A complete c. 1830's trepanning set by Wiegand and Snowden of
Philadelphia, Pa. Wiegand and Snowden were partners from 1824 to
1855, located at 49 N. 7th and 49 N. 5th.
Wiegand & Snowden, John
Wiegand and Thomas Snowden; partnership dissolved 21 May 1855; firm continued by
Thomas Snowden) surgeons' instrument makers "est. 1821"
1824-25: 49 N. 7th
1828-55: 15 N. 5th
The dark red velvet lined mahogany case with
inlayed brass handle measures 6.25 x 9.5 x 1 3/4 inches.
The trephine cutting heads
are cylindrical with vertical 'escapes' for the bone debris, similar to those
vertical slots seen in some capital saws from the 1850's.
Note the
Hey saw is blued, which is unusual. Also, note the rather basic, yet
functional design, and fit of the handle.
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