American Civil War Medicine & Surgical Antiques

Surgical Set collections from 1860 to 1865 - Civilian and Military

Civil War:  Medicine, Surgeon Education & Medical Textbooks


The Collections and Museum of Medical Antiques

by Collector:   Douglas Arbittier, MD, MBA


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DeLaskie Miller, M.D.

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Name: DeLaskie Miller
Death date: Jul 9, 1903
Place of death: Chicago, IL
Birth date: May 29, 1818
Place of birth: New York, NY
Type of practice: Allopath
Places and dates of practices: Lockport, NY
Medical school(s): Geneva Medical College, Geneva: Syracuse University College of Medicine, 1842, (G)
Journal of the American Medical Association Citation: 41:195

Obstetrics.—DeLaskie Miller, M.D., Ph. D , Professor of Obstetrics, Rush Medical College, Chicago, 111.

MILLER, DE LASKIE, Chicago, 111., was born in Niagara со., N. Y., Mny 29th, i8iS. He is the son of Daniel and H.-linda (| »cob-) Miller. His early life was passed on his father's farm, his elementary education being obtained at the village school during winter time. At eighteen years of age he began to teach school, and having chosen the profession of medicine he at the same time entered upon its study under the guidance of Dr. Thomas G. Catlin, of Brooklyn.

He graduated at Geneva med. coll. in 1842, and commenced practice in Lockport, Ill. Remaining there, however, for a short time only, he removed to Flint, Mich. Here he practiced for several years, and identified himself thoroughly with all questions of public improvement and educational development. From Flint he removed, in 1852, to Chicago.

In 1859 he was called to fill the chair of obstetrics and diseases of women and children in the Rush medical college, a position he has continued to fill ever since.

In 1863 he undertook a journey to Europe for the express purpose of procuring material for illustrating his lectures. He is also connected with St. Luke's hosp. as obstetrician, and is consulting phys. of the women's hosp. of the State of Illinois. He makes a specialty of gynecology and obstetrics. He is a member of the III. Slate med. soc. lie was married, in l840, to Adaline O'Harrow, of New York State, who died in l86l.






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