Jesse P. Judkins, M. D. (born, Ohio., June 1, 1815; died, Cincinnati, Ohio, Dec. 6, 1867. A prominent anatomist and physician of Cincinnati), Demonstrator of Anatomy.


Death of Prof. Jesse P. Judkins, M. D

Died, in Cincinnati, December 6, 1867, after a lingering illness, Jesse  P. Judkins, M. D., Professor of Special Pathology, in the Miami Medical College of Cincinnati. He had been gradually failing for several months, so that his death did not take his friends so much by surprise, yet the shock was all the same, and few men have had so largo a circlo of deeply sincere mourners. His disease was softening of the brain.


Jesse Parker Judkins was born in the village of Mt. Pleasant, Jefferson County, Ohio, in 1815, of a Quaker family, whose names have been identified with medicine for nearly a century, and at a very early age developed a taste for mechanies, which, with a hereditary bias for the art of healing, shaped his course and directed his study toward surgery, which he finally became master of and famous in. He commenced his college education at Cannonsburg, Ohio, and finished at Steubenville, Ohio, but paid little attention to the honors of his collegiate course, contenting himself rather with acquiring a mastery of engineering and white smithing during the lapses of scholastic duty, which merely literary abitious youths expend in polishing for commencement day. At an early age he took a deep interest in medicine and surges, and, with the example of his father constantly before his eyes, soon aequired a degree of knowledge in the profession and art which enabled him to enter upon their study at the Ohio Medical College, in 183l5, under the most flattering auspices.


He graduated in 1838, and received his degree as Doctor of Medicine. In the following year he received the high honor of an appointment as Demonstrator of Anatomy in that time-honored institution with which so many men of eminence have been identified. No circumstance in the life of the young physician could be cited which can more clearly demonstrate at once his ability and his merit than this, for it must be borne in mind that his professional elevation was in a place and at a time when such burning and shining lights as Drake, Locke, R. D. Mussey, Staughton, Shotwell and Cobb were professors and teachers.


With a modesty which excited the admiration of his seniorsi and won the confidence of his peers, Dr. Judkins gradually took his place in the front rank of his profession, both as a practitioner and teacher, and for many years after his first distinction he pursued a life of unremitting industry and the highest usefulness. In a word, he practiced medicine in conjunction with his duties as Demonstrator of Anatomy and became famous.


Dr. Judkins projected and delivered several private courses of lectures on anatomy in this city, and was successful in drawing to his poreh a class of young men, a majority of whom have since attained distinction in medicine. His treatment of students was such as won their confidence, esteem and affection. His lecture always attracted the crowd, and, whilo the knowledge it contained was imparted, there accompanied it an amount of humanity that enlisted the heart and refreshed the mind. To that branch of his profession he now devoted the greater part of his time and attention, and made such advancement that, as an anatomist, ho was regarded as second to none. He was called to the Starling Medical College of Columbus, as Professor of Anatomy, in the session of 1847-8, and continued there until the elose of the session of 1851-2, when he accepted the Professorship of Descriptive Surgery, in the Miami Medical College of this city, at that time located in the building on the north-west corner of Central Avenue and Fifth Street. In that college he continued and labored up to the time of his death, having had his department changed to that of Special Pathology, and leaves a record which his professional associates can point to with pride and satisfaction.


In the pursuit of his culture in the higher branches of the surgical art, Dr. Judkins visited Europe early in 1853, and remained abroad over a year, during which time he visited all the famous hospitals of the Continent, and, upon his return, adopted, as a specialty, one of the most important branches of medical and surgical practice. Although possessing rare qualifications for surgery, there was something in it not altogether congenial to Dr. Judkins, and he gradually abandoned it for such branches as the art of healing entered more fully into, until the latter years of his highly useful professional life, when he abandoned mere operative surgery.


Dr. Judkins was a bachelor, and, as such, the center of a large circle of friends, whose companionship he enjoyed to the last. Among his professional brethren he was much esteemed and beloved, and by a greatness of heart and loyalty in friendship grappled them to him with hooks of steel. He was, in the highest sense, a gentleman, and stood forth a noble representative of that chivalric manhood which no time, place, or circumstance can conceal or cause to be forgotten. His look inspired confidence, and his word was the highest assurance of the most devoted and faithful performance. Dignified, yet modest, in his deportment, Dr. Judkins inspired the respect of every one with whom he came in contact, and his natural kindness of heart confirmed all his manner promised. He really endeared himself to thousands of his fellow-citizens, and his loss to them, even in a social respect, will bo irreparable.


Up to the autumn of 1803, Dr. Judkins displayed remarkable energy and led a very active life, but at that time an accident, by which one of his feet was injured, laid him up for a few weeks and somewhat impaired his health. In the January of 1864, his elder brother, Dr. Robert P. Judkins, died in Highland County, Ohio, and that event preyed uyon his mind so heavily that all his intimates remarked the change. He was deeply attached to his deceased brother, and never ceased to grieve for his loss. Indeed, the bereavement affected his health, and his naturally robust constitution began to give way, until, during the past summer, he was obliged to seek rest and recuperation by a few months' residence in Mackinaw, without, however, any permanent benefit to his failing health. A few weeks ago he was prostrated, and during what proved to be his final illness, bore his affliction with examplary patience and fortitude, and calmly sank to rest.


His funeral was attended by the Faculty and students, in a body, of both the Miami Medical College and the Medical College of Ohio; the funeral services being conducted by the Rev. Mr. Snively, of Christ Chureh.

At a meeting of the profession of this city, Dr. Vattier presiding, Drs. Murphy, Vattier, Tate, Richardson and Dawson were appointed a committee, who reported the following:


Dr. Judkins was successful as a general practitioner and a surgeon. In tho special department to which he gave so much study, and in which he was so strong, he may well be called the Ricord of the West.  As an anatomist and a demonstrator he had few superiors. Therefore, be it Rrsolved, That we bow to the decree of an allwise Providence, who has removed from us our friend and brother, Dr. Jesse P. Judkins.




THE charter or the act of the Legislature of Ohio by which Ohio College of Dental Surgery came into legal existence was passed January 24, 1845, and constituted Drs. B. P. Aydelott, Robert Buchanan, Israel M. Dodge, William Johnson, J. P. Cornell, and Calvin Fletcher, of Cincinnati; Dr. G. P. Hampstead, of Portsmouth ; and Dr. Samuel Martin, of Xenia, and their successors, a board of trustees, with power to establish a college of dental surgerv in the city of Cincinnati.

In the spring of 1845 the trustees met and organized by appointing B. P. Aydelott, M. D., D. D., president, and Israel M. Dodge, M. D., secretary. They then completed the organization of the Ohio College of Dental Surgerv by the creation of the following departments : Dental anatomy and physiology, Jesse M. Cook, M. D., D. D. S., professor; dental pathology and therapeutics, M. Rogers, M. D., D. D. S., was elected professor; practical dentistry and pharmacy, James Tavlor, M. D., D. D. S., professor; demonstrator of anatomy, Jesse P. Judkins, M. D.; Professor Taylor discharged the duties of demonstrator of practical anatomy.



The first meeting of the faculty of the Miami Medical College, of Cincinnati, was held at the office of
Jno. F. White, M. D., on Fourth Street, Cincinnati, O.,
July 22, 1852. Members present : R. D. Mussey, M. D. ; C. L. Avery, M. D. ; Jno. F. White, M. D. ; John Davis, M. D.;
Jesse P. Judkins, M. D.; George Mendenhall, M. D. ; C. G. Comegys, M. D. ; Jno. A. Murphy, M. D. John Locke, Jr., M. D., was a member, but not present.

The faculty was organized by the appointment of Jesse P. Judkins, M. D., as dean.

Such is the concise introduction to the history of Miami Medical College, on its records. The faculty was composed of the following: R. D. Mussey, M. D., professor of descriptive and operative surgerv, J. P. Judkins, M. D., professor of surgical anatomy and surgical pathology ; Chas. L. Avery, M. D., adjunct professor of anatomy ; John F. White, M. D., professsor of theory and practice of medicine ; George Mendenhall, M. D.. professor of obstetrics and diseases of women and children ; John A. Murphy, M. D., professor of materia medica, therapeutics, and medical jurisprudence ; C. G. Comegys, M. D., professor of institutes of medicine; John Locke, Jr., professor of chemistry.




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