Jacob Teufel ran a small
instrument company which produced dental and surgical instruments in Philadelphia, Pa. during (1856-1900). His address was listed as being at 103 S. 8th during the
Civil War (1860 to 1882).
dates are from the Directory of Makers and Dealers as listed by Edmonson in American
Surgical Instruments: an Illustrated History:
Jacob J.Teufel; Jacob J.
Teufel & Bro., 1857-1900
Jacob J. Teufel
1857: 37 S. 8th
1858-59: 39 S. 8th
1860-82: 103 S. 8th
surgical instruments (in association with George W. Teufel after
During the Civil War Teufel was one of several
Philadelphia makers awarded contracts to supply the Union troops with
standardized surgical sets. This particular set is not Civil War
issue. It displays the straight plated blade on the large knives which
indicates a later style. The keyed lock is center mounted and the
cartouche is
inscribed for the owner.