American Civil War Medicine & Surgical Antiques

Surgical Set collections from 1860 to 1865 - Civilian and Military

Civil War:  Medicine, Surgeon Education & Medical Textbooks


The Collections and Museum of Medical Antiques

by Collector:   Douglas Arbittier, MD, MBA


Early General Medical             Civil War Medical


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 1800's & Civil War Surgery Set Displays 

Medical College Index - Lecture Cards 

Civil War Medical Book Author-Title Index






Joel Williston Wright, M.D.



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 College of Physicians and Surg., N.Y. 1866; Surgeon in Northern Disp., N.Y., 1868-71;  Demo. of Anat., 1872-73, and Lecturer on Minor Surg., 1873 to 1875, in Woman's College of N.Y. Infirmary.  Lecture on Minor Surg. etc, 1875-76.  Prof. of obt. 1876 to 1879, Prof. of surg. 1879 in Med. Dept. Univ. City of N. Y.

From Bellevue Hospital:

1881 Wright, Joel Williston, 1888.

M. D., Columb., 1866; Prof. Obstet., Univ. City N. Y., 1876-79; Prof. Surg., 1879-89.






Topical Index for General Medical Antiques


Civil War Medicine & Surgical Antiques Index


Alphabetical Index for American Civil War Surgical Antiques


Early General Medical         Civil War Medical


Arbittier Museum of Medical History Tour: 

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