Paine, M.D.
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Dr. Martyn Paine, the son, graduated at
Harvard College in 1813. After studying medicine with Dr. John Warren,
of Boston, father of Dr. John C. Warren, he commenced practice in
Montreal and removed thence to New York City, where he acquired
distinction. He was prominent in establishing the University Medical
College, and was a celebrated writer upon medical subjects.
He was active in effecting the
repeal of the law which made it a penal offence to dissect a human body.
From 1838-1841, he was professor in the University of the City of New
York of the theory and practice of medicine; and from 1841 to 1850,
professor in the University Medical College of the Institutes of
Medicine and Materia Medica, and subsequently of Materia Medica and
Therapeutics. He received the degree of M.D. from Harvard College in
1816, and of LL.D. from the University of Vermont in 1854. He was a
member of many medical and scientific societies in Europe and America.
He published "Medical and Physiological Commentaries," three volumes,
1840-4; "Materia Medica and Therapeutics," 1842; "The Institutes of
Medicine," 1847; "The Soul and Instinct Distinguished from Materialism,"
1848; a memoir of his son, Robert Troup Paine 1852; and an elaborate
essay on "Theoretical Geology," 1856.