a First Lieutenant of
the line, assisted by a Second Lieutenant for each brigade. The
enlisted men detailed for ambulance duty were a sergeant for
each regiment, three privates for each ambulance, and one
private for each wagon. The ambulance train consisted of from
one to three ambulances for each regiment, squadron, or battery,
a medicine wagon for each brigade, and two or more supply
wagons. The hospital and ambulance train were under the control
of the Surgeon-in-Chief of the Division. The division hospitals
were usually located just out of range of artillery fire.
Sometimes three or more division hospitals were consolidated
under the orders of a Corps Medical Director, who was assisted
by his Medical Inspector, Quartermaster, Commissary, and chief
ambulance officer.
The medical officers
not employed at field hospitals accompanied their regiments and
established temporary depots as near as practicable to the line
of battle. As soon as possible after every engagement the
wounded were transferred from the division or corps hospitals to
the base or general hospitals, which at one time numbered 205;
these were under the charge and command of the Regular or
Volunteer Staff, assisted by Acting Assistant Surgeons, Medical
Cadets, and officers of the 2d Battalion of the Veteran Reserve
following extracts of reports are presented to show the system
of the medical organization in one of the corps of the Army of
the Potomac. The reports, which give in detail the specific
duties of each class of officers, were made in accordance with
the following circular letter of Surgeon T. A. McParlin, Medical
Director of the Army of the Potomac:
(1) BROWN (H.
E.), The Medical Department of the United States Array
from 1775 to 1873, Washington, Surgeon General's
Office, 1873, p. 246.
(2) BROWN (H. E.), (loc. cit.), p. 246.
"September 28, 1864.
J. J. MILHAU, U. S. Army,
"Medical Director Fifth Army Corps.
of the Operating Surgeon: 1. The Operating Surgeon
shall select steady and reliable attendants, give them clear
and explicit instructions relative to their respective
duties, and assign to each his proper place. 2. He shall see
that all the necessary appliances be at hand required in
performing operative surgery, that the instruments are in
good order and in their proper places, and that a good and
sufficient supply of lint, bandages, ligatures, sponges,
plaster, etc., be conveniently placed and ready for use. 3.
He should take charge of all patients that in the opinion of
the Prescribing Surgeon require surgical attention, make a
minute and thorough examination of each case and determine
whether surgical aid is necessary; judge of the best manner
of benefiting the patient, taking into consideration the
relation of important organs, vessels, and nerves in
proximity to the wound, what bearing they may have in the
preservation or loss of the patient's life, and to use every
preservative means within the reach of surgical science to
save the life of the patient with as little impairment of
all his functions as possible. 4. An operation being
determined upon, he should have the patient properly placed
upon the table and should judge of the practicability of
administering anaesthetics, and if their use is found
necessary should superintend the administration. 5. The
patient being etherized, the Surgeon proceeds with the
operation that the case requires in the most expeditious and
scientific manner compatible with the nature of the ·
injury, endeavoring to preserve the usefulness of the parts
operated upon to the greatest extent--in operations on the
extremities preserving as great a length of bone as possible
and securing sufficient integument to give a liberal
covering to the stump.
Materia Chirurgica
(Surgical Materials)
At the
beginning of the war each regimental Surgeon was furnished with
suitable equipment for his regiment for field service,
consisting of medicines, stores, instruments, and dressings, in
quantities regulated by the Standard Supply Table.(1) In action
he was
(1) See
Standard Supply Table for Field Service, in Revised
Regulations for the Army of the United States, 1861, p.
Left: Fig. 425 Hospital Knapsack of Wicker-Work,
Covered With Enamelled Cloth. Right: Fig. 426
Regulation Hospital Knapsack of 1862
accompanied by a
hospital orderly, who carried a knapsack containing a limited
supply of anaesthetics, styptics, stimulants, and anodynes, and
material for primary dressings. This hospital knapsack had been
recommended for adoption by an army board in 1859; it was made
of light wood, 18 inches in height, 15 inches wide, and 7½
inches deep, but subsequently wicker-work, covered with canvas
or enamelled cloth, was substituted for the wood; its weight
when filled was 18 pounds. This knapsack (FIG. 425) was in
general use in the first year of the way and served an excellent
purpose. In 1862 it was changed for what was known as the new
regulation knapsack, in which the arrangement and character of
the supplies were modified. The new pattern was 16 inches high,
12½ inches wide, and 6 inches deep; the contents were packed in
drawers, which were more accessible than in the old style and
less liable to become disarranged or broken.(1) The weight when
packed was nearly 20 pounds. (FIG. 426). Notwithstanding its
convenience and general adaptability it was too heavy and
cumbrous to be carried by the Surgeon himself, and, when
entrusted to other hands, was liable, in the vicissitudes of
battle, to be lost. In the early part of 1863 Medical Inspector
R. H. Coolidge, U. S. A.. arranged a field case or companion(2)
(FIG. 427) to take the place of the knapsack. It was something
after the plan of the one used in the British service, and was
intended to be carried by the Surgeon himself, if necessary.
Fig 427 Surgeon's Field Companion with corked
The "companion" is a leather case 13 inches long, 6 inches wide,
and 7½ inches deep; it is supported by a strap passing over the
shoulder, and is provided with a waist strap to steady it when
(One exactly like this is on display at the Smithsonian in D.C.,
hospital medicine chest, mess-chest, and bulky hospital supplies
were transported in wagons of the supply train and were
often inaccessible when required. To obviate this
(1) The
contents of the knapsack were: One piece of white wax, 8 oz.
simple cerate, 12 oz. chloroform, 5 yds. adhesive plaster, 2
yds. isinglass plaster, 1 oz. persulphate of iron, 100
compound cathartic pills, 150 blue mass pills, 150 opium
pills, 100 opium and camphor pills, 150 quinine pills, 8 oz.
aromatic spirit of ammonia, 16 oz. brandy, 4 oz. laudanum,
10 bandages, 10 binder's boards, 4 oz. charpie, 2 medicine
glasses, 1 (spirit) lamp, 12 oz. lint, 1 box matches, 1
paper of pins, 1 spool of surgeons' silk, 4 pieces of
sponge, 4 (Dunton's) field tourniquets. 2 spiral
tourniquets, 1 piece of tape, 1 spool of lead wire, 1 spool
of silver wire, and 1 spatula.
(2) The
contents of the Surgeon's Companion were; 6½ oz. chloroform,
2 oz. fluid extract of ipecacuanha. 2 oz. fluid extract of
ginger. 2 oz. solution of persulphate of iron, 24 oz. of
whiskey, 2 oz. tincture of opium, 144 compound cathartic
pills, 144 colocynth and ipecacuanha pills, 144 sulphate of
quinine pills, 144 opium pills, 1 yard isinglass plaster, a
medicine cup, scissors, teaspoon, pins, thread, 4 oz. lint,
a towel, 2 doz. bandages, muslin, and corks.
Fig. 428 Medicine Pannier
panniers were provided containing the most necessary medicines,
dressings, and appliances; they were designed to be carried on
the backs of pack-animals, but were found to be inconveniently
heavy to be transported in this manner, and were more generally
carried in one of the ambulance wagons and filled from the
medicine chest as required. FIGS. 428, 429 represent the pannier
arranged for army use by Dr. Squibb, of Brooklyn, N. Y.; it
consists of a wooden box strongly bound with iron, 21 1/8 inches
in length, 11 5/8 inches in breadth, and 11 3/8 inches in depth;
it weighs, when filled, 88 pounds. The medicines are well packed
in japanned tin bottles and boxes, and room is left for an
adequate supply of dressing material. The pannier had two
FIG. 429 Upper Tray of Medicine Pannier.
In the
early part of the war medical supplies and instruments had been
carried in heavy army wagons. In March, 1862, a medicine wagon
was constructed by E. Hayes & Co., of Wheeling, Virginia, in
accordance with plans and instructions of Surgeon Jonathan
Letterman, U.S.A. Details of the internal arrangement of this
wagon, could not be obtained. A Board, consisting of Brigade
Surgeon William Hayes and Assistant Surgeons Hammond and Dunster,
U. S. A., on April 17, 1862, examined the wagon and reported as
follows: "The merits of this dispensary wagon are so apparent,
when compared with the old method of packing medicines and
instruments in unwieldy boxes and transporting them in the heavy
army wagons, that the Board unanimously approves of the same,
and recommend that it at once be sent into the field where it
can be practically tested. The adoption of a vehicle of this or
some similar construction for the transporting of medicines,
etc., in the field would be an actual saving in transportation
over the present plan, as a three months' regimental supply can
be carried with case in a single wagon dispensary. The advantage
accruing from the prevention of loss by wastage and breakage,
the convenience of having the whole together and unencumbered by
other baggage, and the readiness of access to medicines,
instruments, and dressings in case of an emergency, are so
palpable that it is only a matter of surprise that some such
plan has not been previously adopted."
In November,
1862, Mr. J. Dunton proposed a medicine wagon, a drawing of
which is shown in FIG. 430. It was examined by Medical
Inspectors T. F. Perley and J. M. Cuyler and Surgeons J. Simpson
and J. H. Brinton, who reported, on November 3, 1862, that it
was questionable whether it would answer the purpose for which
it was designed, as it was faulty in construction, and its
capacity insufficient to accommodate the entire hospital
(1) The upper
compartment contained 24 roller bandages, 1 yd. of isinglass
plaster, 1 paper of pins, 2 yds. bleached muslin, and 1 pair
of scissors. In the lower compartment were 6½ oz. purified
chloroform, 2 oz. fluid extract of ipecacuanha, 2 oz. fluid
extract of ginger, 2 oz. liquor of persulphate of iron, 12
doz. compound cathartic pills, 12 doz. quinine pills (3 grs.
each), 12 doz. opium pills, 12 doz. pills of compound
extract colocynth (3 grains) and ipecacuanha (½ grain), 24
oz. whiskey, 2 oz. tincture of opium, ¼ lb. patent lint, 1
medicine glass, 1 tinned iron teaspoon, 1 small piece fine
sponge, ¼ oz. silk for ligatures, 1 towel, and 6 corks.
FIG. 430 "DUNTON'S" Regimental
Medicine Wagon
supplies for a
regiment for three months." The wagon could be elongated at both
ends, or closed, as was desired, and was arranged so as to be
opened on the side.(1) As the organization of the medical staff
was perfected, the cumbrous regimental supplies were curtailed
and the brigade supplies augmented. Each brigade was provided
with a "medicine wagon," which was furnished not only with drugs
but with ample provision of stores, dressings, furniture and
appliances, an amputating table, and a limited amount of
bedding. The contents of the medicine wagon were constantly
replenished from the stores of the medical purveyors who
accompanied each army. FIGURE 431 represents the medicine wagon
of Perot.(2) While the internal fixtures and arrangements for
transporting supplies in this wagon were excellent and
convenient, the cost of furnishing it was very great, and on the
recommendation of a Medical Board consisting of Surgeons C. H.
Crane, R. O.
FIG. 431 "PEROT'S"
Medicine Wagon
(1) This
medicine wagon is erroneously designated by Professor T.
LONGMORE (A Treatise on the Transport of Sick and
Wounded Troops, London, 1869, page 386) as a United States
Sick Transport Wagon with side and end openings.
1 contained an oval keg for 6 galls, of whiskey, with a cock
on top and bottom, one to let in air, the other to draw
from. This keg is on a skid and can be drawn out and filled
at the bung. Drawer 2: Stronger ether for
anaesthesia, 32 oz.; sweet spirit of nitre, 32 oz.; solution
of ammonia, 32 oz.; turpentine, 1 qt.; castor oil, 4 qts.;
brandy, 6 qts.; olive oil, 2 qts.; purified chloroform, 32
oz.; copaiba, 32 oz.; sulphate of quinia, 10 oz.; syrup of
squill, 4 lbs. (part in Drawer 9). Drawer
3: 1 sponge-holder for throat, 12 probangs, 1 hinged tongue
depressor, 4 single trusses, 2 bottles ink, 1 bottle
mucilage, 1 U. S. Dispensatory, 1 portfolio (cap size), 2
quarto blank books, 1 order and letter book, 4 quires
writing paper, 1 register of patients, 1 Gray's Anatomy, 1
Erichsen's Surgery, 1 Packard's Minor Surgery, 1 Longmore on
Gunshot Wounds, 1 tooth-extracting case (army pattern), 1
8-oz. hard-rubber syringe, 1 self-injecting rubber syringe,
2 thumb lancets, 12 hair pencils, 2 scarificators.
Drawer 4: Closet for 3 gall. can of alcohol, and a
vacant drawer for any articles desired. Drawer 5: 1
set splints (6 forearm, 4 leg, 6 large coaptation, 4 small
coaptation), 2 papers pill boxes (turned wood), 1 pair
pliers, 1 gimlet, 1 tape measure, 8 pieces binder's board (4
x 17 inches), 8 pieces binder's board (2½ x 12 inches),
razor strop in case, 1 file, 6 glass penis syringes, 1
corkscrew, 1 set Aiken's tool pad, 8 oz twine (½ coarse), 1
bone, 1 razor. Drawer 6: 2 quires wrapping paper
(white and blue), 2 oz. ligature silk, 1 oz. linen thread
(unbleached), 2 papers pins, 4 pieces cotton tape, case
containing 25 needles, 1 spool cotton and thimble, 1 yard
gray silk for shades, 8 field tourniquets, 2 screw
tourniquets with pad, 12 cupping tins, 2 scissors (large and
small), 1 pocket case, 1 box for sundries, 100 printed
envelopes, 1 traveller's inkstand, 24 steel pens, 2
pen-holders, 6 lead-pencils No. 2, 1 stick sealing wax, 1
sheep-skin (dressed). Drawer 7, Dispensing Case:
Wedgewood mortar 2 doz. vials (6 6-oz. 12 4-oz., 3 2-oz. 3
1-oz.) 1 pill tile (6x8 inches), 8 oz. fine sponge
(small pieces), 1 tin funnel (pint), 5 yds. adhesive
plaster, 4 lbs. patent lint, pestle for mortar, 4 yds. red
flannel (all wool), 2 medicine measuring glasses, 2 yds.
gutta-percha cloth, 5 yds. isinglass plaster, 8 doz.
assorted corks, 1 glass graduated measure (4 oz.), 1 minim
measure, 10 yds. bleached muslin, 2 cotton bats, 1 sheet
cotton wadding, 1 set prescription scales and weights, 2
spatulas (3 and 6-inch), 2 glass urinals, 8 suspensory
bandages, 2 lbs. scraped or picked lint, 2¼ yds. oiled silk,
2¼ yds. oiled muslin, 16 doz. roller bandages, assorted (2
doz. 1 inch by 1 yd., 4 doz. 2 ins. by 3 yds., 4 doz. 2½
ins. by 3 yds., 2 doz. 3 ins. by 4 yds., 2 doz. 3½ ins. by 5
yds., 1 doz. 4 ins by 6 yds., 1 doz. 4 ins. by 8 yds.), 10
lbs. pressed tow, 1 doz. towels, aromatic sulphuric acid,
tannic acid, spirit of nitrous ether, stronger ether (for
anaesthesia), strong alcohol, alum, aromatic spirit of
ammonia, purified chloroform, Dover's powder, sulphate of
morphia, olive oil, castor oil, laudanum, paregoric, acetate
of lead, bicarbonate of potassa, creasote, fluid extract of
colchi-cum seed, fluid extract of aconite root, fluid
extract of ipecac, fluid extract of seneka, tincture of
chloride of iron, solution subsulphate of iron, pure
glycerin, chlorate of potassa, iodide of potassium,
bicarbonate of soda, whiskey, syrup of squill, blue mass,
citrine ointment, powdered squill, Hoffman's anodyne,
carbonate of ammonia, solution of ammonia, camphor,
collodion, copaiba, sulphate of copper, alcoholic extract of
belladonna, fluid extract cinchona (aromatic), fluid extract
ginger, mercury with chalk, oil of turpentine, croton oil,
permanganate of potassa, Fowler's solution, chlorinated
solution soda, solution chloride zinc, resin cerate, simple
cerate, powdered gum arabic, nitrate of silver (crystals),
fused nitrate silver, sulphate cinchona, citrate iron and
quinia, powdered subsulphate iron, iodide of iron, powdered
ipecac, powdered opium, pills of camphor (2 grains) and
opium (1 grain), compound cathartic pills, opium pills,
pills of sulphate of quinia (3 grains), sulphate of quinin,
powdered Rochelle salts, sulphate zinc, blistering cerate,
powdered compound extract colcoynth. Drawer 8: 8
oz. Fowler's solution, 8 oz. aromatic sulphuric acid, 8 oz.
fluid extract ipecac, 8 oz. fluid extract seneka, 8 oz.
tincture chloride of iron, 8 oz. pure glycerin, blue mass,
empty bottles, 8 lbs. sulphate magnesia, 8 lbs. flaxseed
meal, 10 lbs. farina, 12 lbs. white crushed sugar.
Drawer 9: 16 oz. Hoffman's anodyne, 16 oz. fluid
extract ginger, 16 oz. laudanum, 16 oz. paregoric, 16 oz.
chlorinated solution of soda, 16 oz. solution chloride zinc,
4 lbs. syrup of squill (part in Drawer No. 2), 8 oz.
powdered tartaric acid, 16 oz. subnitrate bismuth, 8 oz.
ground cayenne pepper, 16 oz. powdered Rochelle salt, 8 oz.
alum, 8 oz. mercury with chalk, 8 oz. powdered ipecac, 8 oz.
Dover's powder, 8 oz. acetate lead, 8 oz. bicarbonate
potassa, 8 oz. chlorate potassa, 8 oz. iodide polassium, 8
oz. bicarbonate soda, 8 oz. nutmegs, 8 oz. powdered gum
arabic, 8 oz. carbonate ammonia, 8 oz. camphor, 8 oz.
powdered opium, empty bottles, 8 lbs. castile soap. Drawer
10: 2 tin basins (small, for dressers), 3 wash-hand basins,
2 vacant boxes for sundries, 1 metal bed-pan. Drawer 11:3
lbs. simple cerate, 24 oz. sulphate cinchona, 16 oz.
mercurial ointment, 1 smoothing plane, 1 saw, 1 hatchet, 1
nutmeg grater, 4 oz. white wax, 6 lbs. ground black mustard
seed, 5 lbs. black tea, 1 box for sundries, 2 lbs. candles
(half length). Drawer 12: 2 doz. planed splints, 20 gray
blankets, 2 blanket cases (canvas), 8 gutta-percha
bed-covers, 15 bed sacks, 15 pillow cases (white), 2 leather
buckets, 1 coffee mill. The wagon also contained an
amputating table, 3 box lanterns, and 2 camp stools, and
four hand litters were attached outside.
and Charles Sutherland, U. S. A., in June, 1864, the Autenrieth
pattern(1) (FIGS. 432, 433) was furnished to the army. An
improved wagon, recommended by the Medical Department and
constructed at the Government shops, was adopted during the last
year of the war. Surgical instruments were furnished by the
Government, each medical officer making requisition for his
equipment, receipting for it, and becoming responsible for its
condition while in his possession; no transfers wore allowed,
and an annual return was required to be made to the Surgeon
General. On leaving the service it was turned in to the nearest
medical purveyor, who receipted for the same.
The instruments
intended for surgeons and assistant surgeons of the regular and
volunteer staff were comprised in three cases--one for capital
operations, containing amputating, trephining, and resecting
instruments;(1) one for general and minor operations,(2)
composed of knives, forceps, catheters, etc.; and a pocket
case.(3) For regimental surgeons and assistant surgeons the
field case(4) was issued; this contained much the same
assortment of instruments as those already mentioned, but were
somewhat more closely packed and more easily transported.
Teeth-extracting instruments and dissecting cases were also
furnished to regimental and general hospitals. Great liberality
was shown in providing special instruments and appliances, and
every effort was made to render the surgical equipment as
perfect as possible.
Case: Tannic acid, 1 oz.; aromatic sulphuric acid, 8 oz.;
powdered gum arabic, 8 oz.; stronger ether, 2 lbs.;
Hoffman's anodyne, 1 lb.; alcohol, 64 oz.; alum, 8 oz.;
solution of ammonia, 32 oz.; carbonate of ammonia, 8 oz.;
aromatic spirit of ammonia, 4 oz.; tartar emetic, 1 oz.;
nitrate of silver, 1 oz.; fused nitrate of silver, 1 oz.;
subcarbonate of bismuth, 4 oz.; camphor, 8 oz.; simple
cerate, 2 lbs.; cerate of cantharides, 8 oz.; resin cerate,
1 lb.; pure chloroform, 32 oz.; collodion, 4 oz.; copaiba,
16 oz.; creasote, 4 oz.; sulphate of copper, 2 oz.; fluid
extract of aconite root, 4 oz.; extract of belladonna, 1
oz.; fluid extract of cinchona, aromatic, 16 oz.; fluid
extract of colchicum seed, 4 oz.; compound extract of
colocynth, 8 oz.; fluid extract of ipecac, 8 oz.; fluid
extract of ginger, 8 oz.; tincture of chloride of iron, 8
oz.; citrate of iron and quinine, 2 oz.; solution of
persulphate of iron, 4 oz.; powdered subsulphate of iron, 2
oz.; glycerin, 8 oz.; calomel, 8 oz.; blue mass, 8 oz.;
mercurial ointment, 16 oz.; citrine ointment, 4 oz.; Dover's
powder, 8 oz.; flaxseed, 6 lbs.; flaxseed meal, 12 lbs.;
morphia, ¼ oz.; olive oil, 2 qts.; castor oil, 4 qts.; oil
of turpentine, 1 qt.; croton oil, 1 oz.; powdered opium, 8
oz.; tincture of opium, 16 oz.; paregoric, 16 oz.; pills of
camphor (2 gr.) and opium (1 gr.), 12 doz.; compound
cathartic pills, 16 doz.; pills of compound extract of
colocynth (3 gr.) and ipecac (½ gr.), 16 doz.; opium pills,
10 doz.; sulphate of quinine (3 gr.) pills, 12 doz.;
chlorate of potassa, 8 oz.; acetate of lead, 8 oz.;
bicarbonate of potassa, 8 oz.; permanganate of potassa, 32
oz.; iodide of potassium, 8 oz.; sulphate of quinine, 8 oz.;
soap, 8 lbs.; syrup of squill, 3 lbs.; powdered black
mustard, 9 lbs.; bicarbonate of soda, 8 oz.; solution of
chlorinate of soda, 32 oz.; Rochelle salt, 16 oz.; sweet
spirit of nitre, 2 lbs.; solution of chloride of zinc, 1
lb.; sulphate zinc, 1 oz.; sulphate cinchona, 2 oz.; arrow
root, 10 lbs.; extract of beef, 16 lbs.; brandy, 6 qts.;
farina, 10 lbs.; nutmegs, 4 oz.; sugar (white, crushed), 15
lbs.; extract of coffee; black tea, 10 lbs.: whiskey, 6 qts.;
patent lint, 6 lbs.; scraped lint, 2 lbs.; roller bandages
(assorted), 32 doz.; suspensory bandages, 8. The wagon also
contained surgical instruments, books, and stationery,
prescription furniture and utensils, bed-pans, urinals, tow,
coffee mill, rubber buckets, tin basins, wash-hand basins,
blankets, gutta percha bed-covers, lanterns, and a hatchet.
The medicines were arranged in slides; the hospital stores,
dressings, furniture, utensils, etc., were arranged in
drawers or on shelves.
Capital Operating Case contained:
2 amputating knives (one long, one medium), 2 catlings (one
long, one medium), 4 scalpels, 1 cartilage knife, 1 capital
saw (long, bow, two blades), 1 metacarpal saw, 1 chain saw,
1 Hey's saw, 1 trephine (conical), 1 trephine (small crown),
1 bone forceps (Liston's long, sharp, spring handle), 1 bone
forceps (broad edged, slightly carved, spring handle), 1
bone forceps (gnawing, spring handle), 1 bone forceps (sequestrum,
spring handle), 1 artery forceps, 1 artery needle, 1 artery
needle key, 12 surgeon's needles, 1 tourniquet screw with
pad, 1 tenaculum, 1 scissors, 1 chisel, 1 gouge, 1
mallet, 4 drills (with one handle), 2 retractors, 1
raspatory, 1 elevator, 1 brush, 12 yards suture wire (iron),
¼ oz. ligature silk. 1/8 oz. wax, 1 mahogany case (brass
bound, slide catch), 1 leather pouch.
(2) The Minor
Operating Case contained:
1 amputating knife, 3 scalpels, 2 bistouries, 1
hernia knife, 1 finger knife, 1 artery forceps, 1 ball
forceps, 1 gullet forceps, 1 dressing forceps, 1
dissection forceps, 1 artery needle, 1 artery needle
key, 12 surgeon's needles, 1 tenaculum, 2 scissors, 1 trocar
and canula. 1 Belloc's canula, 1 bullet probe, 1 director, 1
cutting pliers (small), 6 steel bougies (silvered,
double curve, Nos. 1 and 2, 3 and 4, 5 and 6, 7 and 8, 9 and
10, 11 and 12), 3 silver catheters (Nos. 3, 6, and 9), 6
gum-elastic catheters (Nos. 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11), 24
suture pins (silvered), 6 yards suture wire (iron), ¼ oz.
ligature silk, 1/8 oz. wax, 1 mahogany case (brass bound,
slide catch), 1 leather pouch.
(3) The Pocket
Case contained:
1 scalpel, 3 bistouries, 1 tenotome, 1 gum lancet, 2 thumb
lancets, 1 razor (small), 1 artery forceps, 1 dressing
forceps, 1 artery needle, 6 surgeon's needles, 1 exploring
needle, 1 tenaculum, 1 scissors, 1 director, 3
probes, 1 caustic holder, 1 silver catheter (compound), 6
yards suture wire (iron), ¼ oz. ligature silk, 1/8 oz. wax,
1 Russia leather case.
(4) The Field
Case contained:
2 amputating knives (one long, one medium), 2 catlings (one
long, one medium), 3 scalpels, 2 bistouries, 1
hernia knife, 1 finger knife, 1 capital saw (long, bow, two
blades), 1 metacarpal saw, 1 Hey's saw, 1 trephine
(conical), I bone forceps (broad edged, slightly curved,
spring handle), 1 bone forceps (sequestrum, spring
handle), 1 artery forceps, 1 ball forceps, 1 dressing
forceps, 1 dissection forceps, 1 artery needle, 1 artery
needle key, 12 surgeon's needles, I tourniquet screw with
pad, 1 tenaculum, 2 scissors, 2 retractors, 1 trocar and
canula, 1 raspatory, 1 elevator, 1 brush, 1 bullet probe, 1
director, 6 steel bougies, silvered, double curve (Nos. 1
and 2, 3 and 4, 5 and 6, 7 and 8, 9 and 10, 11 and 12), 3
silver catheters (Nos. 3, 6, and 9), 6 gum-elastic catheters
(Nos. 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11), 12 yards suture wire (iron), ¼ oz.
ligature silk, ½ oz. wax, 1 mahogany case (brass bound,
slide catch), 1 leather pinch; pocket case the same as
allowed to staff surgeons.