Secondly, there are
U. S. Army Medical Department sets, which were
used by Army surgeons before, during, and after the Civil War.
With Medical Dept. marked sets you have to figure out when the set was
made via the maker address or style of the case and instruments, but the
vast majority of these sets were purchased immediately before or during
the first year of the War. The Medical Department engraved sets may have just been a
matter of the small group of doctors in the pre-war Medical Department
ordering military surgical sets out of a different military budget than the
budget created to run the whole War effort and assigned to the Hospital
Department bureaucracy.
At the start of the Civil War the
number of surgical sets would have been limited as there was not the
need which occurred with the start of the War. In 1861, the
Army Medical Department consisted of only one surgeon-general (colonel),
thirty surgeons (major), and eighty-three assistants (lieutenant).
Three of these surgeons and twenty-one assistants resigned "to go
South," and three assistants were dismissed for disloyalty. In
August, 1861, ten additional surgeons and twenty assistants were
authorized, and a corps of medical cadets was formed, not to exceed
fifty in number, to be employed under the direction of medical officers
as dressers in hospital. (Refer to: 'The
Department' By Major Charles Smart, Surgeon U. S. A. for further
Assuming the Medical
Department owned enough surgical sets for each surgeon, they may have
only had 100 'U.S.A Medical Department purchased surgical sets in the whole Army
when the War started. We know the Army ordered something over 4,900
sets during the War, and some of those sets were unused and sold for
surplus at the the end of the War.
Richard Satterlee, in his role as
Medical Purveyor of the United States Army, placed contracts with
numerous instrument makers for the fabrication of cased instrument sets
and related military surgical equipment. During his tenure,
Satterlee requisitioned over 4,900
amputation and general operating cases, 1,150 cases of trephining,
exsecting, post-mortem, and "personal" instruments, 12,700 minor
surgery, and pocket operating sets.
(Rutkow, p. 120, Civil War, American Surgery, an Illustrated History)
A 1865 receipt from the Medical Surplus Office for surgical
instruments and books sold at the end of the war to an assistant
See: Identify
Civil War era sets.
Also, there are several resources on this site to help you identify the
earliest sets used during the War via the
1861 Army Supply Table.
State Volunteer Militia
special-ordered surgical sets:
A third and minor source of 'government', but
not 'Federal', military sets are those purchased by the state volunteer
militias. These sets are
a minor source of military 'style' sets
purchased by various state voluntary militias
existing prior to and during the Civil War. The state groups,
which were later mustered into the Regular Army, could have ordered
military-style sets for their own use prior to or even during the War.
instrument makers made sets for the state militia groups before the War
or during the first year before the Med. or Hosp. Dept. purveyors
ordered the 4,900 sets for the Federal Army.
This would account for the small number of
military sets we see from regional makers like Rees, Brinkerhoff,
Goulding, Otto, Shurtleff, etc. These regional makers could have
provided military-style sets for their local militia volunteers, but
were never under contract to supply the main-stream sets ordered and
used by the
Union Army during the War due to their inability to supply the large
numbers or quality of instruments from major manufacturing centers like
New York and Philadelphia.
Remember, the vast
majority of instrument makers in 1861, other than someone like Tiemann, were not geared for large
scale production, but rather crafted individual hand-made instruments
which were custom ordered by the surgeon or put-up in cases for sale as
a design by 'doctor so-and-so'. Other 'makers' imported instruments
from England and France to assemble sets as requested by a given doctor
or retail outlet such as a pharmacy or apothecary dealer.
is possible any
given military group could have contracted with any given instrument maker
to provide a set of instruments for their group with military latches and
military dedicated instruments. The markings or lack there-of on the
brass plates or instruments would be the telling point. Only the
official Union ordered sets would be engraved and marked as U.S.A. Hosp. Dept or Medical Dept. All others would be
either unmarked or otherwise marked depending on the owner. This may account for some un-marked
or inconsistently marked brass plates on military 'style' sets during or prior to the War years.
Before the War started,
there were state militias and each militia had 'medical' staff of some sort.
Unfortunately the state militias did not necessarily qualify their medical
officers and some if not many were simply medical wannabes: druggists,
preceptors, and individuals who 'attended' a medical lecture or two.
Yes, some were qualified surgeons as the literature proves, but there were
qualifying boards which vetted these individuals before they were allowed to
be designated as military surgeons in the Union Army and most likely by the
Confederate medical staff. The boards who
qualified these doctors as surgeons were often staffed by teaching faculty
at leading medical colleges. Among the famous surgeons and faculty who
performed this vetting service were:
Alexander Mott,
M.D. and
Janvier Woodward, M.D.
See a discussion of the
Volunteer Militia,
by Major Charles Smart, Surgeon U. S. A.
There are surgical sets,
military and civilian issue (as previously discussed), which were provided to and/or owned by surgeons
who were part of State Volunteer Regiments or some division, and who may have
brought their own surgical sets when they were mustered into the Regular
Army. As mentioned above, these sets would not be marked for the U.S.A. Hospital
Department because the sets were provided to or owned by a state militia or
surgeon and not by the Federal Government. Of course it would be
difficult to prove unequivocally if a given set belonged to the surgeon
unless engraved or heavily documented. This is a very difficult area
to prove or disprove. But there are two or three sets in this
collection in this category. See a
Tiemann military set, which belonged to
Norman Smith, M.D. with the
6th. Mass. Volunteers.
Ownership of sets:

If there is any question in your mind
about the Army regulations regarding surgeons returning government issued
military surgical sets to
the Army when they left the service, please read the adjacent two pages from
William Grace's:
The Army Surgeon's
Manual. The Manual covers this topic in detail as specified by the
Surgeon-General...bottom-line: the surgeon had to sign-out for the
instruments and kits, and they were expected to return same after their service. The surgeons were
held personally responsible for the return of the surgical sets to the
government. There is nothing in the regulations or history to suggest a surgeon was allowed to
retain his 'personal' set, nor would they have been allowed to engrave their
name on a government-owned set if they were serving in the Union Army.
Here again is the
1861 Army
Supply Table with this point spelled out early in the War, as well as
what instruments were specified during the first year of the War. We
do see military sets, usually with the brass name place removed, that were
sold after the War to the public and it is possible a given surgeon bought a
set after the War, but it is impossible to determine if it was the same set
he used during the War. As much as we would all like to romanticize
that ownership, it cannot be proven beyond doubt for government supplied
CSA sets:
Unmarked sets purchased
and used by the Confederate forces are very difficult to prove to have been
used during the War unless there is believable documentation or evidence
associated with the owner and a chain of ownership. Again, the set
itself must be verified and dated as being made pre-War or made during the
War. Confederate sets may be of American, English or French origin.
As previously mentioned, most CSA surgeon's were trained in the north and
they would most likely have purchased sets at the time and place of their training and
most likely those sets would have been American-made, but not necessarily.
Another source of sets would have been English sets brought back from an
English medical college where many surgeons of the time went for training.
Otherwise, it is at most 'difficult' to say any given set is Confederate
owned or used. The Confederate sources were often pre-War American or
European sets in existence before the War or European sets obtained from
blockade runners during the War.
From time to time Civil
War items are shown to us marked 'CSA' and are out-and-out fakes.
Confederate sets are the most difficult to prove to have been used during
the War because they were not issued by the CSA Medical Department or
labeled as such. Even if a given set has been in a family for
many years, unless there are original hand-written documents or
period engraving
showing ownership on the
top of the set cartouche, proof is extremely difficult because there were
no 'official' surgery sets made specifically for Confederate surgeons to my knowledge.
With all the surplus military sets floating around immediately after the
War, it would not be unusual for a doctor to purchase one for his use and if
marked for the U.S. Army, to remove or obliterate the marking on the set.
Early sets:
When you see a
early (1820-1855) amputation set, no bullet forceps, no trepanning
instruments, just a tourniquet, a couple of knives, and a saw, think
twice about that set having been used during the War. War-time surgery
was not just basically whacking off an arm or leg. Basic amputation
sets are grossly deficient for even a 'simple' amputation. Those early
small amputation sets were for 'heroic' intervention, not delicate surgery
by a trained surgeon during the War years. Yes, the small
military amputation sets existed,
but in most cases they were a part of a larger complement of instruments or
reserved for minor surgery.
The more you read about the procedures which were reported in the six
volumes of the
and Surgical History of the War, the more you will understand just how
special the military surgeons were and how much they knew. To get a
good feel for the extensive procedures taught even in the mid 1850's, see the
drawings from Dr. Henry Smith's 'A
System of Operative Surgery', a copy of which is in this collection.
Post-War and gift surplus
military sets
Many Civil War era
doctors purchased or received
'testimony gift" surplus military sets after the War, so those sets could be in the family of
the surgeon and passed on to this day. In this case, it takes
knowledge to determine when the given set was made and thus determine when
or if it was ever used during the War. I have seen more than a few War-years
production sets that have had the cartouche (brass name plate) removed, turned over, or the
engraving buffed off. The theory, as mentioned above, is a surgeon bought the set and
didn't want the marking on it for the Union Army.
Non-government and
contract doctor sets:
As previously discussed, there
would definitely have been European and English sets used by both southern and northern
doctors who served in the early days of the War as 'contract' or state volunteer
militia surgeons after
local battles. Surgeons in leading medical schools and hospitals also
treated soldiers in the first and following years of the conflict.
Many of these teaching or practicing surgeon would have had their own
extensive surgical sets. The
Union army and certainly the Confederate part-time contract surgeons may have (and
the emphasis is on 'May Have") brought their existing sets or pocket kits
with them to a given battle.
Medical supplies were in
short supply in the first years of the War. The source of these sets
would have been both European, English, and American in origin. The
challenge is proving they were actually owned by the doctor and the set
existed before or during the War. This is extremely difficult, but not
always impossible.
Again, accurately dating a surgical set is essential to matching up the
dates the set existed and when the surgeon could have owned it. If a
set was not made until after the War, obviously it could not have been used
during the War. If a particular set was not made until after the War and
was purportedly owned by a Civil War surgeon/doctor there is no way the set
can be labeled as 'Civil War'. See additional
information on contract
Contract doctors:
Regarding 'contract'
surgeons, there is an excellent reference by Dr. Bollet, Civil War Medicine:
Challenges and Triumphs, a
well documented book where he makes the point that (after some initial
confusion about doctor abilities by the Army Medical Department) contract surgeons to the
Union Army were relegated to working in the rear area hospitals changing
dressings and attending to the general health of patients, not doing
complicated amputations or field surgery. The qualified surgeons
were admitted to the regular Union and Confederate Armies or were part of
the Army volunteer militia and were reviewed for their
competence, or lack there of, and eliminated from doing surgery if they did
not pass muster. In general, the Union Army's less experienced
surgeons were assistant surgeons, not full surgeons. In state
militias, politics could have intervened and allowed an inexperienced or
improperly trained surgeon to practice.
My point here is once again that 'contract' part-time
surgeons were not in the field or rear hospitals using some little pocket surgery kit
or minor amputation set to amputate limbs or resect fragments from bullet
fractured bones. It just didn't happen often if at all after the War
was underway during the first year. The real 'surgeons' for the Union
were the regular Army Medical staff or certified volunteer militia surgeons
who were supplied by the Army, with Army
owned and purchased surgical sets, not the sets found in some closet one
hundred plus years after the fact. There is ample evidence the 'working' surgeons in the CSA were
also well-trained doctors who chose to
fight on the side of their birth and produced results similar to those of the
Union surgeons. I make this statement based on my
research of the history of the various doctors in the
part of this collection.
No matter how much some
dealers, collectors, or families would like to romance the idea their set
was used during the War, be suspicious and ask lots of questions. I am
belaboring this point because every military collector wants to own a 'real'
Civil War set and there are dealers and auction houses who are more than
willing to fulfill the desire to own a piece of this history.
Unfortunately 'real authentic' provable Civil War sets are extremely rare and the odds
of you finding one 'cheap' at a gun or Civil War show are slim to none! Of course
there are fake or put-together sets and you can find these sets on-line
being displayed as 'authentic' Civil War sets, but close expert inspection
will show they are 'mistakes' and the owners were unknowingly 'taken'.
This is especially true with 'engraved' cartouches. Buyer beware,
especially those who have more money than research time to spend!
Great stories and
Someone telling you 'my great grand daddy was a
surgeon in the Civil War and this was his set' is a story I've heard way too
many times. If you have one, and want to sell it, then be prepared to prove it with
provenance such as: letters, a government
Form 18, photos, or direct proof in the
Roster of Regimental Surgeons
or citation in the
Medical and Surgical History of the Rebellion, that your great grand daddy really was an
active surgeon
and really did own 'that particular' set DURING or BEFORE the War. Such a set in the hands of
most dealers is reason to demand and get total proof of the provenance as
well as a written guarantee of ability to return the set if it isn't as
described. The other problem is proving the dates during which a given
set existed from that maker. Do not let some dealer bully you into
believing what he says is gospel because you most likely don't know enough to even ask
the right questions. The price of a real Civil War set is divided between
the set itself and the extent of the provenance. Simply saying the set
belonged to so-and-so is not adequate. Show me the provenance, or
else we are just talking about the value of the set, which may be
considerable depending on the configuration, markings, and complexity.
Civil War medical
forget: "Wide
acceptance of an idea is not proof of its validity"
Some Civil War 'experts' have been selling 'Civil War' information
and sets for many years. Their reputations were built on sometimes incorrect
or limited information available to only a select few with access to
information shared among dealers and other experts who prowl Civil War or
Gun Shows. Every piece of information was colored by their desire to prove
what may have been a self-serving opinion in the past. When one sells
themselves as 'the expert' you have to ask yourself if there is some
motivation to take a given position? Do they have 'artifacts' for sale? What are they selling? Did they buy into an
idea in the past and have not changed that position over the years?
Experts must continuously improve and expand their knowledge otherwise they
are just fooling themselves and their collector customers.
Documentation and thinking is constantly
improving with the
discovery of new information or with access to previously unseen documents
unearthed by internet sources such as Google
Digital Books. There is a vast amount of digitized historical data now available on-line
that was not even accessible a year ago, much less twenty years ago. Civil
War knowledge
has expanded immensely over the past five years and many of the older
'experts' have not kept up, being self-satisfied with long-held opinions or
beliefs, and not knowing for sure if
they are right or wrong. (Note: this problem is not just about Civil
War applies to ALL high-priced antiques, no matter what the
Some of the worst offenders are the very
people who wrote 'the book' on their subject in the past and now refuse to
're-write or update' anything they believed in the past, which was based on
inaccurate information. One particular set of medical antiques books
comes to mind, which have had the same set of mistakes reprinted over and
over and the author(s) know it, but to correct the mistakes would somehow
diminish their authority I guess. At least with web-based media and
websites like this one,
corrections can be made instantaneously, cross referenced, and updated as new information
is found. If in doubt, look it up on the internet or read a digitally
stored document. Don't take my word for it.
Documented ownership and 'gift' sets:
If you are fortunate
enough to find a U. S. Army Medical Department or U. S. Army Hospital
Department set, do not make the mistake of saying a given set 'belonged' to
a given surgeon, unless you have hard evidence (provenance) to prove otherwise. The
Federal government-issued surgical sets were not given to
a specific surgeon and as mentioned above, the Federal government sets were formally recalled at the end of the War by
published special orders.
Yes, some of those sets were sold after the War, but they will not have the
name of the surgeon maker-engraved (and certainly not machine impressed,
lasered, or stuck with individual
block letters!) in the cartouche or brass plate on the top of
the set unless that set was purchased by the surgeon or someone bought one
and had it engraved after-the-fact as a gift.
If you find a government issued
military set with the name of a doctor engraved in the cartouche, you need
to ask yourself if it is either faked or created after the War when the
government released or sold the set. That said, some troops bought
civilian issued sets as presentation gifts to respected surgeons.
These sets come up from time to time and should be approached for purchase
with great caution as it would be too easy to fake such a 'gift' set. Get an
expert opinion before you buy one and research the heck out of the
provenance for any mistakes.
Example of a military set of a famous surgeon that is well documented.
of a documented
set owned by a famous Union surgeon.
Example of
a civilian set owned by a Civil War Navy surgeon during the Civil War.
(Note: When the War was 'over' for a
given doctor or surgeon would depend on when he left the military.
These doctors were not conscripts and could leave or return as they saw fit.
Many stayed until the end of the War in 1865, but many left to return to
their communities or other duties at any point during the War.) The
point of the 'end of the War' statement is to illustrate that a 'gift'
surgery set could have been presented after the surgeon left the military,
not necessarily after 1865 when the War officially ended. So a set
with engraved dates that are during the War may be correct.
The other major problem is with surgical sets that 'belonged' to a
documented Civil War surgeon. There can be extensive provenance about
the owner (surgeon), but the set will be post-Civil War issue and simply
'owned by' or 'presented to' the Civil War doctor after the War. (I
see this kind of material all the time.) In that case, the
surgical set is not 'Civil War', but merely was owned after the War, or
after the surgeon left the military, by a
Civil War doctor, assuming some enterprising dealer didn't have it engraved.
It could be a set just 'associated' with the doctor. Even with
engraved names, you can't believe all you see. (Check out the
following story about engraved brass cartouches or plaques.) With the kind of
money real Civil War sets bring, you can't believe everything you see or
hear. Prove it or convince me why I should believe what you say.
Pieced together sets:
Another 'gotcha' problem
is during the War, makers like Hernstein and Tiemann of New York and Gemrig
of Philadelphia were so busy
producing for the Union War effort, apparently their production for the
civilian trade was reduced. After the War or during the last years of
the War, they started piecing together wood cases and instruments from
before and during the War to sell to the civilian trade. For that
reason, we see sets that contain War-time saws and bullet forceps, labels
from during the War, but cases made before the War. From a 'dating'
standpoint, sometimes it's a nightmare to figure out who did what and when,
but experience is the great teacher and having seen hundreds of sets teaches
one what to look for and what to reject as being 'Civil War' issue.
sets specified by the U.S. Army Medical Department during the Civil War
Instruments sets specified the first year of the War in the Army Supply
Table, 1861
Identification of leather pocket surgical kits/sets/cases used during the
Civil War
Outright fraud:
To prove the point about
being careful what you believe and buy, I'll relate a story of one particular 'surgeons' set. Five or six years
ago, a woman contacted me via this web site about a surgical set in her family.
The set supposedly
belonged to a relative who was apparently in the Civil War and was a doctor.
Documentation was not readily available when I talked to the owner, but she
thought it existed. I saw photos of the set and determined the set was
indeed American-made, but was civilian issue and unfortunately post-1870, so
it could not have been used during the Civil War. I never heard back
from the seller.
Now fast forward
six years to a gun show in my hometown in 2007. I stopped to talk to a Civil War
dealer from the town of the woman I had spoken to earlier and in the discussion
I find out he had bought the set in question I had evaluated. He
proceeds to tell me they subsequently found all the documentation for the
relative and 'proved' the man was indeed a Civil War surgeon. Based on
this knowledge, the dealer tells me how he removed the blank brass plaque on
top of the set and had it engraved for $100 by someone in Texas, and then
replaced it on the set top. He said he did this because he was
satisfied this set belonged to the Civil War surgeon and rightfully should
have the owner's name on
it!!!!! Only problem was... he still didn't know the set was
missing a number of the correct instruments and was made by Hernstein in c.1870's. Is that scary or what?
(The same dealer contacted me in 2008 to protest this story having been
posted on this site! (Me thinks 'he' duth protest too much!)
There is no end to what some people will do to scam the public.
As previously mentioned,
other examples of outright fraud can be found, but faked mechanically
'engraved' cartouches on the set tops is testimony to someone being
unknowingly 'taken' by an enterprising forger. Early period engraving by-hand has a
distinct 'look', patina, and upon examination with a microscope it is easy to determine what is
fake and what is not. Block lettering mechanically impressed or burned
into brass or leather is not consistent with mid 1800's hand-engraving used
by Civil War makers. If you have any doubt about what can be done see
this web site on engraving and stamping.
Engraving on the brass cartouche of Civil War surgical sets
Was he really a 'doctor'?
Another issue is proving
a Civil War doctor really was a 'doctor'. You can access the American
Medical Association records for some (less than 50%) deceased physicians and
find their name in some cases, but certainly not always. There were also 'doctors' who attended 'less than
acceptable' medical school lectures before the War and may never have been
officially certified 'graduated' before, during, or after the War.
Some 'attended' lectures at a reputable medical college, but did not
graduate. These individuals could
easily obtain some type of amputation surgical set and call themselves a
'surgeon'. There was little enforcement to stop these individuals from
committing the ultimate fraud on the public, but during the Civil War boards
were formed to interview these individuals and remove them if they were
found to be deficient. This is why
identification and creating a chain of provenance for both the set and
doctor is essential and takes a lot of research.
Many students
attended some medical school lectures at a young age, but few actually graduated. Check out
the number of students registered for the current year 1850-1851 at
Medical College, verses how many actually graduated in previous years.
Many just attended, but very few made it through or were simply taking
'refresher' courses. Many of the famous medical colleges also served
as 'refresher' courses for existing practicing doctors. Again, these
non-degree-seeking students would fill the school's rolls, but only
those few who completed the courses are listed as graduates. The
reason for qualifying boards in the early months of the War was to weed out
the 'wantabes' and 'charletons' to provide real, trained surgeons to the
Identification of a Civil War military set sold post-1870's
Buying eBay, European, or
English sets:
One of the big problems
with buying any European set is dating the set to a specific time frame
because there is very little information available about specific European and in most
cases English sets, with which you can accurately date the sets to five or ten year
time frames. There are a couple of books on European and English
topics (Bennion, Kickup), but nothing to match
Edmonson's work on American
instruments, makers, or
sets. I guess one could buy a European military set made immediately
before the War and romance about it being used in the War. European
sets are much more extensive than American sets prior to the Civil War and
the French sets are most impressive in particular, many of these well-made
and techincally advanced sets were imported to the United States before the
Civil War begain, but were most likely found in larger cities among
well-trained physician/surgeons practicing or teaching in leading medical
colleges or hospitals such as Bellevue Hospital in New York.
If you are a real
gambler, go play the game on eBay. Roll the dice and make a bid on a
'True Civil War' set offered almost nightly. Typically they are listed
by the seller as "Civil War Era" to be safe. Documented Civil War sets
are extremely rare. Finding one on eBay or at any auction is going to be pure
speculation on your part unless you possess a great deal of knowledge, but
they do surface from time to time, so do your homework first if you spot one.
Dealer problems:
Be very, very
careful of certain dealers who actively sell misrepresented sets to
unsuspecting new collectors and especially doctors of any ilk. There
is a well-known high-dollar antiques dealer in New Orleans who sold a number
of surgical sets purported to be 'Civil War', at very inflated prices, over
the years to
doctors who were attending professional courses or meetings in New Orleans.
In 2008, one of those doctors ended up in a divorce and was forced by the wife's
attorney to sell his
collection. At auction, the doctor found out, much to his
and his ex-wife's dismay, most of the sets he bought from the unscrupulous
dealer were either fakes, over-valued, or mis-represented and he took a major financial beating. It happens
all the time and I could relate multiple examples, including one story about
a faked leech jar, which was returned to the New Orleans dealer for a $10,000 refund after discovery
of its faked origins. Know what you are buying. Get third party advice
and read. (If you are a medical collector and might get a
divorce...well, this isn't the place to discuss that problem, but you would
not believe the stories I have heard in the past few years.)
Collector knowledge:
The big advantage I have,
as a researcher/collector, is I have seen many, many hundreds of surgical
sets from the 1800's and I know how to differentiate between certain years of production
from a given maker. Knowledge and knowing what questions to ask is your only defense in the antiques
and collecting business. Having an extensive library is a big help as
well as having friends with whom you can consult. There are 1800's
examples of surgical sets from this collection in the
display area to use
as comparisons.
Sometimes it is helpful to
attend Civil War or gun shows and get to know as many collectors as
possible and ask a lot of questions. Read every single page in Edmonson's book on
the History of
American Surgical Instruments
and know it cold before you buy. Read everything on this
web site too, because I've already invented the wheel and when you think you
know enough to jump in, then go right ahead and spend to your hearts content.
(The reason for this article and this web site is to prevent anyone who
wants to collect medical antiques from making heart stopping mistakes like I
did at one time.
Medical or surgical sets, and especially Civil War medical material, is every expensive when real 'authentic' and certifiable.)
Final words:
Again, keep in mind, some,
not all,
dealers hype their sets as being "Civil War" because those sets bring a
premium. Some are not above generating provenance to prove a fake. The same follows for dealers who 'plant' instruments in sets to
fill them out. You have to know what is correct and what is not or you
are going to end up with a set which is less valuable than what you paid for, or a
sore point in your collection.
You are not likely to get a serious Civil War set unless you
study and get out
there to associate with other Civil War and especially medical collectors with deep
knowledge. If you go to just any internet sales site, auction, or local antique shop, and
think you are going to get an honest representation on a 'real' Civil War set... well, there's
that bridge in Brooklyn for you too.
Identification of Civil War Military surgical sets: USA Hosp. and Medical
A fake, put-together, Civil War set on eBay