American Civil War Medicine & Surgical Antiques

Surgical Set collections from 1860 to 1865 - Civilian and Military

Civil War:  Medicine, Surgeon Education & Medical Textbooks


The Collections and Museum of Medical Antiques

by Collector:   Douglas Arbittier, MD, MBA


Early General Medical             Civil War Medical


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Medical College Index - Lecture Cards 

Civil War Medical Book Author-Title Index





Dartmouth Medical College, 1879

N. H. Medical Institution, Medical Department of Dartmouth College, Hanover, N. H.

Medical Faculty and Students

Faculty for 1879

Edward E. Phelps, Pathology

Oliver P. Hubbard, Chemistry and Pharmacy

Carlton P. Frost, Medicine

Edward S. Dunsteer, Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Henry m. Field, Material medica

Phineas S. Conner, Surgey

Lyman B. How, Anatomy and Physiology

John Ordronaux, Medical Jurisprudence

Jesse P. Bancroft, Mental Diseases

Louis Elsberg, Laryngology and Throat Diseases

W.W. Seely, Ophthalmology


Above: Lectures, Admissions, Rules and Regulations, Fees


Above right: list of required medical textbooks


Graduates for 1879


New Hampshire Medical Institution, Dartmouth College, 1861

Medical Student David French, (Jr.)


E. R. Peaslee, M. D.       Matriculation

Dartmouth College, 1820,  1821, 1861

Medical Student David French, (Sr.) the father

Medical Student David French, (Jr.) the son


Usher Parsons, M. D.           R. D. Mussey, M. D.






Topical Index for General Medical Antiques


Civil War Medicine & Surgical Antiques Index


Alphabetical Index for American Civil War Surgical Antiques


Early General Medical         Civil War Medical


Arbittier Museum of Medical History Tour: 

  1  |  2  |  3

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