The De Gregoris
Image collection
The original source
of this collection of Civil War CDV's is Civil War surgeon, Charles
Henry Alden, Brigadier General, Medical Corps, U.S. Army
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collection of CDV's has NOT been fully researched yet and there ARE
errors and omissions. Any help in supplying information or sources on the
individuals would be greatly appreciated.
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AD 3a
Surgeon William Potter Grier, U.S.A.
Pa, Pa
Surg 30
July 1862; killed 8 Jan 1866 explosion of steamer on the
Not in Roster;
or AMA
AD 3b
Havilah Mowry
Conn, Conn
Asst Surgeon 28 May 1861; resd 5 Mav 1865; died 30 May 1874
History--Part I, Volume I
XX. Extracts from Observations on the Battle of Wilson's
Creek. By Assistant Surgeon H. M. SPRAGUE, U. S. Army.
John A. Lasell, Co. C, 60th New York Volunteers, aged 24
years, received, at the battle of Gettysburg, July, 1863, a
gunshot wound of the eye and head. He was conveyed to the
field hospital, where he remained until July 10th, when he
was transferred to New York, entering McDougall Hospital on
the 12th. He died August 23d, 1864. Assistant Surgeon H. M.
Sprague, U. S. A., reports the case.
extensive and detailed citations by Sprague in M & S
History, but he's not listed in the Roster, Heitman, or the AMA.
AD 3c
William Scott Tremaine
Prince Edward Island, N.Y.,
Asst. Surg. 24th
Mass. Inf. Aug. 1863; Hon. mustered out April 1864; Surg. 31 US c. May
1864; resd Sept. 1864; Asst. Surg. U.S.V. 1, Sept. 1864; Hon.
mustered out 1866; Maj. Surg. June 1882, retired 1891, died 1889
Roster: Mass. 24th Infantry, Asst.
Surgeon, Care A.G., U.S.A., promoted to surgeon, U.S.C.T. April
AMA data:
Name: William Scott Tremaine
Death date: Jan 9, 1898
Place of death: Buffalo, NY
Type of practice: Allopath
AD 3d
William Monroe Notson
Pa., Pa.,
Asst. Surg. April 1862, Maj. Surg.
1876; Brev. Capt. 1863 for gallantry and meritorious service at
Gettysburg; died 1882
Not in Roster;
AMA data:
Name: William Notson
Death date: Dec 9, 1893 (?)
Place of death: Philadelphia, PA
Birth date: 1806
Type of practice: Allopath
Practice specialities:ID Infectious Diseases
States and years of licenses:PA, 1881
Places and dates of practices:Philadelphia, PA
Medical school(s): Jefferson Medical College of Thomas Jefferson
University, Philadelphia, 1846, (G) |
AD 3e
Levi H. Holden
R.I., R.I.,
Asst. Surg. June 1840; Maj. Surg. April 1860; retired Oct.
1868; died 1874.
Not in Roster or AMA
AD 3f
George Suckley
N.Y., N.Y.,
Asst. Surg. Dec. 1853; resd Oct.
1856; Surg. U.S.V 3 Aug. 1861; bvt. Lt. Col. and Col. Vols., Aug. 1865;
died 1869
Not in Roster or AMA
AD 3g
Richard Henry Coolidge
N.Y., N.Y.,
Asst. Surg. Aug. 1841; Major Surg.
June 1860, Lt. Col. Medical Inspector, June 1862 to Oct. 1865.; died
Jan. 1866.
Not in Roster or AMA
Richard H. Coolidge, military surgeon, was born in 1816 in New
York City. He was appointed assistant surgeon in the United
States army from New York state in 1841. In 1860 he was promoted
surgeon. He was made medical inspector of the northern
department and of the department of Pennsylvania in 1865; and
subsequently promoted to brevet lieutenant-colonel for faithful
and meritorious services during the civil war. He was medical
director of the department of North Carolina at the time of his
death. He died Jan. 23, 1866, in Raleigh, N.C.
AD 3h
Basil Norris
Md., Md.,
Asst. Surg. Oct. 1852; Maj. Surg.
April 1862; Lt. Col. Surg. Dec. 1882; Col. Surg. 1888; retired March
1892; Died Nov. 1895
Not in Roster;
AMA data:
Name: Basil Norris
Death date: Nov 11, 1895
Place of death: San Francisco, CA
Type of practice: Allopath
Journal of the American Medical Association Citation: 25:873, 26:287
AD 3i
Surgeon, Samuel Miller Horton, U.S.A.
Pa, Pa
Asst Surg 26 Aug 1861; Maj surg 26 1876; Lt Col
Dep Surg General 4 Dec 1893; capt and maj 13 Mar 1865 for fai and ser
dur the war; retd 6 June 1894
Not in Roster;
AMA data:
Name: Samuel M. Horton
Death date: Nov 1918
Place of death: Albany, NY
Birth date: 1838
Type of practice: Allopath
Practice specialities:GS General Surgery
Places and dates of practices: US Army, 1894, Boston, MA, Jun 26, 1911,
Jan 31, 1913, Sep 20, 1913, Albany, NY, Sep 20, 1915, May 20, 1917
Medical school(s): Jefferson Medical College of Thomas Jefferson
University, Philadelphia, 1861, (G) |
AD 3j
William James Hamilton White,
D.C., D.C.
Asst. Surg. March 1850; Maj. Surgeon
April 1862; Killed Sept. 17, 1862 at Antietam, Maryland.
Not in Roster
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