Horatio C. Wood, M.D.



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Name: Horatio C. Wood
Death date: Jan 3, 1920
Place of death: Philadelphia, PA
Birth date: Jan 13, 1841
Place of birth: Philadelphia, PA

Type of practice: Allopath
Practice specialities:N Neurology
States and years of licenses:PA, 1881
Places and dates of practices:Philadelphia, PA, Aug 6, 1913
Medical school(s): University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia, 1862, (G)
Other education: Westtown Boarding Sch
Professorship: University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia, botany, therapeutics, neurology
Journal of the American Medical Association Citation: 74:120

WOOD, HORATIO C., Philadelphia, was born in Philadelphia, Jan. I3th, 1841. His professional education was received in the Univ. of Pa., whence he was graduated with an M. D. in 1862.

After serving in various civil and military hospitals. he established himself in Philadelphia in 1865, making specialties of therapeutics and nervous diseases. He is a member of the Philadelphia со. med. soc. ; of the coll. of phys. ; of Iheacad. of the natural sciences, of which he was formerly recording secretary ; of the New York lyceum of natural history; of the American Philosophy, Soc.; Am. med. Asso., etc. From 1866 to 1876 he was professor, of botany in the auxiliary med. faculty of the univ. of Pa., and since the latter date has been prof, of mat. med. and therap. in the med. dep't proper. He was also the clinical prof, of diseases of the nervous system. Of his numerous professional publications may he mentioned : " On the Influence of Section of the Cervical Pneumo-Gastricsupon the Action of Emetics and Cathartics," American Journal of Medical Scicnce,4o\. lx., p. 75 ; "Acetic Ether as an Anaesthetic," iita'.,vo\.\x.,j>. 137; "Physiological Action of Atropia," ibid., vol. Ixi., p. 128, and vol. !xv., p. 333 ; " Experimental Researches on the Physiological Action of Nitrite of Amy!" (Warren prize essay) ibid., vol. Ixii., p. 39; "The Vaso-Motor Ac- lion of Ergot," Philadelphia Medical Jimes, May, 1874 ; " On the Oxytocic Action of Quinine," ibid.; "An Investigation into the Action of Veratrum Viride," ibid., and reprinted in pamphlet ; "A Study of the Nature and Mechanism of Fever" (Toner lecture), Smithsonian mis. coll., 1875; "Thermic Fever, or Sunstroke" (Boylston prize essay), I vol., I2mo., pp. 128, J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1872; "A Study of Convulsants," Philadelphia Medical Times; "Case of Leucinosis, or Yellow Atrophy of the Liver," American yotirnal of Medical Science, vol. lui., p. 418; "On Acute Dropsy, Scarlatinal and Idio- pathic," ibid., vol. Ixii., p. 75 ; " Therapeutic Value of Nitrite of Amyl," ibid., vol. Ixii., p. 359 ; " On the Relations of Leucocythoemia and Pseudo-leukœmia," ii>id.,vo\. Ixii., p. 373 ; "A Treatise on Therapeutics," I vol. I2mo., J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1875 (second edition, 1876), also edited U. S. Dispensatory, and Materia Medica. Since 1873 he has edited the Philadelphia Medical Times, and beside his work upon that journal and the work involved upon the composition, and in the experimental research necessary as a preliminary to the composition of the above-mentioned articles, he has for a number of years been a zealous investigator, and constant and voluminous writer in the domain of natural history.

There are multiple citations in the Medical and Surgical History for H. C. Wood, M.D.




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