American Civil War Medicine & Surgical Antiques

Surgical Set collections from 1860 to 1865 - Civilian and Military

Civil War:  Medicine, Surgeon Education & Medical Textbooks


The Collections and Museum of Medical Antiques

by Collector:   Douglas Arbittier, MD, MBA


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Xenophon C. Scott, M.D. 

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Xenophon C. Scott, M. D. Many of the qualities and achievements which underlie real fame in the profession of medicine and surgery were part of the record of the late Doctor Scott, who was a resident of Cleveland nearly half a century and died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. C. F. Rieley in that city September 10, 1909. He was widely known as a surgeon, and was probably one of the foremost oculists in the entire country. At one time he served as president of the Mississippi Valley Medical Society, and for twenty years was a member of the American Medical Association, and for nine years a member of its judicial council, the body to which are referred all ethical questions that arise in the medical profession. He was an honored member also of the Ohio State Medical Society and the various other medical organizations and was on the visiting staff of nearly all the Cleveland hospitals. In 1887 he represented Ohio at the International Congress of Physicians and Surgeons in Washington.

Doctor Scott was born at Haysville, Ohio, December 4, 1841. He grew up as an Ohio boy and was in his freshman year at Vermillion College in his native town when the Civil war broke out.

In the spring of 1861 he enlisted in the three months' service and at the close of his term of enlistment resumed his studies in Jefferson College, but only for one session. He then re-enlisted, and at the second enlistment was in the quartermaster's department. During the arduous campaigning before Pittsburg his health failed and he was obliged to resign.

So far as possible he kept up his studies while in the army, and had a good foundation on which to begin his preparation for a medical career. He studied medicine with Dr. John Weaver, and on coming to Cleveland began study and practice with his uncle, Dr. D. H. Scott.

He also attended lectures at the Medical School in Cleveland and finished his studies with the leading honors of his class in 1867. About that time he accepted an appointment in the Brooklyn City Hospital, hut was soon appointed to a larger hospital in New York City. While there he began specializing on surgery and diseases of the eye, throat and ear. He availed himself of special courses in these branches at the New York College of Physicians and Surgeons, and then in 1869 went abroad and sought the superlative advantages of the schools and the eminent personalities of Heidelberg, where among his teachers were the renowned Professors Helmholtz, Otto, Becker and Moss. When the Franco-Prussian wa^r broke out Doctor Scott was put in sole charge of a military hospital, and was the only foreign surgeon thus honored by the German authorities. At the close of the war and during 1871 he continued special study in acoustics at Berlin. On his return to New York City he acted as resident surgeon in a private hospital, but within a year returned to Cleveland, where he accepted a chair as lecturer on diseases of the eye, throat and ear at the Cleveland Medical College. For ten years his class rooms were crowded in that institution, and for six years he was also in the medical department of Wooster University. He finally gave up all responsibilities in connection with the educational side of his profession and resumed private practice, which he continued with uninterrupted success and achievement until September, 1905, when he was stricken with paralysis, and spent his last years as an invalid. Widely known for his individual skill in surgery, he was constantly sought out by other physicians and surgeons in all parts of America for advice and consultation.

In 1878 Doctor Scott married Miss Edith Leslie Cole of Elyria, Ohio. She died in 1889 and three years later he married May F. Allen of Cleveland, who is now the wife of Harry Coulby of Cleveland. Doctor Scott had three children, two by his first marriage and one by his second wife. The older two are Mrs. Charles F. Rieley of Cleveland and Xenophen C., Jr., who is connected with the sporting department of the Cleveland Plain Dealer. The third child is K. A. Scott of Cleveland.






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