Lt. Moses S. Herrick

Dr. Norman Smith's amputation patient April 1861


Dr. Norman Smith did indeed perform one of, if not 'the' first amputations of the Civil War in the Rotunda of the Capital due to a ankle bullet wound caused by a rifle which fell over when improperly stacked.  This is the name and information regarding that patient:

Documentation of the amputation performed by Norman Smith, M.D. in Washington, D.C. after the Baltimore Riot

Norman Smith Biography

Documentation regarding the uniform worn by Dr. Smith in the document photos

Additional information on Dr. Norman Smith in his uniform

Return to the display of the Norman Smith surgical set

Documentation regarding the uniform worn by Dr. Smith in the photos

6th Mass. Vol. Militia and the Pratt Street (Baltimore) Riot




THE Sixth Regiment of Militia became by the force of circumstances the most famous organization called to the defense of the national government. The first, it is believed, to offer its services in case of their need, and prompt in response when the call came, it was the first to shed its blood and give of its lives, and it was the first command armed and equipped for active service to reach the national capital when that city was cut off from communication with the loyal nation and surrounded by enemies of the government.


At a meeting of its officers at Lowell January 21, 1801, a resolution waa unanimously adopted tendering the services of the command to the governor if they should be needed, and on the lf>rh of April following the demand came. The members of the Sixth were scattered in four counties, yet such was the energy displayed that most of them were at head-quarters at Lowell early the following morning, and the others were but a few hours behind. During the 16th the eight companies constituting the original regiment went to Boston by rail; they were enthusiastically received and escorted to Faneuil and Boylston Halls where they remained that night. Going to the State House next day they exchanged their old style muskets for the rifled and were presented with a stand of colors by Governor Andrew. Companies from Worcester, Stone- ham and Boston were attached to the command, the organization and the roster of officers being as follows:—

Colonel, Edward F. Jones of Pepperell; major, Benjamin F. Wat- sou of Lawrence; surgeon, Norman Smith of Groton; assistant surgeon, Jansen T. 1'aine of Charlestown; chaplain, Charles Babbidge of Pepperell; adjutant, Alpha B. Farr of Lowell; quartermaster, James Monroe of Cambridge; paymaster, Rnfus L. Plaisted of Lowell; sergeant major, Samuel W. Shattuck of Groton; quartermaster sergeant, Church Howe of Worcester; commissary sergeant, John Dupee of Boston; drum major, Frederick K. Stafford of Lowell; hospital steward, from May 7, William H. Gray of Acton.


The regiment, accompanied by a band, left Boston for Washington by rail direct, going by way of New York and Philadelphia, the streets being everywhere packed with enthusiastic, cheering multitudes. At the latter city the officers were quartered at the Continental Hotel and the men at the new and unoccupied Girard House, on the evening of the 18th ; but before quiet had fairly settled over the scene the long roll sounded and at 1 o'clock on the morning of the 19th the journey was resumed. Colonel Jones had information that the passage of his command through Baltimore would be opposed, and he pushed forward at once, the train bearing the regiment being preceded by a pilot engine to guard against interference with the track by evil disposed persons.


Baltimore was reached at 10 o'clock on the 19th, the regiment having been furnished with 20 rounds of ball cartridge and having loaded and capped their pieces. It was intended to march the regiment across the city between the depots, but the method of handling the cars was not understood by Colonel Jones, and as soon as the train stopped horses were attached and the cars started for the Washington depot. Seven companies passed without serious incident, only the rearmost—K—being seriously assaulted. Four of its men were wounded and their comrades fired from the car windows upon the mob. By this time the track was obstructed and torn Tip so that the cars containing the remaining four companies— C, I, L and B—could not be moved. The detachment debarked from the cars and under command of Captain Follansbee marched across the city, being for much of the distance compelled to light its way through an infuriated mob of many thousands.


Company E, Beverly—Captain, Francis E. Porter; first lieutenant, John W. Raymond; second lieutenant, Eleazer Giles; third lieutenant, Albert Wallis; fourth lieutenant, Moses S. Herrick.


Four of the soldiers were killed in the melee—Addison 0. Whitney, Luther C. Ladd and Charles A. Taylor of Company D), and Sumner H. Needham of Company I—and 35 were wounded. Captain Dike was shot through the thigh and took shelter in a Baltimore hotel; Lieutenants Lynde and Rowe were also wounded. Shutting themselves closely into the cars the regiment were finally drawn from the depot and reached Washington that evening without further adventure, but minus the band, which had been set upon by the mob and dispersed, losing instruments, music and extra clothing. Under police protection the musicians finally took the cars back to Massachusetts. Some unarmed Pennsylvania troops, following the Sixth, also turned back without attempting to pass through the city.


At Washington the regiment received a most cordial greeting from the friends of the national government. It was quartered in the Senate chamber, where officers and men slept on their arms, in readiness for any duty to which they might be called. The command was mustered into the United States service on the 22d, and during the early part of May some changes occurred in the roster of officers; Major Watson was made lieutenant colonel. Captain Sawtell of Company A becoming major. Several changes also occurred in the company officers, though the organization was not changed to the United States standard. In drilling, building ovens, making preparations for a siege in case one should ensue, with an occasional parade through the streets, to show to the spies and secession sympathizers in the city that the government was no longer defenseless, the time was passed till the 5th of May.



 Edits by Larry DeCan,  2010, regarding the 'First Soldier Killed in Civil War at Baltimore Riot:

"Taylor is buried in Lowell, MA". I don't think this is the case.  In the first article the NY Times claims Taylor's body was found in Baltimore, but note that they relied on a board on the grave to make that statement. The grave was not excavated. 

The next article, two days later from Lowell says Taylor's body was not found. Then, finally, Col. Jones in 1912 in the third article some two years later, says that the search for Taylor's body was unsuccessful. If anybody would have known the facts, it would have been Col. Jones. Further, there would have been a news explosion (never happened) in Massachusetts, if Taylor's body were ever returned.

 I have other newspaper articles that tell of Col. Jones and some GAR people excavating the gravesite with the board. The grave was found to be empty. The board could have been a hoax. Taylor's body could have been used as a medical cadaver. No one will ever know what really happened.

 Taylor's body remains somewhere in Maryland. There is a plaque on the reverse of the Ladd & Whitney monument in Lowell remembering Taylor as the first to die. It was placed there through the efforts of Col. Jones in 1909.



Lt. Moses S. Herrick:

 Residence: Beverly, Massachusetts

 Enlistment Date: 30 April 1861

 Distinguished Service: DISTINGUISHED SERVICE

 Side Served: Union

 State Served: Massachusetts

 Unit Numbers: 987 987

 Service Record: Shot by accident on 26 April 1861 and foot amputated (by Surgeon Norman Smith)

 Enlisted as a Lieutenant 4th Class on 30 April 1861 at the age of 29

 Enlisted in Company E, 8th Infantry Regiment Massachusetts on 30 April 1861

 Discharged Company E, 8th Infantry Regiment Massachusetts on 19 May 1861

As sited in the Medical & Surgical History:  Documents the date of the amputation and the patients.  If the War began on April 12, 1861 at Fort Sumter, this operation took place on April 26, 1861 after the Riot at Baltimore and possibly one of, if not the first surgical amputation of the Civil War.

"283 Herrick, M. S., Lieut., E, 8th Massachusetts. April 26, 26, '61. Surgeon. N. Smith, 6th Mass. Disch'd May 21, 1861."

8th Regiment History


The 8th Regt. Mass. Vol. Mil., "Minute Men," was called to Boston by Special Order No. 14, issued on the afternoon of April 15, 1861, by the Adjutant General of Massachusetts.  Having only eight companies, one company was added from the 7th Regt., a Salem unit, and one from Pittsfield, taken from the 1st Battalion of Infantry. Leaving the State April 18, it proceeded to Annapolis, Md., on its way to the national capital. At Annapolis two companies were placed on the frigate CONSTITUTION, guarding her until she was safely removed to the harbor of New York. Another company was detached to do guard duty at Fort McHenry near Baltimore, Md.

The remainder of the regiment, after repairing the road-bed from Annapolis to Annapolis Junction and restoring the rolling stock of the railroad, proceeded to Washington, arriving April 26. Not until April 30 were the men mustered into the service of the United States.

On May 11 the regiment was ordered into camp at the Relay House, Md. Here Col. Munroe resigned on
account of age and ill health, and was succeeded by Col. Edward W. Hinks, an officer destined to attain high rank before the war was done. On July 2d the entire regiment was ordered to Baltimore, Md., the left wing arriving in the morning and the right wing in the evening of the following day.

On July 29 it was ordered to Boston, Mass., and here on August 1, 1861, it was mustered out of the service.

The information above researched and graciously provided by Eleanor Gavazzi, Groton, Mass.

A history of Massachusetts in the Civil War‎ - Page 178


Resolved, " That we tender to the far-famed Seventh Regiment of New York our heartfelt thanks for their many kindnesses to our Eighth Massachusetts Regiment, and especially for their liberality towards our wounded fellow-citizen. Lieutenant Moses S. Herrick."


Resolved, " That our warmest sympathies be tendered to Lieutenant Herrick, in his misfortunes, and that we pledge ourselves to him, and to all his associates in our Beverly company, and our other Beverly soldiers, and to their respective families, to render unto their necessities all the material aid and comfort that we can legitimately bestow."

In the resolve, chapter seventy-two, in favor of Moses S. Herrick, for injuries received in military service, the sum of three hundred dollars.

Documentation of the amputation performed by Norman Smith, M.D. in Washington, D.C. after the Baltimore Riot

Moses S Herrick Dr. Norman Smith's amputation patient 1861

Norman Smith Biography

Documentation regarding the uniform worn by Dr. Smith in the document photos

Norman Smith's Colt Dragoon pistol

Additional information on Dr. Norman Smith in his uniform

Return to the display of the Norman Smith surgical set

Documentation regarding the uniform worn by Dr. Smith in the photos

6th Mass. Vol. Militia and the Pratt Street (Baltimore) Riot at the start of the Civil War



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